Armando de la Libertad to become new executive director of the Delhi Center
Armando de la Libertad ran for the State Assembly in 2006, in the Democratic primary. Although he did not win, he went on to make a big impact in our…
All aboard the Santa Ana Lunch Express Trolley!
Free rides are being offered on the Lunch Express Trolley Bus in Santa Ana on Thursdays and Fridays from 11:00am to 2:00pm, with trolleys running every twenty minutes. The Trolley…
Santa Ana City Attorney Joe Fletcher is gone, for good reason, what about Ream?
I have nothing against Santa Ana City Attorney Joseph Fletcher, who is either retiring or getting the boot, depending on who you talk to. But the fact is, he dropped…
Supervisor Janet Nguyen issues a proclamation of emergency due to severe weather
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 21, 2010 Contact: Howard Sutter, 714.834.6203 office, Proclamation of Local Emergency Issued Due to Severe Winter Storms (Santa Ana, CA) — Orange County Board of…
SAUSD employees to host free Christmas Eve feast for needy families
SAUSD Employees Respond to Needs of Families in Santa Ana SANTA ANA, CA – December 16, 2010 -- The Santa Ana Unified School District (SAUSD) Board of Education, employees, friends…
Sam Romero says the Santa Ana PBID is destroying the Fiesta Marketplace
I received a phone call today from Sam Romero, a longtime community leader who used to head up SANO, an organization of 13 Santa Ana Neighborhood Organizations. He has run…
Was the shooting of Elmer Perez, by the SAPD, justified?
Santa Ana Police Department (SAPD) officers shot and killed a man Thursday who was high on drugs but posed no threat to officers or his family, the victim’s sister-in-law said,…
Downtown Santa Ana businesses rebelling against PBID assessment
On the heels of the artist revolt in downtown Santa Ana comes yet another uprising - a group of businesses who want to get rid of the PBID - an…
Christmas celebration at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah, in Santa Ana
You're invited to celebrate Christmas at the Episcopal Church of the Messiah! The program begins at 4 pm on Christmas Eve with the Children’s Christ Mass, a qualitatively different kind of children’s service.…
Supervisor Janet Nguyen gives birth to her first child
County Board of Supervisor Chair Janet Nguyen gave birth to her first child, a baby boy, Wednesday afternoon. Thomas Bonikowski III was born 12:46 p.m. and weighed in at just…
Ben Franklin exhibit coming to the Bowers Museum on Dec. 18
Benjamin Franklin: In Search of a Better World, at the Bowers Museum, from Saturday, Dec. 18, 2010, through Sunday, March 13, 2011. Featuring seventy-five rare and important artifacts from Franklin’s…
City of Santa Ana cancels trial valet parking program in Artists Village
There was a stunning development this afternoon in Santa Ana's Artists Village, where the artists had been upset and had begun to organize because of concerns about a trial valet…
A transplant for Daniela Rodriguez, but not without our help!
If you have children then you know that the worst thing in the world is for one of them to get sick - or worse. That is what my friend…
Can the artists thrive in Santa Ana’s Artists Village?
When I first heard that an Artists Village was going to be created in downtown Santa Ana, I had my doubts. I had never heard of such a place being…
Council installation ceremony quite upbeat
Last evenings city council installation ceremony was great success that had a very upbeat vibe about it...Despite a small gathering of protesters organized by the failed Amezcua campaign the evening…