The best candidate that Orange County’s Vietnamese community had going into the June 5 Open Primary, Westminster Mayor Pro Tem Tyler Diep, dropped out of the race for the 72nd Assembly District. That left two Vietnamese candidates vying for that seat – O.C. Board of Education Trustee Long Pham, a Republican, and Garden Grove Planning Commissioner Joe Dovinh, a former Decline to State voter who is now a Democrat.
Dovinh has “spent $6,699 during the March 18-May 19 reporting period, brining his total spending in the AD-72 race to $16,352. He has $5,493 left in his warchest,” according to the OC Political blog. They also reported that Pham “spent $62,675 during the March 18-May 19 reporting period, bringing his total spending in the AD-72 race to $106,072. He has only $1,412 left in his warchest.”

The only elected Vietnamese candidate who is running for reelection in the Open Primary is Supervisor Janet Nguyen – a Republican who is roundly despised by many in her own community and whose moneygrubbing corrupt ways have come to the forefront since she took over the Caloptima Board of Directors and immediately started squeezing health professionals for campaign donations.
Nguyen is not endorsing Pham, as far as I know.
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