Summer art classes at MC Art Studio, at the Santora in Santa Ana
Have fun and learn the fundamentals of art at the MC Art Studio, located at 207 N. Broadway, in Santa Ana. They have art classes for beginners and non beginners every…
Have fun and learn the fundamentals of art at the MC Art Studio, located at 207 N. Broadway, in Santa Ana. They have art classes for beginners and non beginners every…
Did you ever get to watch Oingo Boingo in concert? I didn't and in fact none of us ever will. When asked during a 2007 phone-in interview on XETRA-FM if…
Konnie Krislock, who has been teaching journalism and yearbook at the Orange County High School of the Arts in Santa Ana for the past four years, was dismissed in June…
Attention parents - get your child ready for next school year. The AltaMed mobile health clinic is coming to Memorial Park, this Tuesday, July 13, from 8:00 am – 4:00…
Have you ever enjoyed a torta before? Tortas are Mexican sandwiches, and in my humble opinion they are better than any other sandwiches I have ever had. They are better…
The big scandal in town this week was Councilman David Benavides' attempt to honor the folks who put on last week's Santa Ana Independence Day event - which blew up…
The fallout from Councilman David Benavides ill-fated attempt to honor folks associated with known hate groups at Monday evenings city council meeting continues. According to my sources within city hall when Benavides…
The Santa Ana Police Athletic Activity League (SAPAAL), which was formed by the Santa Ana Police Department, has launched a new website, with the help of Pretty Witty Designs. Here…
Say it ain't so Jose! I came across an item on Facebook tonight, which you can see in the graphic above, indicating that our favorite Assemblyman, Jose Solorio, is supporting…
The Santa Ana City Council wisely pulled the awarding of a Certificate of Recognition at tonight's meeting to a group of folks that included individuals with ties to the Minuteman…
Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commissioner Kenneth Nguyen Santa Ana Parks and Recreation Commissioner Kenneth Nguyen was honored by Councilman Vince Sarmiento and his peers on the City Council tonight…
We reported this weekend that the Minutemen took over the Independence Day event that was held at the Santa Ana Public Library. Now comes word that Councilman David Benavides wants…
You can go to the Discovery Science Center for free today, if you reside in Santa Ana. They are located at 2500 North Main Street, in Santa Ana, just north…
Oh my. It looks like the Independence Day event that was held today at the Santa Ana Public Library was chock full of Mexican-bashing Minutemen. Imagine that. Lupe Moreno, a…
Alfredo Amezcua, the local lawyer who is challenging Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido in November's General Election, has gathered up essentially the same coalition that backed Councilwoman Michele Martinez when…