To understand why SAUSD Trustee John Palacio hates Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido so much you have to understand that Palacio is still mad that his best friend and mentor was booted off a local school board some years ago. Wait a minute – I am not referencing the recall of former SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez, but rather the fall from grace and eventual resignation of former Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Rodolfo “Rudy” Montejano.
Long before Lopez was causing trouble in town, Montejano was the man. An attorney, who graduated from UC Berkeley, like current Council Member Vince Sarmiento and Council candidate Eric Alderete, Montejano was quite the player back in the day – and Palacio was his number one lackey.
But Montejano, like Lopez, disgraced himself and then he left, only to reappear in far-off Indiana. But before we get to that, let’s recap his career, using media references:
- Montejano was first elected to the SAUSD Board of Education back in 1971. By 1985 Latinos could not get elected any longer to that board, according to the L.A. Times.
- By 1988, Montejano was on the Rancho Board and he was in the news again. This time he was cited by the L.A. Times as having recused himself from voting on a contract between the Rancho District and the operators of a swap meet that was at the time being held at Santa Ana College. Montejano was referenced as “an associate of Norton Western Ltd., the private corporation that formerly sponsored the swap meets.” Worth noting was the fact that a non-profit run by Montejano, the Santiago Club, was retained in the contract to “provide security, management personnel, restrooms and sanitation.”
- In 1989, the L.A. Times connected Palacio to Montejano. “John Palacio, a management consultant in Santa Ana, has been named Latino program adviser for the Pacific Symphony, orchestra officials announced this week. Palacio, formerly Latino affairs manager for Santa Ana and an executive assistant to the city manager, will serve as a part-time consultant to the organization to develop musical programs for the Latino community. The orchestra also has created a Latino advisory committee whose chairman is Rodolfo Montejano, a Santa Ana lawyer who was elected to the orchestra board of directors in January.”
- By August of 1990 the wheel were falling off of Montejano’s Cadillac, as the L.A. Times reported “The Orange County Grand Jury is reportedly investigating allegations that Santa Ana attorney and Latino rights activist Rodolfo Montejano tried to improperly pressure City Councilman Miguel A. Pulido Jr. to approve the construction of billboards proposed by one of his clients.” Aha! Palacio’s hatred for Pulido goes all the way back to this incident – which derailed Montejano’s career. Pulido stopped Montejano in his tracks!
- By October of 1990, the L.A. Times had reported more about the investigation into Montejano’s lobbying activities: “District attorney’s investigators have questioned three civic leaders about what they discussed or overheard at a private dinner hosted last year by Santa Ana lawyer Rodolfo Montejano, who is the focus of a grand jury inquiry. The gathering took place on the eve of a rock concert at Centennial Regional Park sponsored by a nonprofit organization led by Montejano and co-promoted by one of his clients.”
- Two Rancho District employees had finally had enough of Montejano, according to the L.A. Times. “Two faculty members from Rancho Santiago College demanded the resignation of college trustee Rodolfo Montejano during a meeting of trustees Tuesday. Philosophy instructor John A. Velasquez and Librarian Douglas Toohey told the board they believe that Montejano is no longer a proper role model for the college and should step down from the post he has held for 19 years.”
- A month later, Montejano cracked. He told the L.A. Times that he was “resigning from the board of an organization that he founded and plans to move to Indiana next year.” He cited health concerns and a desire to “live in a non-urban environment away from crime, drugs, traffic, overcrowding, pollution and congestion, which now dominate our city.” He also announced he was leaving his beloved Santiago Club – which fell apart after he left and no longer exists today.
- But the O.C. Grand Jury wasn’t done with Montejano. Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Donald A. Sizemore, told the L.A. Times that he and former Councilman Ron May were invited by Montejano to a dinner at a Reuben’s Restaurant to discuss whether the city Planning Commission and the council would approve construction of a series of oversize billboards being sought by a firm that the lobbyist (Montejano) represented.
