Save the Sexlinger Orchard demonstration set for Saturday, August 13
There will be another "Save Our Orchard" demonstration this Saturday, August 13th, 2011 from 10am - 2pm. Also, the activists who are fighting to stop development at the site of…
There will be another "Save Our Orchard" demonstration this Saturday, August 13th, 2011 from 10am - 2pm. Also, the activists who are fighting to stop development at the site of…
TONY RACKAUCKAS, ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: August 11, 2011 Susan Kang Schroeder, Office: 714-347-8408, Cell: 714-292-2718 Chief of Staff Farrah Emami, Spokesperson, Office: 714-347-8405,…
Santa Ana Park Naturalist Program Presents: Friday Night Fires At Santiago Park Nature Reserve Presenting: Movie Night, Movie: TBD Gather around the campfire for a FREE Summer night family event. Optional Supplies:…
The chisme has it that Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly is going to run for the 69th Assembly District, a seat currently held by Assemblyman Jose Solorio, who if memory…
Pictured: The Board of the Santa Ana Soccer and Business Association, with Miguel Pulido and Vince Sarmiento The Voice of OC is reporting that we were right - the Chivas…
The impounding of cars driven by immigrants, by the Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD), is on the agenda for the Santa Ana City Council's Public Safety Committee meeting scheduled for…
TONY RACKAUCKAS, ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: August 9, 2011 Susan Kang Schroeder, Office: 714-347-8408, Cell: 714-292-2718 Chief of Staff Farrah Emami, Spokesperson, Office: 714-347-8405,…
Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez made an interesting announcement this morning on her Facebook page, "Good Morning! I wanted to share some great news with all of you. In the…
Join Brian Maddock from Back to Natives this Saturday, August 13, from 1-4PM, to learn about creating an edible landscape using Native Plants and other non-invasive foodplants that compliment Natives. Participants…
Former Santa Ana City Manager Dave Ream was not a fan of the Orange Juice blog I have taken a lot of heat over the past couple of years because…
The historic Yost Theater finally reopened for business last night, an hour late, to a large crowd that patiently lined up outside while getting their I.D. bracelets. I stopped by…
SANTA ANA, Calif., August 1, 2011—Lyon Air Museum, a premier Southern California showcase for vintage military aircraft and automobiles, will host members of the Southern California Datsun Roadster Owners Club…
The East End promenade featured a musical celebration last night that succeeded in attracting those who were hanging out at the Santa Ana Artists Village Art Walk. You can see…
Fullerton P.D. victim Kelly Thomas will be remembered with an altar at the Art Walk on Saturday Santa Ana's Art Walk is going to go in a few new directions…
Santa Ana Police Department SANTA ANA POLICE SEEK THE HELP OF MEDIA AND COMMUNITY TO APPREHEND SHOOTER IN MURDER THAT OCCURRED 7-22-2011 Santa Ana Police Gang Homicide Detectives are seeking…