Free kidney screening in Santa Ana on Sep. 28
Do you or a family member have diabetes or high blood pressure? or Does an immediate family member have kidney disease? If you answered yes, you are at risk for…
Do you or a family member have diabetes or high blood pressure? or Does an immediate family member have kidney disease? If you answered yes, you are at risk for…
SANTA ANA POLICE DEPARTMENT NEWS RELEASE Date: 8/19/10 Contact: Santa Ana Burglary Unit, (714) 245-8400 Since March, 2010, the Santa Ana Police Burglary Unit noticed an increase in residential burglaries around the…
Success is the Standard, except when it isn't... As I expected, SAUSD Superintendent Jane Russo is spinning the results of the latest STAR test results like a top. As I…
I have helped, over the past few years, to get rid of two "double-dippers" on the Coast Community College District's Board of Education, Armando Ruiz and Walt Howald. These guys…
The California Standard Tests are a major component of the STAR program. The CSTs are developed by California educators and test developers specifically for California. They measure students' progress toward achieving…
SANTA ANA - A specially trained Santa Ana Fire Department team recently became the first in Orange County to be certified by California Emergency Management Agency to respond to countywide…
The Santa Ana City Council voted 6-1 to remove Tish Leon from the city's Recreation and Parks Board. Only Ward 4 Councilmember David Benavides voted against the motion brought forth…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Church of the Foothills Announces Special Discount Performance of Del Shores’ hit “SOUTHERN BAPTIST SISSIES” at Theatre Out Santa Ana, California (August 13, 2010) - The Church of the…
Join us for four lectures about the Fall of the Aztec Capitol, Tenochtitlan, this Saturday August 14, 2010 from 2 PM to 3:30 pm in Spanish, and from 3:30 pm…
Libreria Martinez Books and Art Gallery is hosting a "community conversation on immigration," according to the O.C. Register, this Saturday, Aug. 14, at 6 pm, at the bookstore. Lawyer Lisa Ramirez…
Downtown Inc. in Santa Ana is proud to present Fiestas Calle Cuatro, the 4th Street Summer Entertainment series that will continue this Sunday, August 15, from 2 pm to 5…
This event will be sponsored by the Madison Park Neighborhood Association (co-sponsored by The City of Santa Ana, Casas Guanajuato-Santa Ana and UC Irvine-Chicanos/Latinos for Community Medicine) with the participation…
Adela Olivares, Henry De La Isla, Jacqueline Ienni, Partners at Academy Mortgage, New Century Realtors & Sur Pacific The Partners and Team Members of New Century Realtors, Sur Pacific and Academy…
Councilman Benavides chats with hate group member Lupe Moreno As I reported back on August 3rd the Orange Juice made an official records request from the City of Santa Ana to…
The Grand Central Art Center and Godinez Fundamental High School in Santa Ana have partnered to present Arts Central - a weeklong series of free art classes for high school…