- And in May of 1991, Montejano was making headlines yet again. The L.A. Times revealed that “former Deputy City Atty. Frank Rhemrev leased space in the office suite of Santa Ana attorney Rodolfo Montejano. As a result of this the city attorney’s office had to postpone a trial involving a lawsuit between the city and Councilman Richards L. Norton. And get this – Rhemrev “also handled about 30 zoning and municipal-code lawsuits pending against catering-truck owners who are represented by Montejano.”
- Later in 1991, Rancho Santiago Trustee Charles W. (Pete) Maddox accused fellow trustee Montejano of “unethical behavior in filing campaign financial statements and in his dealings with the college’s now-defunct swap meet,” according to the L.A. Times. Maddox pushed for a Code of Ethics for the Rancho Board that was approved by the Trustees.
- Montejano finished his time on the Rancho Board in September of 1991, according to the L.A. Times. Rancho Trustee Charles Maddox, a former student journalist who dogged Montejano for years, summed up the retiring Trustee’s career thusly: “In terms of the district and the community, I see Rudy’s career as a tragedy,” Maddox said. “We have this brilliant leader with all this talent who, in my opinion, put all of that talent in the wrong direction. What I’ve seen is a man who came from poverty, grew to social prominence then took advantage of those he left behind.” Maddox is especially critical of Montejano’s role in El Mercado, a privately run swap meet that operated for three years in the parking lot of the college’s Santa Ana campus. “Montejano’s involvement in the swap meet was the dirtiest political event ever to take place in Santa Ana,” Maddox charged. The swap meet, which served mostly Latino customers, was operated by the Santiago Club which contracted with Norton Western Ltd., a company owned by City Councilman Richards L. Norton. The Santiago Club, Norton Western and the college split portions of the proceeds earned from the swap meet–an arrangement which Maddox contended was a conflict of interest.
- But the hard times were not over for Montejano. In February of 1992, according to the L.A. Times, “A Superior Court jury Monday ordered retired Rancho Santiago College trustee and local lawyer Rodolfo Montejano to pay more than $1.7 million in damages to a former client who had charged him with fraud and misrepresentation.”
- And the Rancho Board was still dealing with Montejano’s alleged unethical behavior. The Board passed a ban on alcohol for Trustees who were charging dinner meetings to the District. Trustee Charles Maddox “first proposed and wrote the policy after noticing a $2,545 bill at the Antonello Ristorante in Santa Ana for four nights of board activities there in August, 1991. The bill included a $413.75 tab for alcoholic beverages,” according to the L.A. Times.
- Remember how Montejano said he was moving and retiring due to his health? That turned out to be a load of B.S. He never stopped working – he just moved to a different arena, perhaps ahead of the Grand Jury posse that was still going after him. In 2008, Montejano, who has been with the Evansville Vanderburgh School Corp. for less than a year as director of development, was promoted Monday to the school system’s No. 2 administrative spot, according to an online source.
- Palacio of course never lost touch with Montejano. He included him on an online list of endorsers in 2010.
Palacio is now following in Montejano’s footsteps – which the aforementioned recalled SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez tried to do as well. Palacio is backing Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides, who is a hot mess, for the Santa Ana Mayor’s office, and Palacio is also involved in the Nelida Yanez and Mark McLoughlin campaigns for the Rancho Board and the Valerie Amezcua campaign for the SAUSD School Board.
And Palacio is still working the non-profits for his own benefit, as Montejano, his godfather, did. He called himself a “management consultant” after the City of Santa Ana fired him. Today he is involved in HEEF, the Hispanic Education Endowment Fund. You won’t find his name on their financial reports but go to their annual dinner and you will see that he is the man at HEEF. I wonder how much of the corporate loot they rake in every year ends up in his pockets?
He must be doing pretty well as he has a house here in town in the Morrison Park neighborhood, not too far from Santa Ana Council Member Carlos Bustamante’s house. And he maintains a second home in Arizona.
