A closer look at the Santa Ana Police Department’s DUI checkpoints
I met a week or so ago with Paul Walters, the Chief at the Santa Ana Police Department, and two of his top police officers. The purpose of the meeting…
I met a week or so ago with Paul Walters, the Chief at the Santa Ana Police Department, and two of his top police officers. The purpose of the meeting…
Free Tax Preparation for people earning less than $50,000, on March 13, at the Boys and Girls Club in Santa Ana. Do you qualify for the Earned Income Tax Credit…
The Violence Prevention Coalition of Orange County is soliciting nominations for outstanding individuals who are actively engaged in the prevention of violence in our Orange County community. Nominations must be…
Don't miss the "Historic Santa Ana Tour" Presented by Assistance League Santa Ana, this Saturday, March 13, from 10 am to 4 pm, to benefit community programs. Click here for…
This two-day FREE training may be of interest to those involved in building a healthier school system and community. New Spring Training, March 11 and 12, at the County of…
The FDIC in partnership with Orange County United Way and the Bank on Santa Ana Pilot will be hosting a free Money Smart Train-the-Trainer Seminar onThursday, March 11, from 8…
Students at Santiago Creek School received a $500 grant to investigate why their community has the second highest childhood obesity rate in California. The students will be trained as "nutrition…
For Immediate Release, March 9, 2010 For More Information Contact: Carol Chamberlain - Office: (916) 319-2069, Cell: (916) 804-5355 Governor Signs Bill to Clear the Way for OCTA Shovel-Ready Projects…
Santa Ana City Councilman Vincent Sarmiento called allegations that he is somehow involved in an attempt by a community group to discredit mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua "ridiculous". The allegations…
In about one week from now, the 2010 Census form will be your mail box. Fill it out and return it promptly. A 2010 Census Message from President Obama We…
State Senator Lou Correa, at the grand opening of Lee's Sandwiches, in Santa Ana "State Senator Lou Correa was ranked the top Democrat in Sacramento, in matters pertaining to small…
A few years back there was much ballyhoo about the fact that so called high-rise condominium buildings were going up in Orange County. Advertisements pictured happy couples enjoying the “good…
The Bowers Museum is open for free today, March 7, not only to Santa Ana residents, but to everyone, courtesy of the Target Corporation. And today is a great day…
How are you celebrating this year's Academy Awards? How about checking out the Oscar nominated animation shorts? You can do so today, at 4:50 p.m., at the Regency South Coast…
O.C. Supervisor John Moorlach gave us O.C. Treasurer-Tax Collector Chriss Street and appointed Sheriff Sandra Hutchens I thought it was a bit odd when I got a message yesterday…