It could be a free-for-all for Solorio’s Assembly seat in 2012
It is beginning to look like a free-for-all for Assemblyman Jose Solorio's 69th Assembly District seat, which includes most of Santa Ana and parts of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Tustin and…
It is beginning to look like a free-for-all for Assemblyman Jose Solorio's 69th Assembly District seat, which includes most of Santa Ana and parts of Anaheim, Garden Grove, Tustin and…
State Controller John Chiang and State Senator Lou Correa invite you to attend a FREE 2010 INCOME TAX PREPARATION FOR INDIVIDUALS & FAMILIES. Through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Program for taxpayers with annual…
For Immediate Release: March 22, 2011 For More Information Contact: Carol Chamberlain - Office: (916) 319-2069, cell: (916) 804-5355 ASSEMBLYMAN SOLORIO INVITES PUBLIC TO CESAR CHAVEZ CELEBRATION Wide variety of…
Assemblyman Solorio Honors Advocate for Girls at Woman of the Year Ceremony Lucy Santana-Ornelas, Executive Director for Girls Inc., receives award on Assembly floor SACRAMENTO – State Assemblyman Jose Solorio's (D-Anaheim) choice…
THINK Together's annual major fundraiser brings together hundreds of compassionate, generous individuals and corporations who share our vision of surrounding schools with learning and helping California's children close the achievement…
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Representing California’s 47th Congressional District MEDIA ADVISORY, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 15, 2011 MEDIA CONTACT Adrienne Watson 202-309-0825 REP. LORETTA SANCHEZ TO PRESENT $172,500.00 GRANT CHECK, DISCUSS…
Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly is hosting his 14th Annual St. Patrick’s Day Celebration on Thursday, March 17th, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., at the Catch, located at 2100 E. Katella Ave., in Anaheim. The…
OC Human Relations is proud to announce the 40th Anniversary Human Relations Awards Honorees: Lifetime Achievement Award: Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange, for almost 100 years, the Sisters have demonstrated their…
National Association for Equal Justice in America, Orange County Community Liaison Committee GENERAL COMMUNITY MEETING DATE: Saturday, February 26th, 2011 Time: 2: pm - 4: pm Location: West Anaheim Youth Center 320…
DATES AND TIME: FEB. 25 AND 26. 2011 @ 2:00PM-6:00PM. Location: 512 South Brookhurst St. Anaheim, CA 92804--LITTLE ARABIA. The Arab World Newspaper invites you to show your support for…
Hooter's is celebrating President's Day by hosting a Public Safety Appreciation Day, on Monday, Feb. 21. They are offering a free half-burger or a free grilled chicken sandwich to any…
For Immediate Release: February 14, 2011 For More Information Contact: Carol Chamberlain - Office: (916) 319-2069, Cell: (916) 804-5355 ASSEMBLYMAN SOLORIO REMINDS STUDENTS OF UPCOMING FINANICAL AID DEADLINE Key Deadline to…
Santa Ana resident Naui Tetl was all set to lead a rally against Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, on Saturday, but then Mubarak stepped down, after 30 years in power. But…
Veterans Workshop – Westminster Location Date/Time Other Information Orange County One-Stop Center 5405 Garden Grove Blvd., Suite 100 Westminster Tuesday, February 15, 2011 8:30 a.m. – 12 noon The workshop will…
Bring your flags , signs and chant freedom for Egypt , dictator Hosni Mubarack must go, No to Omar Suleiman ! ! Join the celebration for Egypt rally, this Saturday,…