Most folks in town have forgotten about Montejano, but we haven’t. And you shouldn’t either. We can still stop Palacio from becoming the next Montejano – be sure to vote against every single candidate he is supporting, this November.
Dude. Nobody gives a f@#$ about Palacios and his homeboy what’s his name. What we all want to know is, what’s with your homeboy Sean Mills. Pulido did not appoint him. Benavides did not appoint him. where does he fit in to this whole uprising thing?
Don’t you wish that was true? This post is Santa Ana’s Rosetta Stone. At last we understand the longtime grudge Palacio has against Pulido.
Sean has .nothing to do with any of this. But I know he has never supported Benavides before. Nor have I.
Did you know that Benavides tried to sell your beloved Santora building to his church?
Pedroza you are loosing your mind. Palacio contracts with various candidates during elections. Amezcua is running Valerie’s campaign.
Your psychotic convoluted guilt by association blog piece just markets and promotes their campaign services they offer candidates if they believe your story about they running the ” revolution”.
Fact is as Sal Tinajero stated in a Voice of Orange County interview the majority council are responsible for the “spring revolution” as Sal coined it.
That was before Palcio burned Tinajero’s sister with the teachers union endorsement. Now we know Sal can’t trust him.
Palacio did not do such a thing. It’s your propaganda . Even so this does not split the majority council as it is independent of Palcio and Amezcua.
Nothing to do with Palacio as he does not make decisions for the majority council……..trust not issue with your comment.
Is it true that way back in the 1970’s Montejano was offering councilmembers $1,000,000 per Billboard they would approve?
Ask John Acosta what Montejano was offering. Palacio probably knows, he cleaned up the scraps left around the table after the big boys finished their meals.
This blog piece is an attempt at: GUILT BY ASSOCIATION.
Pedroza will use propaganda to label Palacio and Amezcua as shady characters by associating them with researched alledged label shady individuals.
These then are associated with the majority council as an attempt to discredit their vision for the city all with the objective to elect Mayor Pulido.
Guilt by Association is the attempt to discredit an idea based upon disfavored people or groups associated with it. This is the reverse of an Appeal to Misleading Authority, and might be justly called “Appeal to Anti-Authority”. An argument to authority argues in favor of an idea based upon associating an authority figure with the idea, whereas Guilt by Association argues against an idea based upon associating it with disreputable people or groups.
McCarthyism was a specific version of Guilt by Association in which an individual, organization, or idea was associated in some way with communism. An association was made between the target of McCarthyism and communism by linking both through some shared idea. For instance, in the 1960s some anti-communists attacked support for civil rights by pointing out that the Communist Party of the United States also supported the civil rights movement. It was then argued that anyone who supported civil rights was thereby supporting communism, whether they intended to or not. Here is the form of the argument:
Target Link Bad Thing
Martin Luther King, Jr. Support for civil rights Communism
This can be reformulated as a categorical syllogism as follows:
All communists are civil rights supporters.
Martin Luther King, Jr. is a civil rights supporter.
Therefore, Martin Luther King, Jr. is a communist.
This argument commits a syllogistic fallacy, and many other instances of Guilt by Association commit the same fallacy.
I went to great lengths to also establish the similarities in the methodologies used by Palacio and Montejano. Palacio learned from the master. Now we need to shut him and his candidates down too.
You went to great lengths at propaganda through guilt by association.
The public understands the negativity as a campaign agenda in favor of the candidate ou support.
And they understand your job in the Palacio cartel is to obfuscate.
The change in power via a majority council is through the unification of 4 votes later possibly 6. You concentrating on a political witch hunt on several people ……in this case Palacio will not affect this council majority. You are wasting your time and only further exposing your agenda of campaigning for Pulido through your blog.
Editor says:
August 31, 2012 at 1:29 pm
I went to great lengths to also establish the similarities in the methodologies used by Palacio and Montejano. Palacio learned from the master. Now we need to shut him and his candidates down too.
Thank you, exactly my point of GUILT BY ASSOCIATION.
