The Santa Ana City Council this week reaffirmed its dedication to protecting all of the city’s residents regardless of immigration status, according to the O.C. Register.
However the Trump administration’s U.S. Department of Justice’s also filed a lawsuit yesterday, against Illinois and Chicago, over their policies limiting local law enforcement’s cooperation with federal immigration enforcement.
If Chicago loses the sanctuary city lawsuit, it could have several significant implications:
- Federal Funding: Chicago might lose access to certain federal funds, as the federal government often ties compliance with immigration enforcement to funding.
- Local Law Enforcement: Local law enforcement agencies could be required to cooperate more closely with federal immigration authorities, which might change how they handle detainers and information sharing.
- Community Impact: The immigrant community in Chicago could face increased fear and uncertainty, potentially leading to fewer people reporting crimes or cooperating with police due to fear of deportation.
- Legal Precedent: A ruling against Chicago could set a legal precedent affecting other sanctuary cities across the country, potentially leading to similar lawsuits and policy changes elsewhere.
Read that last bullet again. If Trump wins in Chicago his lawyers will eventually be coming for the City of Santa Ana.
Santa Ana’s woke City Council Members, including Jessie Lopez, Ben Vazquez and Johnathan Hernandez, are also demanding the return of the Sanctuary Policy Advisory Group.
Santa Ana is teetering on bankruptcy. As the County Seat Santa Ana gets millions of dollars from the Feds. Trump is going to be taking back that money if he can.
Should our city leaders really be doubling down on their Sanctuary City ordinance? Is there a valid reason not to deport the undocumented criminals in our city?
It’s about the human rights of the 99% law abiding immigrants most people in Santa Ana care about.
Waving the flag of the country you don’t want to be in (Mexico) while demanding rights of a country you’re not a citizen of (US) just makes you look like clowns.
lol very true. I often see pimped out pickup trucks driving around with HUGE Mexican flags around here. It doesn’t bother me per se; Mexico is our neighbor and our cultures have blended and share a lot by now. But I always think “Gee, I wonder how that would go if we flipped the nationalities.” Can you imagine driving around Tijuana or Juarez in a tricked out truck with a giant US flag flying in the bed? Would anyone in their right mind do such a thing? I’d think it would be horribly disrespectful and very poorly received by the residents of those cities. But it’s a common sight in SoCal.