Santa Ana’s police department says goodbye to their top police dog, Chris
Police dogs are heroes we don't often take note of. They work as hard, if not harder, as their human counterparts, but they only last about ten years, on…
Police dogs are heroes we don't often take note of. They work as hard, if not harder, as their human counterparts, but they only last about ten years, on…
SANTA ANA POLICE DEPARTMENT NEWS RELEASE Date: 8/19/10 Contact: Santa Ana Burglary Unit, (714) 245-8400 Since March, 2010, the Santa Ana Police Burglary Unit noticed an increase in residential burglaries around the…
SAUSD Superintendent Jane Russo got busted in 2007, for falsifying class rosters In March of 2007, a year after SAUSD Trustee Audrey Yamagata-Noji was elected to her latest term on…
Say it ain't so Jose! I came across an item on Facebook tonight, which you can see in the graphic above, indicating that our favorite Assemblyman, Jose Solorio, is supporting…
(May 2007) Assemblyman Solorio and Governor Schwarzenegger announce CalGRIP program. For Immediate Release: July 2, 2010 For more information contact: Carol Chamberlain - office - (916) 319-2069, cell - (916)…
Two California cities have made the decision over the past week to essentially fire all their police officers and contract with other agencies. One city, Maywood, went as far as…
Glenn Stroud - The man who corrupted the O.C. Grand Jury? According to their website the Orange County Grand Jury is "mandated to investigate and report on both criminal and civil…
PHOTO FROM FILE: State Senator Lou Correa during a press conference at the State Capitol. Senator Lou Correa, 34th Senate District For Immediate Release: June 2, 2010 Contact: Lina…
Photos above courtesy of the Santa Ana Police Department's Most Wanted website State Senator Lou Correa is hosting an "Orange County Youth Gang Assessment" forum this Tuesday, May 25. This…
The Communication Linkage Forum is hosting a meeting on Thursday, May 27th at 7 p.m. with an agenda focusing on Graffiti. Guest speakers from Orange County Courts, Probation and…
Picture Courtesy of KTLA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Case # 10CF1242 May 20, 2010 Contact: Cpl. Anthony Bertagna, Public Information Officer, Santa Ana Police Department Susan Kang Schroeder, Chief of Staff, Orange…
Anaheim Deputy Chief of Police Craig Hunter Meet Orange County Sheriff candidates Craig Hunter, who is the Deputy Chief at the Anaheim Police Department, and Bill Hunt, who is a private…
Do your neighbors look like these guys? State Senator Lou Correa is hosting a Public Forum on Sex Offender Housing Issues, on Friday, May 14, from 3 pm - 5 pm,…
I just heard from a friend that the Santa Ana Police Department went completely nuts tonight, shutting down several streets in an unprecedented Cinco de Mayo crackdown. My friend reported…
MEDIA ADVISORY Contact: Susan Kirkland 714/619-0641 Lynda Sloan 714/619-5155 CASA of Orange County to Honor Outstanding Supporters at 25th Anniversary “Celebration of Children” Irvine 2010 – Court Appointed Special Advocates…