Editor says:
August 31, 2012 at 2:21 pm
And they understand your job in the Palacio cartel is to obfuscate.
On the contrary I am clarifying the reasons for the witch hunts. They understand this.
You are right. Palacio does associate with a lot of scumbags. Why is that?
Lomeli is reaching Greg Diamond like proportions in his BLIND defense of anything democratic/Benavides.
The common demonator, both aparantly have endless time on thier hands, Neither live in the communities they insert themselves in, nor can they VOTE there. Additionally, both are completely ignorant to the facts.
Is Dr. Lomeli part of the DPOC too? I didn’t think that dentists and lawyers were part of the OCEA.
Editor says:
August 31, 2012 at 3:29 pm
You are right. Palacio does associate with a lot of scumbags. Why is that?
I don’t know that he does. You saying so those not make it fact. I can say you and Pulido associate with a lot of scumbags does it make it true or is true?
Say what you want about Pulido but drag me into this and you will regret it.
I am a registered Republican. Just commenting on political witch hunts.
Most of Montejano’s crew were Republicans. Wasn’t he a Nixon appointee? You would have fit right in.
Probably not a good fit for me. Some of your friends tell me you bragged to them that Pulido and Claudia Alvarez pay for you to write on your blog in their favor . Want names? Will be surprised if you post this.
No friend of mine would say that. It simply isn’t true. On occasion I get paid to design websites. That is true. In fact I did that for Michele Martinez two years ago. I have never worked with Alvarez but would be honored to do so.
Editor says:
August 31, 2012 at 3:58 pm
Say what you want about Pulido but drag me into this and you will regret it.
Pedroza is this a threat. You wish to fight me ( mano a mano ).Why do you post rumors and character assassination on people and take great insult when association with scumbags is asked of you?
I take great care when posting to establish my points. I certainly dis so with the Montejano post, with over a dozen links to media references.
As a blogger I do share my opinions. That is what blogging is all about. Feel free to take umbrage with said opinions. But calling what I write rumors is off-base.
Over and over again you insist on making this personal and attacking me. When you comment here you are a guest and if you insist on attacking me then I will have no choice but to show you the door. Don’t like that? Then go start your own blog and let me know how that works out for you. This is not as easy as you appear to think it is.
I understand your rules. However I did not attack you. I am not questioning your research on Montejano as it is irrelevant just fodder for a political witch hunt.
Your blog pieces on the Mayoral race include character assassinations of individuals. You call it sharing your opinions. Others that share their opinion about you that you find offensive you call it an attack on your character. This is not fair and hypocritical. You say it is your blog and you have these unfair rules, well OK I have to be carefull notbto anger you in oder to blog here.
Again, if Benavides wants to clear the air about the rumors BROUGHT UP BY MY READERS, he is welcome to do so.
I wrote a post asking why Benavides no longer mentions his family on ANY of his Facebook pages and websites. It is a damn good question that he ought to answer ASAP.
Running you out to cover up for these people only works to a certain extent. Benavides and Palacio are adults and they are seasoned politicians. Stand up gentlemen and speak for yourselves!
“You wish to fight me ( mano a mano ).”
This sounds like a money making Pay per View event Art! Some O.C. Register reporters put on the gloves recently for charity and it drew some interest. How about the loser has to wear a Sandwich Board sign walking on 4th street supporting the winners candidate of choice?
LOL! Dr. Lomeli is a nice older man. I would not want to injure him or anyone else for that matter. And I do my fighting from a keyboard, not with fists.
The last time I got in a fist fight was in the fourth grade, when I beat up a white kid for picking on the only African American student at my school. I won.
Benavidez has nothing to explain to you or your readers. His marriage is private. Like many of us in a marriage we encounter significant martial problems that require time away from each other to heal differences.
Why the joy in others private problems? Marital problems are irrelevant in his ability
Palacio won’t answer you as he has no involvement in th ecouncil majority strategy. He does not drive the ” spring revolution”. The united Pulido independant council majority does.
