Why did Jack Jakosky buy the Santora building and ruin its arts scene?
Santa Ana artist Theo Hirsch has published a new post about the owner of the Santora building, Jack Jakosky, and I learned a few things while reading it. It turns…
Santa Ana artist Theo Hirsch has published a new post about the owner of the Santora building, Jack Jakosky, and I learned a few things while reading it. It turns…
GCS Santa Ana opened its doors in April, 2009 at the historic Santora Arts Building. However they are now closing their doors - they are the latest victims of Jack…
By: Theo Hirsch, Santa Ana artist and musician On [Santa Ana] Art walk nights, Jack "JackOffCity" Jakosky sits in the Santora Basement scouring at all of the people who come…
The extent to which the owner of the Santora Arts building, Jack Jakosky, has acted to squelch any creativity or fun at what used to the heart of the Downtown…
[caption id="attachment_42526" align="aligncenter" width="346"] Sandra Pocha Peña Sarmiento[/caption] A civil war has broken out in Santa Ana's Artists Village and it all started with a comment posted by Sandra "Pocha"…
Well it looks like Jack Jakosky, the owner of the Santora building who has made headlines recently for whitewashing a mural and evicting artists, is going to try to salvage…
Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20. Who knew that the attempt by Irvine's Newsong Church to buy the historic Downtown Santa Ana Santora Arts Building was something artists should have…
[caption id="attachment_42166" align="aligncenter" width="300"] The party is over at The Crosby[/caption] The hipsters and gentrifiers are trying to argue that all is well in Downtown Santa Ana, in the wake…
The Santora Mural may be gone but last night, during the Artists Village Art Walk, artists and supporters gathered to pay homage to the artwork, which was whitewashed by the new…
Jack Jakoffcity won't stop ejaculating all over Santa Ana By: Theo Hirsch The new owner of the Santora and Ramona building of DTSA, Jack Jakoffcity (Jack Jakosky), destroyed the best…
[caption id="attachment_41778" align="aligncenter" width="400"] This is where the Santora mural used to be[/caption] When Newport Beach resident Jack Jakosky bought the Santora building, in October of this year, he told…
The Santora Arts Building, the iconic Spanish Colonial style building that anchors Santa Ana's downtown Artists Village, has been sold to Newport Beach resident Jack Jakosky, according to the Voice…