Update: Santa Ana Occupy’s camping bid is D.O.A.
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player UPDATE: Barely over 20 Occupy protesters marched at the Santa Ana Art Walk on Saturday, according to the OC Weekly. Obviously this is a very…
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player UPDATE: Barely over 20 Occupy protesters marched at the Santa Ana Art Walk on Saturday, according to the OC Weekly. Obviously this is a very…
This Saturday's Santa Ana Art Walk, on Nov. 5, might be the biggest one ever. Not only does it coincide with the 9th Annual Noche de Altares (Dia de Los…
PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Nov. 2, 2011 Contact: Jim Benson, Campaign Manager Phone: (714) 396-6199, Fax: (800) 562-9318, Email: VoteJoe72@Gmail.com Bring Back American Dream for Californians JOE DOVINH declares campaign…
I received a tip this week that forces allied with Orange Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly are looking for pictures of one of his Democratic opponents for the 69th Assembly District, Julio…
I had lunch with a state legislator last week and he dropped a bombshell - apparently there are forces in the Democratic Party that are asking State Senator Lou Correa…
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Representing California’s 47th Congressional District PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 27, 2011 MEDIA CONTACT: Adrienne Watson 202-309-0825 REP. SANCHEZ RESPONSE TO CBO REPORT ILLUSTRATING RAPIDLY EXPANDING INCOME INEQUALITY WASHINGTON, D.C.…
Irv and Ryan Chase A few out of town bloggers appear to be having a fit because they weren't invited to Thursday's Santa Ana Latino Jewish Forum. It is sad…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 25, 2011 Contact: Jose Gonzalez, City Manager’s Office, 714-647-5200 - Office, 714-822-4415 - Cell City of Santa Ana Hosts “Agent of Change” Community Forum on Cultural…
O.C. Clerk Recorder Tom Daly has been caught with his hands in the proverbial cookie jar. Daly sent an unsolicited e-mail to a lot of his Clerk-Recorder employees inviting them…
One of the many lies being advanced by the hacks who want Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly to run for the 69th Assembly District is that he will somehow "protect…
There are already so many good reasons not to support O.C. Clerk Recorder Tom Daly's pending campaign for the 69th Assembly District. While he has not formally announced his campaign,…
"Just under 200 feisty protesters with Occupy Orange County marched Santa Ana streets this afternoon, chanted anti-corporate slogans and won supportive horn honks from hundreds of passing motorists," according to the O.C.…
A National Day of Action against Police Brutality is set for this Saturday, Oct. 22, at 12 noon, in Santa Ana, at the corner of Bristol and McFadden. The event…
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Representing California’s 47th Congressional District PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 21, 2011 MEDIA CONTACT: Adrienne Watson 202-309-0825 REP. LORETTA SANCHEZ ON PRESIDENT OBAMA’S IRAQ ANNOUNCEMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congresswoman…
O.C. Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly held a fundraiser last night, at Original Mike's in Santa Ana, although he is still being coy as to whether or not he will actually run…