Santa Ana Proud,
My prediction is Pedroza down in 1. Pedroza is out of shape. One in the gut will do it.
It figures that you would be open to such a ridiculous idea.
“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
Your ego gets in the way. Your answer to me and Santa Ana Proud should of been. My post was not a threat for a physical altercation should not of said what I said . This is a blog and I support free speech.
Instead you say you can hurt me in a fight because I am old,and so will do your damage from a keyboard………cowardly.
Understand that if you attack enough people by keyboard sooner or later you may run into someone that will not be rational and seek you out to harm you. We have differences but I always have consider you a friend in this manner I mention this.
All this is politics it is not important in the big picture of life.
I have always fought hard for our people. I will continue to do so despite the bullies on the left and the right.
Check your cell phone: Palacio and Benavides left a message telling you what to say.
Get an original idea doc, even Dan Chmeiliwinski is arms length now.
You better call back soon. You might just end up another manipulitive dentist from OUT OF TOWN taking advantage of people in need.
WE have enough of those in Santa Ana. Don’t need a Horse property owner too.
Art P., you use to be a cheerleader for Palacio a while back.
Nice history lesson, tho.
Maybe you know the answer this this question. These politicians who work for these stipends over many years, do they get a pension, what is it based on and who pays the freight?
You have been out of touch for some time then. He endorsed Noji two years ago – after he kept all other candidates out of the SAUSD race that year. And he shut down the candidates’ debates that year. This guy is power hungry and we need to make sure we stop him and his candidates.
City Council Members and some if not all of the City Commissioners do get a pension. Not sure how it is paid but I would assume we’re on the hook.
Dr. Lomeli Wrote:
“Benavidez has nothing to explain to you or your readers. His marriage is private. Like many of us in a marriage we encounter significant martial problems that require time away from each other to heal differences.
Why the joy in others private problems? Marital problems are irrelevant in his ability ”
Pablo David Benavides has EVERTHING to explain to the voters and residents he wishes to represent.
He is asking for support for a position in which integrity and honesty are paramount. He has marketed himselff as a leader in the community and a church going Christan, He has championed for children who are from broken homes.
So the fact that he cheated on his wife and she left him as a result DOES MATTER! It matters greatly.
As an elected representitive we deserve leaders we can trust, if you CHEAT on your wife that is representitive of your honesty and integrity.
So hang up your “private matter” BS, it’s not like he overdrew the checking account.
The fact that he is afraid to come clean and sends you to defend him makes it worse.
It’s not a “witch hunt” it is looking for the TRUTH from a canidate, who is asking us to trust him.
BORING!!!!!!!!! Been through this song and dance with you before .
I’m so tired of paying high utility bills in Santa Ana!
Who is this Dan Griset guy and why is he the Santa Ana representative on the Metropolitan Water District Board? They keep raising our rates and he votes for the raises but I don’t remember voting for him? Is he up for re-election in November?
Dan is a signer on Santa Ana’s measure GG.
He wants to take away the voters right to vote.
Boring for the rich republican dentist from Orange Park Acres. But not for the rank and file voters of Santa Ana, who could be stuck with another Carlos bustamonte, thanks to yahoo’s like you.
Go save a kitten.
Boring because have answered this before . Boring if you keep going over the same question as will get the same answers.
Bustamante and your rumored Benavides issue are apples to oranges …………….you are a bad person, Bustamante is a criminal felony sexual harassment case. This is a example of a severe character flaw on you.
I am a bad person??
I have never cheating on my wife,let alone while simultanasly praising Jesus. Thats one messed up dude you are supporting.
I plan to do EVERYTHING I can to expose David for the lying, cheater he is. Then we can let the voters decide.
Plain and simple. It’s my job as a citizen to question my leaders morals. When the said “leader” hides and refuses to answer, I become more committed.
This issue is not going away, so maybe you should.
Why is the dentist spending so much time writing on this blog? Doesn’t he have any clients to keep him busy?
