Van Tran Says Jail Tan Nguyen
They say a photo is worth a thousand words but if you ask me this one is priceless: Assemblyman Van Tran at Tea Party rally on April 15. Tran and…
They say a photo is worth a thousand words but if you ask me this one is priceless: Assemblyman Van Tran at Tea Party rally on April 15. Tran and…
Raul Godinez is getting ready to raise your water rates again! Have you enjoyed watching your water bills in Santa Ana get higher and higher? Well prepare yourself. Public Works…
Smooth Driving for Santa Ana's Road Repair Program Santa Ana, CA – While most budget-strapped cities are cutting back on badly needed road repairs, the City of Santa Ana is…
Today Friday 4-16-2010 is the last day to turn in your Census form without being tagged for a personal visit. (Post mark) If you think the government is wasting too…
The Grain Project is hosting Urban Gardens II "Building Community" with Eugene Cooke Saturday April 24th 3pm-5pm. $16, $12 if you bring a friend. Is a Food Revolution in Season?…
State Senator Lou Correa, who represents Santa Ana, Anaheim and parts of several other central and north Orange County cities, is hosting a Fitness and Healthy Living Young Senators Town…
Dia del Niño/Children's Day, is a tradition celebrated in Mexico and in many parts of the world-a day when communities honor their children. Dia del Niño/Children's Day will be held…
Spring is here and we have a number of workshops, lectures and events that celebrate the season! To register: email us, call us @ 714.836.8727 or buy an RSVP on-line.…
A new Facebook group is calling itself "Alfredo Amezcua 30,000 Strong," and asking members of the community to join their campaign to elect Amezcua as our next Santa Ana Mayor. …
Forgiveness is Good Business in Santa Ana April 5, 2010 Forgiveness, it seems, makes good business sense. Since enacting a business license tax amnesty program at the beginning of February,…
California State Assemblyman Jose Solorio cordially invites you to attend our: District Annual Spring Open House. Friday, April 16, 2010, from 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. At: District Office, located…
There was a big hulabulloo recently in regards to the Mexican Independence Day celebration in downtown Santa Ana that was scheduled to take place on September 11th of this year. …
Poster Winner: Monique Nguyen, 12th grade, Los Amigos High School, Garden Grove USD. Orange County Imagination Celebration OC Public Libraries joins in April 17 - May 23, 2010 for the…
Orange County Great Park Corporation FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 12, 2010 CONTACT: JENN STARNES 949-724-6574 Great Park Wants Kids to Picture the Park Free Imagination Celebration event gets kids to…
Have you heard of a movie called "La Mission?" It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2009, to much acclaim. The privately financed movie stars Benjamin Bratt and is…