Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

This week’s Santa Ana City Council meeting, on Tuesday night, was disrupted by a crowd of people (who reportedly don’t live in Santa Ana), as they shouted demands for a ceasefire in Gaza. Why this has anything to do with the City of Santa Ana is a very good question.

Santa Ana Mayor Valerie Amezcua warned the audience not to disrupt the meeting and then called for a recess after they began shouting. You can see this happen in the video above at the 1:51 mark.

Roughly 20 minutes later, council members resumed the meeting with an announcement by the City Attorney, Sonia Carvalho.

Unfortunately the miscreants continued to shout and yell outside, again disrupting the City Council meeting.

Santa Ana City Council Member Thai Viet Phan,noted in her closing remarks that she was “disappointed” by audience members’ behavior “that prevented this city from carrying out its business.”

Santa Ana Council Member Phil Bacerra, in his closing remarks, thanked the police officers in the room “for keeping order” and addressing “disruptive behavior” from “out of town” meeting attendees who “prevented this city council from celebrating our community.”

Santa Ana City Council Members Jessie Lopez, Ben Vazquez and Johnathan Hernandez objected to the clearing of the fanatics from the City Council chambers.

Mayor Amezcua blamed the pro-ceasefire fanatics for preventing the City Council members from honoring Mater Dei High School’s sports teams and a resident recipient of the city’s “Good Neighbor Award.”

Similar pro-Palestinian fanatics recently walked onto the Harbor Freeway in Los Angeles and shut down traffic, resulting in dozens of arrests.

Why do these rude people think that uncivil behavior will motivate anyone to agree with them?

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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