FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: December 26, 2013
Contact: Jenny Wedge, Office: (949) 252-5182, jwedge@ocair.com
SANTA ANA, Calif. – An exhibition celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Philharmonic Society of Orange County is now on display at John Wayne Airport (JWA) in the Orange County: Destination Art & Culture exhibition space, located along the pedestrian walkway connecting the Terminal B and C ticketing lobbies. The exhibition is open to the general public, passengers and visitors to the Airport through April 2014.
“JWA welcomes the Philharmonic Society of Orange County to this unique exhibit space that allows us to connect Orange County’s non-profit art and cultural organizations with the millions of passengers and visitors who travel through our facility each year,” said Airport Director Alan L. Murphy.
This exhibit features both current projects and achievements from the organization’s history. As one of the oldest and most recognized music presenters in Southern California, the Philharmonic Society has presented many of the world’s acclaimed symphony orchestras, chamber ensembles, soloists and international artists for the enjoyment, edification and appreciation of Orange County audiences.
“We invite everyone-music lovers and novices, Orange County natives and visitors-to join us in celebrating sixty years of musical excellence,” said Philharmonic Society President and Artistic Director, Dean Corey. “I hope to see you at one of our presentations.”
For more information about JWA’s art program, visit www.ocair.com.
For more information about the Philharmonic Society of Orange County, visit http://www.
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