This question is not for the dentist. Someone else answer. His postings have given me a headache.
Sally don’t read go do something else. Look after your health.
Carpetbagger says:
September 1, 2012 at 6:06 pm
I am a bad person??
I have never cheating on my wife,let alone while simultanasly praising Jesus. Thats one messed up dude you are supporting.
Yes you are . You are a hypocrite . You are a liar. This comment is one reason:
Comparing Bustamates alleged criminal felony sexual harassment to a rumored Benavides issue.
You forget (or ignore) this is NO LONGER A RUMOR.
Would you prefer we drag Emily, her Co-Wrorkers (teachers), and the canidate himself?
Although the latter seems unwilling to address the issue and instead is hiding behind shills like you.
I simply want Benavides to explain himself, is that so unreasonable?
The guy is happy to talk about his Harley Davidson motorcycle, his social work and everything else, but avoids uncomfortable personal questions because he is a lair and a coward.
Clearly David reads this, Emily has told him of our conversations, he knows whats coming,. yet he says nothing. Thats not a leader, thats a liar.
This is not going away, it’s gonna get bigger, dirtier and more humilating for he and his family. Waht a selfish prick.
My health is very good. But I hear the dentist is in poor health and it has nothing to do with his teeth.
Sally,thank you for worrying about my health as I worry of yours. You hear wrong I am in good health I am very fortunate.
If it is no longer a rumor then why your concern about it. So don’t vote for him. You pursuing it means it is a rumor. People concider a maritial problem like the one dwell on a private matter irrelevant on ability to hold office or perform employment duties.
The liar and coward is you……….your conversations with Emily????????PLEASE.
The point is your concern about morality and lack of character and your wish to eliminate those with these flaws from decision making positions. But you are one of these yourself as you show a lack of morality and character by irresponsibly associating your rumored concern with Benavides with Bustamante’s alleged felony criminal sexual harassment charges.
How moral , ethical and strong character can you be when you call a person a “prick” ……..not very.
No one should take you seriously………not that any one does , I am just saying.
MAYBE YOU WANT TO BRING BACK STONING . 50% of marriages end up in divorce majority of reason for it is infidelity………not Bustamate like.. A lot of the USA population would be lost if people thought like you.
Sounds like somebody struck a chord with Ed Lomeli.
A bit defensive, Like Nadia Davis, Carlos Bustamonte and so many others before……
Way to take the bait, dummy….
“Palacio”…….. Hmmmmmm
Up to now Palacio was always your Numero Uno Mexican, Pedroza.
All your picks, soon or later, will become spoiled burritos because they are all corrupt Mexicans.
Your hombre Pulido is next!
Funny, isn’t it how the OJB, has a dramatic depbate going on regarding a canidates record, including this link:
But, Benavides, supporters don’t believe HIS misdeeds are cause for debate?
Why does Lodge’s alledged actions differ from Davids?
This is getting stickier by the day for Mr. Benavides.
“Why does Lodge’s alledged actions differ from Davids?”
Easy, no grand jury, no indictments, no court case, no sworn testimony. Nothing to answer at all.
“Why does Lodge’s alledged actions differ from Davids?”
If you can’t figure this out your voting right should be taken away due to mental handicap.
You are once removed. So you are a shill.
Cook. Very Clear: David Benavides REFUSES to answer questions of his infidelity. Simple.
Should we sue him to find out? How about we drag his wife and kid in the open and let them describe the trail of destruction, this “Christan Man” has left behind.
Maybe the lawsuit should include his given name “Pablo”. that would be ironic.
Regardless, he’s done. His dishonesty is apparent to all of us, Mrs. Benavides and Mrs. Bustamonte included.
OSKIE/carpetbagger/ and other names used,
You have no morals,ethics nor character therefore a HYPOCRTITE.
Benavides doesn’t answer your rumor so he is the same as Lodge?????
Yes you are mental. Sue to have him answer a rumor???
