Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

I met with Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido yesterday morning, and he was kind enough to share with me, again, his itinerary.  Remember as you read this that Pulido is a part-time Mayor – but he clearly spends a lot of time doing the job he was elected to do:

What a day!  And Pulido still has an afternoon full of additional appointments to work through.

We are fortunate to have a Mayor who can spend so much time on city business.  Mayor Pulido made it clear that he is available to talk to anyone who wants to meet with him with regard to city business.  If you want to meet with him contact Becky Magallon, at City Hall, at She is an Executive Assistant to City Manager Dave Ream.

Click here to read our previous installment, A Day in the Life of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

14 thoughts on “Another day in the life of Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido”
    1. artist at the village,

      Sorry you feel that way. I have worked very hard to promote the Artists Village and to help AVASA.

      Matt Southgate, of AVASA, by the way, took ill yesterday and was unable to meet with Mayor Pulido. I hope he will be able to schedule another meeting.

  1. worked so hard? hum. In reality all you are concerned with is the Mayor’s re-election campaign. This blog has produced two very nasty opinion based articles against the artist village…You are only serving the interest of the political machine of SA.
    It is your blogs best interest on readership to cover arts and entertainment..since you really don’t have a true journalist background or impartial analysis. You are the spin zone. Unfortunate but true…you are an extension of the SA council. PROPAGANDA.

    1. That campaign is two years away. The pieces in question were not my opinion but rather that of Sean Mill, who has since left this blog. I believe it is healthy for a community to hear all perspectives and to reach their own conclusions. We are happy to provide a forum for this conversation.

      You are right. I am not a journalist. I am a blogger, but I studied journalism at CSUF and wrote at the school paper at UCI. I have many years experience in marketing and I started the very first political blog in Orange County, back in 2003. I have probably written over five thousand posts in my time. As for impartial analysis, I reserve the right to have an opinion. Isn’t free speech part of being an artist? By the way, I have worked in graphic design, grew up paying three musical instruments, and I have taken numerous art classes. My daughter is a fashion designer and a graduate of FIDM. The arts are in our blood.

      We cover the arts and entertainment here on the New Santa Ana blog because that is of interest to our readers and because that is a big part of Santa Ana.

      By the way, what is your issue with Mayor Pulido? He is a big backer of the arts. His son goes to OCHSA. Pulido plays the guitar. He was instrumental in creating the Artists Village. You ought to be one of his supporters, not a detractor!

  2. It is very easy to wash your hands of those written opinion based pieces by saying Mills wrote them..YOU are the Editor and that speaks VOLUMES of your integrity.
    It is a conflict of interest that is why Mills is not writing anymore for your blog it is unethical. CSFU has some serious explaining to do if you got a passing grade in journalism.
    My beef is with your blatant hypocrisy and propaganda.

    1. artist at the village,

      No, it speaks volumes as to my dedication to free speech and to providing a forum for discussing these issues. Mill’s opinions are his. Mine are quite obvious. I support the arts and have spent a lot of time promoting the arts here on this blog.

      You are right that Mill faced a potential conflict of interest, as he is now on the Planning Commission. He did the right thing and chose to serve the public as a Commissioner. We wish him well.

      As for hypocrisy and propaganda, please be more specific. I cannot counter such vacuous comments.

      You seem to take issue with our opinions, that is fine. But empty charges do not a rebuttal make.

      By the way, we have tripled our readership in one year. I guess we must be doing something right! Thanks for reading our blog.

  3. With great power comes great responsibility. Free speech is not about propaganda.
    All your political pieces are slanted in favor of the current political machine.
    You can’t offer two sides because you don’t have a real are here to spin away any questioning of the Mayor and its council.
    I saw Sean at his confirmation hearing..lying about his involvement with your business agenda.
    About your readership going up..well they say
    “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”
    Your welcome.

    1. artist at the village,

      What you call propaganda, I call opinion. The fact is, we often counter the mindless “propaganda” that is being distributed by the sore losers from last year’s election. In doing so we play an important role, as the local media is often asleep at the switch.

      You are right however, this is my blog. I decide what goes up. If you want to start a competing blog, be my guest. It is not as easy as you might think.

      Sean did not lie. That is a libelous statement. Did you know that he recently visited the Artists Village and that he is working to have the Planning Commission review the city’s tattoo ordinance?

      I am not your enemy, although you appear to have quite a bit of groundless animus against me. But thanks for reading our blog!

  4. “By the way, we have tripled our readership in one year.”………. Hmmmm

    Like what?

    Santa Ana is still worst city in the OC, and bankrupt, in spite of the fact that we have best mayor money can buy.

  5. I am pretty sure that “Artist at the Village” is not Matt Southgate or necessarily shares his opinions. I’m sure that he finds the debate refreshing though. The Artists are being heard! Newsantaana is being heard! Viva Santa Ana! The most relevant city in Orange County.

  6. Artist at the Village,

    Why do you have such an issue with the posting of Mayor Pulido’s schedule? I thought folks like you were all about transparency and such. I think that the publishing of his schedule is being quite transparent.

    What other local mayors and elected officials publicize their schedules?

    Kudos to Mayor Pulido for giving the residents a glimpse into his busy schedule as a “part-time” Mayor.

    Rather than attacking Miguel anonymously on this blog perhaps you can set up a meeting with him and address your grievences in person. The contact info to do so was in the post.

  7. Hello Sean, and Admin. I am curious. How many appointments walk into the Mayor’s office and say “Hello Mr. Mayor, It is an honor to be here. Thank you for allowing me to be here. I have come hear to ask you however, how may our group have more than 15 minutes of your ear? Cause, we have some “shee it” that needs to be discussed?” According to that schedule. Art Pedroza met with the Mayor for less than 15 minutes. Did he get much accomplished in his visit?

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