Free seminar on using social media to promote your business
El Clasificado & Su Socio de Negocios invites you to a FREE seminar "Social Media: An Effective way to promote...." El Clasificado and Su Socio de Negocios invite you to…
O.C. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce presents a Lending Forum
OC Business Lending Forum Monday, June 7th, 2010 8am - 11am and 11am - 12pm Resource Booth Expo Located at Chapman University Beckman Hall, Room 404 Limited Space. Please RSVP…
SAUSD hosts Career Information Fair for teachers and paraprofessionals
Santa Ana Unified School District is hosting a career information fair featuring local colleges and universities on Monday, June 7, 2010 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the school district’s…
Van Tran forgets Viet and Latino voters in new campaign mailer
Leave it to Republican Assemblyman Van Tran to have no clue as to who lives in the 47th Congressional District. Tran is running in the GOP primary in the 47th,…
Maybe we ought to let Harrah build the tower at One Broadway Plaza?
I have to admit, I am not a big fan of developer Mike Harrah. In fact I have been boycotting his businesses ever since he hosted Arizona Mexican-hater Sheriff Joe…
Correa Supports Senate Passage of Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR) Act
PHOTO FROM ARCHIVE: California State Senator Lou Correa addressing Santa Ana College students during the “2009 California Distinguished School” event in Orange County Senator Lou Correa, 34th Senate District…
Attorney General should investigate the O.C. Grand Jury
Glenn Stroud - The man who corrupted the O.C. Grand Jury? According to their website the Orange County Grand Jury is "mandated to investigate and report on both criminal and civil…
Proof presents Pudding, this Saturday night
Occurring every Saturday, PROOF presents PUDDING, a weekly event bringing you a variety of different tastes. Hosted by MONOTONE and PEOPLE WITH AGENDAS. We bring together unique genres and push…
Tinkertoy exhibits opening at the Discovery Science Center on June 5
There’s no limit to what you can do when you use teamwork and creativity in TINKERTOY: Build Your Imagination, a new traveling exhibit based on the classic building toy adored…
Correa’s bill to train cops to identify post-war mental illnesses passes Senate
For Immediate Release: June 1, 2010 Contact: Lina Hamilton, (916) 651-4034 Correa’s Bill to Train Law Enforcement Officers to Identify Post-War Mental Illnesses Passes Senate Unanimously SACRAMENTO, CA – The…
Festival of Time brings history to life at the Great Park
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JUNE 2, 2010 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Take a Walk Through the Forties ‘Festival of Time’ brings history to life at the Great Park IRVINE – Take…
Patchwork Festival coming to Santa Ana on Sunday, June 6
Patchwork Festivals are coming up this Sunday and on June 27! Join the folks at the Road Less Traveled, and over 75 vendors, at Patchwork Show, the best independent arts…
Correa to host Unemployment Insurance Seminar in Garden Grove on Friday
California State Senator Lou Correa, The CA Employment Development Department (EDD), and Nguoi Viet Daily News invite you to attend an Unemployment Insurance Seminar. The seminar will adress: How to…
Santa Ana youth block access to federal building in immigration reform protest
UPDATE: The Santa Ana 8 have all been released from jail! Santa Ana students engaged in a civil disobedience action with the purpose of shutting down all activity in the…
Correa strongly supports bill expanding benefits of Cal Grant Student Loan Program
PHOTO FROM FILE: State Senator Lou Correa during Senate Floor Session. Senator Lou Correa, 34th Senate District For Immediate Release: June 1, 2010 Contact: Lina Hamilton, (916) 651-4034 Correa…