A few weeks ago the SAUSD School Board inexplicably passed a Project Labor Agreement that will ban non-union contractors from bidding on school construction projects unless they agree to hire from the construction unions’ halls. They voted for the PLA even though non-union contractors already have to pay union wages on local school construction projects.
Tonight the SAUSD School Board tried to vote to authorize an award a contract for bond and disclosure counsel, according to their meeting agenda. What this means is that the SAUSD School Board is going to try to pass yet another School Bond Measure – and that money, which will come from our property taxes, will pay for union-only construction projects.
Why in the world would the SAUSD want to take more of our property taxes to build more buildings when earlier this year, in March, the district was facing mass layoffs of teachers because they have lost thousands of students over the last few years, according to Deidra Powell, a district spokeswoman, as told to the Orange County Register.
We are already paying for two previous SAUSD Bond Measures as well as two Rancho Santiago Community College District Bond Measures. Remember that the school districts end up paying interest on these Bond Measures equal to the money they receive – a total ripoff of the taxpayers! And the union-only PLAs mean that the district can only hire union contractors – which means cost overruns, construction delays and more wasting of our tax money. You can find out more about what a bad deal PLAs are for the taxpayers here.
Obviously the SAUSD School Board Members passed the PLA and now want to pass another Bond Measure in order to obtain future campaign donations from the trade unions. In return we the taxpayers will get screwed again.

It is not to late to stop this fiasco! Please contact the SAUSD School Board Members and ask them to stop these shenanigans!
- John Palacio, President, Phone: (714) 542-0589, Email: jpalacio@pacbell.net
- Valerie Amezcua, Vice President, Mobile: (714) 673-0496, Email: vamezcua1992@gmail.com
- Cecilia “Ceci” Iglesias, Clerk, Mobile: (714) 485-6396, Email: iglesias4sausd@gmail.com
- Dr. Alfonso Alvarez, Ed.D., Member, Phone: (714) 309-4072, Email: dralvarezschoolboard@gmail.com
- Dr. Rigo Rodriguez, Ph.D., Member, Phone: (714) 504-7446, Email: rigoberto@sbcglobal.net
We don’t need another School Bond Measure! We don’t need higher taxes. Let these school board members know that we the voters do not want to see more of our tax money wasted.
What is the purpose of this bond measure? That is what I am wondering… They need money, but they are not saying how it will be used? Absolutely not!
It’s official Valerie Amezcua is receiving money from her vote of the PLA.. Ernesto Medrano is a Building Trades Union Representative and he is a host to her kickoff fundraiser.
As a current resident of Santa Ana, I’m very upset that the SAUSD thinks that we (tax payers) have an open check for you all to go head and pass another bond.
You have to-do with what you got!
Start running the SAUSD like a private company and not like a Socialist organization. Balance your budget like a private organization, if you cannot do with the current funds you receive from the state, then start cutting positions. I can guarantee that if you were audited by a private organization that we the tax paper paid for, you will find some positions that are not needed or required.
You guys already have cut nurses in the schools, eliminated some teaching positions, so why do you need more funds. It’s not like SAUSD is such an outstanding education system. If it was you would see everybody trying to move into Santa Ana.
All I hear is a bunch of nonsense coming from the SAUSD about funds. We need this, and we need that! Well do with what you got. Balance your budget, get rid of worthless people who are working for the hard working tax paper. As a parent, I have seeing SAUSD employees who just sit on their asses in the office not doing nothing. When you ask them for help, all we get is an attitude (Taft Elementary). Have these folks forgotten who pays their salary. People who have 20 or even 30 years working for the SAUSD. I think it’s time for them to retire or be RIF’d.
Time for the SAUSD to go into a 401k type retirement.
It’s just hard enough trying to live in Orange County, CA and you Socialist who sit on the SAUSD keep asking for more and more! WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ALL!!! OUR STREETS ARE FLOODED WITH 20 PEOPLE LIVING IN ONE HOUSE…..NO PARKING ON THE STRETS. Meaning people are just making it and you want to add another bond!!!!
Who paid your trip to China! Really was that really necessary….? You going to start implementing a Chinese curriculum in Santa Ana…LOL
Let’s look at SAUSD salaries!
You have some SAUSD employee’s making more than a doctor. Is that really justifiable? I do not think so!