Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

The Orange County Voter Registrar finally closed the ballot counting from the June 5 Open Primary, yesterday.  Ultra liberal 69th Assembly District candidate Julio Perez lost by 242 votes to Republican Jose “Joe” Moreno, who will now face off against top vote-getter Tom Daly, a corporate Democrat, in the November General Election.

Perez and his union allies spent a small fortune and all they got out of it was third place.  I have argued in a previous post that Perez and fellow Democrat Michele Martinez both erred by not attacking Daly, but there might be more to this story.

Perez’ fellow liberal, Francisco Barragan, entered this contest late and did not campaign, with the exception of a few huge signs.  Barragan, like Martinez, lives in Santa Ana.  Perez claims to as well but that has been contested throughout his campaign.

Why did Barragan enter this race?  He is closely allied with failed Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua.  He is also a close friend of liberal Orange Juice blogger Vern Nelson, who is a Perez loyalist. Barragan lived in San Francisco for years and I am quite familiar with his political viewpoints.  He pretends to be conservative, as a former Marine, but his viewpoint is just as liberal as Nelson’s.  And they both embraced the Occupy movement.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

6 thoughts on “Is Barragan to blame for Perez’ loss in the 69th A.D.?”
  1. “Is Barragan to blame for Perez’ loss in the 69th A.D.?”…… Hmmmmmm

    Art, you like to play politics as it appears to you in the Santa Ana.

    Unfortunately that is wrong view!

    Jose “Joe” Moreno will lose to Daly same as you and Martinez did in primary by not recognizing national drift from the left to right.

    Although Moreno is on the right side “semantically” he may not be on the right side “politically” speaking.

    If Moreno understands what is going on, he will not rely on, or chase the elusive Latino votes, and will go after independents promoting (Ron Paul quotes) independently to flowing groups:

    “Ron Paul’s DEMOCRATS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s REPUBLICANS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s AMERICAN INDEPENDENTS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s AMERICANS ELECTS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s GREEN for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s LIBERTARIANS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s PEACE AND FREEDOMS for Joe Moreno”
    “Ron Paul’s NONPARTISANS for Joe Moreno”

    and drop that “Jose” Latino BS.

    His brochures should show lot of work but not union work.

    The UNION = TABOO in this election, no Fire Departments, No Police Departments etc. etc. etc. usual brochure bullshit.

    Otherwise he will lose in November and you Art will be bitching after the election that someone else loosed his election like (he did not attract Daly etc. etc. etc. crapola).

    However, he will lose no mater how nice he may be, or how much money he may raise, simply because he is politically dumb Latino and will take no advise from the white European.

    1. Jose is pretty conservative. But his biggest hurdle is his refusal to accept campaign donations and endorsements. I cannot see him winning unless he modifies those positions.

      And yes, he should attack Daly’s record.

  2. “But his biggest hurdle is his refusal to accept campaign donations and endorsements.”……. Hmmmmmm

    Not accepting endorsements is a OK because they are meaningless and sometimes even adverse as was Solorio endorsement of Martinez.

    So, what he must do is to take his message before the voters in front of the supermarkets, Homeowners Association’s and Churches entrances on public land on every Saturday and Sunday till the election.

    Simple small postcard size black and white brochures made on the laser printer are impressive if they contain small meaningful quotes Twit style.

    The point is that his conservatism should not talk about religion, abortion and morality as was Santorum’s.

    His message should be to reduce taxes, oppose all Browns and progressive’s propositions and regulations and embrace small business and take suggestions from a constituency.

    He should act as a representative not a dictator leader!

    Remember that Perez and Martinez will endorse Daly and 75% of that vote will go to Daly not to a Republican Moreno.

    Moreno needs to get at least 20,000 of new votes. It will be busy presidential election.

  3. I should add that Moreno’s message should be constitutional representation not a district dictator like progressive Daly.

    He must convince voters that he will promote, in Sacramento, only what the voters will ask him to do.

    Noting less noting more!

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