Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

KOCE’s David Nazar has apparently bought into the unfounded allegations and slander that were pitched by the Los Amigos of Anaheim at their recent press conference, against the Santa Ana City Council and SAPD Chief Paul Walters.

Nazar’s report will air, according to the Santa Ana Coalition for Better Government, whose leaders don’t live in Santa Ana, this Thursday, at 5:30 pm and 11 pm, on Channel 8, in Santa Ana.

Nazar is the only minority employed by KOCE’s Real Orange.  The rest of their news team is all-white.  It is small wonder then that they are going after the all-Latino Santa Ana City Council and Mayor Miguel Pulido.

I already debunked the silly Los Amigos’ complaints in a previous post.  And I wrote about their press conference at this link.  Suffice to say that their spokesperson, Francisco Barragan, had no answers when I showed up and questioned his complaints.

Why did any media show up to this event, which was orchestrated by failed Santa Ana mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua?  Simple.  He hired former L.A. Times reporter Jennifer Delson to serve as his publicist.  She was there at the press conference.  I caught her whispering orders to the Los Amigos Chairman, Amin David, and to Barragan.

Check out the surprised look on Delson’s face, in the picture above.  When I showed up to the press conference she panicked.  She shut down the press conference when I asked one too many questions that Barragan simply could not handle.

As for Amezcua, he literally ran out of the room once I started asking questions.  In fact David called out his name, wanting him to speak, but Amezcua had already flown the coop.

Why doesn’t Amezcua just accept that he lost?  In fact he lost badly!  I would prefer to see him offering solutions instead of his endless gripes.  Too bad KOCE fell for this B.S.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

22 thoughts on “KOCE Video of Los Amigos attack on the Santa Ana City Council”
  1. Art,

    I was comfortable with your questions, but I don’t even recognize the EVENT, THE PEOPLE or ORGANIZATIONS Involved, NOR MY ANSWERS the way you have MIS-CHARACTERIZED OR ACTUALLY LIED about them, from the perspective of those in attendance, about both the event or my answers.

    That is why:
    1) I suggest readers get a TRUE sense of the event as described by the other three OBJECTIVE and INDEPENDENT media that wrote about this event:

    OC Register;

    Voice of OC; and

    Latino California (in Spanish),

    And now, in addition to KOCE-TV independent media – segment.

    2) And this is why I have refrained from responding to events as IMAGINED by you.

    I know you to be a very passionate and intelligent individual – that unfortunately has gone from one extreme to another, and it is unfortunate that you are now on another extreme swing, and using your talents to spread PROPAGANDA and both MIS-INFORMATION and DIS-INFORMATION, in the unofficial service primarily of the Mayor.

    In my opinion, your actions/comments are WORSE than those of Michelle Q:
    MQ can be chastised for being misguided – and perhaps this is unintentional on her part.
    But yours are worse, because they are both MISGUIDED and INTENTIONAL.


    1. Francisco,

      You are quick to call me a liar, but you won’t debate my rebuttals to your empty complaints. Why is that?

      You and Muchelle Quinn have something in common. You both enjoy attacking our progressive Latino City Council.

  2. Francisco,

    All those media outlets did was report the allegations by the “Amezcua” folks. They did not comfirm the allegations they simply repeated what you are alleging.

    As far as the Voice of OC being objective and independent I think that is quite doubtful. They have a clear agenda that is biased against Mayor Pulido and the City of Santa Ana.

    When are you going to answer Art’s questions? All you seem to do is repeat the same tired allegations and use your military service as a shield from criticism.

  3. The New Santa Ana is the THE FOX news of Santa Ana.
    I couldn’t of said it better. Propaganda.

  4. I missed the program at 5:30 but will catch the 11pm one.

    Is this connected to the information the Mayor Pro Term asked for at the last council meeting, concerning non-authorized spending in the city attorney’s office.

    Watching the council meeting on tv, it seem very serious by the demeanor of the council woman.

    Something was said about a 25,000 dollar limit, (which was recently raised) to spending of 100’s of thousands of dollars. This could spell bad news for some people.

  5. Nazar is the only minority employed by KOCE’s Real Orange. The rest of their news team is all-white. It is small wonder then that they are going after the all-Latino Santa Ana City Council and Mayor

    MQ says:

    LOL… Are you kidding me Art? KOCE has a bunch of liberal morons on the news team! If anything white and liberal is goodddddd for ya! Black, white or yellow conservative not so much! Your racism is sooooo misguided! You want whites liberals on your team! Trust me! The thicker that white man or women is, is good for you!

    “In my opinion, your actions/comments are WORSE than those of Michelle Q:
    MQ can be chastised for being misguided – and perhaps this is unintentional on her part.
    But yours are worse, because they are both MISGUIDED and INTENTIONAL.”

    MQ says:

    Paco, there is nothing misguided about me! My navigation system is completely on track!
    Keep me out of your little latino brawl; using little old whitely me to anger our misguided racist Art is no fair!

    “You and Muchelle Quinn have something in common. You both enjoy attacking our progressive Latino City Council.”

    MQ says:

    No Art, Anon is very much a white progressive and I am all for attacking anyone that tries to destroy the live’s of children. Your LATINO elitist’s line their pockets while the kids in Santa Ana have awful schools, worse parents and politicians who know that poor hispanic neglected kids are a great way to get free federal/state monies! White progressives like Lucy Dunn is no different!

