The hipsters and gentrifiers are trying to argue that all is well in Downtown Santa Ana, in the wake of the brutal murder of Kim Pham, who was literally kicked in the head until she went into a coma, in front of The Crosby, a bar/restaurant. She later died in the hospital.
The Crosby is done. According to the OC Weekly they are not going to reopen. And the Memphis at the Santora is also done. They will apparently be replaced by a “High End Mexican Restaurant,” whatever the heck that is. Imagine the limo liberals from Irvine and Long Beach holding Drinking Liberally in a Mexican restaurant! LOL!
And Jack Jakosky, the owner of the Santora building served eviction notices yesterday on the Studio del Sotano and the Green Door Gallery, weeks after whitewashing a mural at the Santora and painting over the Studio del Sotano’s marquee.
Matt Southgate, the manager and primary rent payer of Studio del Sotano said in an email that he was not behind on his rent and he was not allowed to discuss new rental arrangements with Jakosky.
Jakosky apparently wants to bring “New Life” and a “New Aesthetic Approach” to the Santora. Get ready for paintings of whales and dolphins!
I am also told that the DTSA powers that be will try to gloss over all of this mess with “Avant Garde” musicians who will be strolling the downtown during the upcoming Art Walk.
Let’s be honest about this. Downtown Santa Ana is imploding. This house of cards cannot stand. The drinking culture and gentrification does not serve the families that live in our city and now, in the wake of Pham’s brutal murder, it is becoming obvious that we need a new direction in DTSA.
I am by the way horrified that so many Latinos are defending Pham’s killers just because they are Hispanic. They are blaming the victim and accusing us of being racist for calling Pham’s murder what it was – a hate crime.
I don’t know how the OC Weekly can say that DTSA is safe. As many as 50 people laughed and took pictures as videos as Pham’s head was literally kicked in. Why would any sane person want to go hang out with such animals? I can’t blame Pham’s friends for not talking to the police when the temp Police Chief and our lame City Council are insisting that this was not a hate crime.
DTSA is not safe. Nor is much of our city. Click here and see for yourself.
As usual your a sensationalist and trying to get your next gig on Fox news. You do not even live down here in the downtown. you really are out of touch and boy oh boy the growth that you are about to see all over down here in the next year is going to make your head SPIN. I am sure you can find plenty more to sensationalize and half truths to report. Good Luck in the future using words like Hipster and Gentrification to try and get a rise out of people. the world and mostly DTSA are moving on without you… oh wait they had years ago.
While I think there is a certain amount of hyperbole in this post, it cannot be disputed that the city’s forced proliferation of restaurants/bars/clubs serving alcohol has damaged the downtown and rendered it obsolete for the families that frequented this area for years. Walk around Thursday through Saturday nights and you’ll see a fair amount of disruptive behavior – vomiting, urinating, fighting etc. The unfortunate impact is that this activity has hurt the retail establishments and forced families out.
Ummmm, how long have you been frequenting Downtown Santa Ana? To paint it’s past as a family fun type of atmosphere is absolutely laughable.
I am more concerned with what it could have been. It certainly is not family friendly now.
Oh it was. Just not white families. Who do think was shopping at all those quincenara shops? Not Whitey.
Hell no! Stupid.
Clearly you are actually talking about the crowds of brown folks hanging out in front of 7-11. Nasty.
sigh. my family enjoys downtown very much. i’m unsure why you’re always trying to drive a wedge between us santa anans.
I’ll be moving along with my life with TTGH here.
See you downtown this weekend.
“Gentrification”……… Hmmmmmm
And what are you calling when Jews are taking over the downtown?… Huh Editor?
It is clear that Jews are bringing with them their usual Kol Nidre [“JUDAISM’S LICENSE TO LIE”] contracts as shown in Sanora.
If you look at my prior posts (re teo) on this issue I have predicted Santora evictions as done elsewhere by Jews in the Downtown.
Your exuberance is misplaced Editor, because Latinos will suffer more under the Jewish domination — but you never understood this anyway.
Where is Claudia Alvarez when the Santa Ana downtown needs her?
San brings up a valid point. For all the outrage from the so called “Liberal” blogggers from other cities over Claudia’s innocuous comments, they sure are silent now.
Which just proves: you can be right or you can be liked.
Good article Art.
The landlords need to rent to somebody. For a while it was the white crowd, who were replaced by the Latino crowd and now the hipster crowd is filling the gap left by the Latino crowd leaving.
I think the landlords need to hire their own private security, to protect their property values, or else everybody will leave and their property value will decrease to zero along with their rental income.
There is an interesting aspect to what Cook says.
The physical location of the Crosby, next to Starbucks and off Fourth is a great location. Plus all of the “Brick and Motor” kitchen updates in place (for example, it is VERY expensive to convert a bookstore into a food establishment). So some other swinging
d!ck will come along and establish something. the guys from the Crosby, if not tied up in lawsuits for being complicit in Murder, will relocate.
It is up to the DTSA ORGINAZATION to do this. This might be a good project for SAcred. Hey, maybe we get America Barraca’s group to act as a “guardian angel” type program, and as a bonus, Marc Payan can have is “warriors” patrol the streets, doing jumping jacks, preaching and keeping everyone safe!
Mateo, I know you’ll agree!
Yes, I agree Carpetbagger. We need more gay Jumping Jacks.
-to disract us from the failed gentrification fantasies of Downtown S.A.
Crosby is not leaving Downtown. No lawsuits.
“The landlords need to rent to somebody”……… Hmmmmmm
There are Landlords, Scamloards and Slumlords and they are usualy nongentiles.
Which one are you talking about — cook?
The Latinos didn’t leave. They were 1) Cheated out of their stakes like the Olivos’ and the Latino partners of Fiesta Marketplace 2) Forced out by not having leases renewed because they catered to Latino customers 3) Kept out by hipsters with second-rate businesses who were given one year and more of free rent 4) Chased out by DTI and the rest of Chase’s Racists…read the Grand Jury report.
Now, Latinos are coming back to the downtown with better businesses, clientele, innovation, vision and a work ethic that DTI’s drunkard-industrial complex can not compete with.
First they came for the Yost. Then they came for the carousel. Then they came for Moya’s Bakery. Then they came for the indoor swap meet. Then they came for the artists. Then someone died.
Time to take back downtown from the fools who play with other people’s lives and livelihoods.
You ain’t got the cash baby! Ha. Head south.
What is the year and report number of the GJR you are talking about?
“First they came for the Yost”…………. Hmmmmm
Who are “they”?
We know who got Yost so why dont you name them including their ethnicity?
Damn, you are hard core. no kidding.
Haha! Not!
New Santora Owner Deals Blow to Santa Ana’s Underground – http://www.voiceofoc.org/oc_central/article_8e03fcda-9102-11e3-8f42-001a4bcf887a.html
I should add that the Crosby’s is good location for the bagels with cream cheese and lox — comming soon.
Head for the border.
Which border Onanymous?
South, North or Middle East?
Nobody has cash anymore. Vegas is due East not South Moron.