Orange County’s Democrats are generally clueless, but this past June they were particularly out of sorts. They inexplicably gave Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen a free pass, allowing her to focus on electing her fellow Republican, and gay-basher, Robert Hammond as he won a seat on the O.C. Department of Education’s Board of Trustees.
And the Democrats managed to fumble away Orange County’s most Latino seat, allowing it to go to Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly, who has since been charged with sexual harassment in the workplace. If they had gotten behind Santa Ana Council Member Michele Martinez she might have prevailed in June. Instead organized labor put up their guy, Julio Perez, splitting the Latino vote and allowing Daly to prevail.
And the Democrats are still in disarray as we head into the November general election. Instead of supporting one of their longtime leaders, Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, the DPOC has endorsed his troubled upstart rival, Santa Ana Council Member David Benavides. The unruly mini-mob supporting Benavides has also lined up behind Valerie Amezcua, the daughter of failed Santa Ana mayoral candidate Al Amezcua, a lawyer who defends gang bangers.
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