    I am not misguided, I am right on track! For you two to use me as a weapon against each other is actually quite interesting!

  6. I can’t believe you played the race card in this post. Born again you certainly are not.

    As for Real Orange’s report, there wasn’t much “new” news there, but the exposure certainly gives the story momentum. And the deathly silence from the city at the invitation to respond to Nazar’s story is…well damn, it’s just more of the same from a very cloistered, non-transparent City government. Who’s doing this town’s PR?

    1. anon,

      I am sure it escaped your notice, but Orange County is now majority minority. It is an embarrassment that KOCE’s Real Orange Team has only one minority on it.

      Why isn’t Los Amigos complaining about that?

      As for the City’s response, why should they respond to a bunch of slanderous innuendo?

  7. Art,

    It most certainly did not escape my notice…I read it in your post and gave you the benefit of the doubt that it’s true. What YOU fail to acknowledge is that it has nothing to do with this story.

    But this is what you do…you change the subject as a way of defending another issue…something, I might add, that you routinely criticize blog commenters of doing.

    Slander? Slander is a crime. Will you be filing criminal charges? Or is that just a word you like to use indiscriminately?

    1. Why would I file charges? I was not slandered. But the Santa Ana City Attorney most certainly should do so.

      Speaking of criminal charges, the Los Amigos of Anaheim have yet to tell us what laws the Santa Ana City Council violated. That is of course because they did not break any laws.

  8. @ Michelle Quinn:

    I will always concur and support anyone including YOU, if as you say that you are “all for attacking anyone that tries to destroy the live’s of children.”

    In my opinion what I find misguided is the use of negative ethnic stereotypes and generalizations that detract from your message and which may actually harm the community at large.

    As I said before, extremism, incitement to violence, or false allegations of incitement to violence as Art has suggested in a recent post as he tries to distract from the issues – is harmful to our community and society.

    Francisco “Paco”

  9. Why did you change the picture for the post? Maybe you should photo shop Francisco hugging Hugo Chavez or The Mayor hugging Mr. Harrah. Oh wait, no photo shop needed for that one.

    1. Our new thumbnail comes directly from the video put online by the coalition of folks who don’t live in Santa Ana.

  10. By the way Mr. P you have been very courteous, you have not shown any pictures of me with my finger up my nose or with my beer goggles in full effect. But if you want to show me chilling with Charlie Manson or Trotsky go for it. But if you really want to entertain your folks show a picture of me with Bebe Daniels or Lucille Ball. You figure it out. Hermano.

  11. My friends think that you are Bill O Reilly and Fox News. Forget about it. Nobody in SANTANA cares if our city council has any soul or ethics anyways right? You should just go full on National Enquirer status. Money before social responsibility! CHEERS Mate!

    1. I don’t understand the Fox News analogy. I am not a Republican nor am I a conservative. I am pro-gay, pro-migrant rights, pro-choice, against the death penalty, in support of three strikes reform, against the drug war, etc. I don’t think Reilly and I would agree on much.

      At most 20% of our posts are political. The rest are about events and charitable organizations. We spend a lot of time promoting Downtown Santa Ana and the arts.

      So where is the beef? No, I do not support Amezcua. But he and his supporters refuse to answer my rebuttals of their empty complaints. And he has yet to tell us what his positive plans are for our city. Why would anyone side with that malcontent?

  12. I saw the KOCE piece and it was nothing more than a regurgitation of the allegations made by the Amezcua Coalition. Nothing new, just same old baseless allegations.

    Francisco just spewed buzzwords like transparency, open government, ethics and such. I guess if you use those words enough and repeat the same allegations over and over he thinks they will somehow become gospel.

    I, like Art, am waiting for Francisco to answer Art’s questions that he raised at this so-called press conference. He shows up to answer Michelle Quinn but remains mute on the serious issues raised by Art.

    Also can Francisco tell me what his veterans status has to do with this? We appreciate his service, however I don’t see how that pertains to the political agenda he is pushing under the guise of being a veteran.

  13. Francisco “Paco” Has turned over to the proper authorities the information he (and the groups) thought needed to be looked into. If there is a need for other answers to questions that apply to, or may apply to the investigation of the information return over to the GJ, then those questions or concerns should be forwarded to the GJ as the proper venue.

    The question I am watching is what is brewing in the city attorneys’ office about the unauthorized spending. The council just gave the out going city attorney a “Sweetheart deal” that was not in his contract, and now the public is becoming aware of massive (?) unauthorized spending in that department.

    This could very well be a major problem for Santa Ana.

  14. In my opinion what I find misguided is the use of negative ethnic stereotypes and generalizations that detract from your message and which may actually harm the community at large.

    MQ says:

    In Ireland as a kid I used to stone the British Soldiers and in a lot of cases the RUC! Until I realized the Brits and the RUC were not my enemy, but my community activist was!

    What the hell does stereotyping mean the truth!

    I don’t stereotype, I just speak the truth!

    Learn to be less the politician and more of the leader!

  15. “I, like Art, am waiting for Francisco to answer Art’s questions that he raised at this so-called press conference. He shows up to answer Michelle Quinn but remains mute on the serious issues raised by Art.”

    MQ says:

    This is why Sean Mills is a complete Idiot and a false God!

    My issue is about children being abused and neglected by a mostly white over paid system that takes little brown children and uses them as an ATM

    Art, is protecting his latino friends!

    Of course he answers to me!

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