THE SHILL IS YOU AS YOU ARE CLEARLY WORKING FOR PULIDO’S CAMPAIGN WITH THE STRATEGY ” Throw enough lies and some will stick” this explains the consistent focus on perusing a irrelevant issue.
Important only in the pulido/benavides race you have no arguments like this with the Daly race. Why is it? You are employed by the Pulido campaign to carry their strategy that is why.
OSKIE wrote,
You are once removed. So you are a shill.
Not once,second or third removed. Not related. Just commenting on a political witch hunt.
When is Benavides going to stick up for himself and address the marital issues as nobody’s business but his own? If people claimed that me and Los Dos Arts liked to have sicky threesomes, then I would say prove it Pendejos or shut up. And if they (thought) they could prove it, then I would say mind your own business busy body pendejos. But that is just me.
“going to stick up for himself ” mateo says:
Ha ha ha, so funny coming from a registered sex offender.
Mateo was it little girls or little boys? Or both? I think you need to prove it.
Mateo is not running for office. Benavides is. Big difference.
Mateo is however incredibly influential in the Artists Village. I guess Team Benavides is writing off the artists’ votes…
When and if he does he won’t do it here where the agenda is a political witch hunt.
I agree with everything you said.
Pulido does not do his dirty work directly related to “throw enough lies and some will stick”……….he has supporters do it for him as you have read here.
I and others need to state our objection to this type of campaign.
Art Lomeli,
Do you support the PBID? David Benavides does!!
Dr. Lomeli,
Are you saying that there is “NO TRUTH” to the story?
You repeatedly say “throw enough lies……..” so, your position is David is not seperated from his wife based on his infidelity?
Or are you saying infidelity in a marriage is irrelevant as a campaign issue, despite running on the platform af a Christan community activist?
Which is Doctor?
I and others need to state the need for truth and transparency from our elected leaders and canidates, that’s all I am saying. But, you and I are the only ones talking, you call it “Lies” I call it “FACTUAL” and the canidate refuses to come forward.
Thats all I am saying.
I amnot OSKIE, I am a Cardinal fan!
Carpetbagger/OSKIE/ and other names used,
You repeatedly say “throw enough lies……..” so, your position is David is not seperated from his wife based on his infidelity?
Or are you saying infidelity in a marriage is irrelevant as a campaign issue, despite running on the platform af a Christan community activist?
Yes separation not based on infidelity.
I am saying 50% of marriages end in divorce the majority reason is infidelity. The vast # of these divorces involve God fearing people active in their congregations. Do you want to investigate all of these and remove them from decision making positions of employment and public service positions?
Not fair to isolate individuals for political witch hunt reasons. The public understands this.
Any response to my question regarding the PBID Art Lomeli? David Benavides supports it. Do you?
I think that everyone of those candidates who truely have no regards for others and just pretend to for their political gain should be exposed! As in my opinion Mrs, Mendoza-Yanez cannot and should not be trusted to serve as an honest board member. While checking into her past positions on different boards via the Internet I found that she serves on these boards for her family’s personal gain. Her first board position allowed her to enroll her three children in the Head Start program intended for low-income families. Two of her children received Gates Millennium Scholarships (financial aid program) intended for “the poor underprivileged students.” When her last child left for college (Stanford) she and her husband enjoyed a month long vacation in Europe. Real Estate records in Orange County indicate that she and her husband own two properties, the home they live in and one on East Camile. In my opinion Mrs. Mendoza-Yanez has underreported their income in order to qualify for aide intended for low-income families/students. Is this the type of person we want to serve? Can she be trusted? Before you vote check into her past.
Dead issue now as no vote to fund it. Deciding a vote on one issue is not wise. Look at the big picture. He is in the council majority that needs to voice support of the downtown to provide the infrastructure to compete with malls and super dept. stores.
Art Lomeli how can you trust someone like David Benavides? He has long supported the PBID and Downtown Inc. over the wants of downtown business owners like you.
If he becomes Mayor he can bring the PBID back and given his past support I think he will.