Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Sal Tinajero and Eric Alderete

In the end, Santa Ana Councilman David Benavides realized he was outnumbered and so he sucked it up and made the motion tonight to select his colleague, Council Member Sal Tinajero, as the new Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem.

The rest of the fading Team Benavides tucked their tails twixt their legs and followed suit – one by one they all seconded the motion and finally Mayor Miguel Pulido, who was so horribly attacked by Benavides during this year’s mayoral campaign, announced that, by proclamation, the clear choice was Tinajero.  And just like that the “Santa Ana Spring” was over.

Pulido remains in charge and it is clear from tonight’s actions that he has the votes to get things done in Santa Ana.  But the new Council majority leader isn’t the failed mayoral candidate Benavides.  Instead it is Tinajero who has emerged triumphant, after he was forced to step aside this year when Benavides refused to drop out of the mayoral race.

Things have changed now.  Benavides is now on his heels and in two years he and his co-conspirator, Michele Martinez, will have to face the music as they will be challenged and Pulido will no doubt bring his entire coalition into the fray.

But tonight it was all frivolity as the new Council met with their fans at the Bowers Museum.  I am told that new Council Member Angelica Amezcua was quite the charmer and she is quickly warming to her new position.

Now then on to the next battle.  I am told that Benavides is going to try to appoint a planning consultant, Phil Bacerra, to the Planning Commission.  Bacerra has been hired as a Planning Consultant by Downtown, Inc., the organization that for so long used money taken by other downtown property owners, via the unethical PBID tax, to spend as they pleased.  The PBID is now dying and so it seems that Bacerra is looking for a new gig. According to his page he is a “Problem Solver.”

It is of course highly unethical to put a planning consultant on the Planning Commission.  If Benavides thinks he is going to get away with this he has another thing coming.  Some people never learn…

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

29 thoughts on “Tinajero selected unanimously as the new Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem”
    1. I was at a graduation dinner for some of my students at Cerritos College. Tonight they were awarded journeyman status as painters – a very big deal for them and their families.

  1. The Santa Ana Spring is not over Spin Meister.
    It is only beginning.
    They took the time out
    to search for better consultation
    and they Received it.
    Revolutions are for the Lame and corrupt.
    Reformations are for the honest and sincere.
    So glad to see that Pulido has volunteered to bring himself back into the fold.
    He looks good up there facilitating
    a more righteous Santa Ana Spring.

    1. Stick to painting.

      Benavides blew it. Now he is on the outside looking in. Tinajero and Pulido are in charge now and there is nothing Benavides can do about it. He is literally quite finished.

  2. Why don’t you stick to Political Spin.
    Since when did you become a “painting” teacher at Cerritos College?

    1. I have been teaching there since 2003. I was once an estimator and a project manager for various coatings contractors working in area refineries and terminals.

      After I finished my MBA I went back to school and took the required education courses so I could teach at Cerritos College.

  3. You should stop obsessing about Benavides.
    I know that he is all so dreamy and rides a moto-bike and all that but seriously?
    Man crushes are no big deal man.
    Just enter the 21st century already.

    1. Benavides has much to answer for. His attacks on Pulido and the attacks on Pulido’s family, launched by his associates, were completely out of bounds.

      So he wanted to be a revolutionary? Well now he is a spent politician with no future ahead of him.

      1. Wow. Well if you’re claiming to be “the salt of the earth” referred to in Matthew 5, that’s a pretty exalted opinion of yourself.

        Rest assured the opinion of you from the street is quite different.

  4. Congrats to Sal on being selected Mayor Pro-Tem by acclamation of his colleagues. He is deserving of the position and I know he will do a great job filling in when Miguel is not there.

    I think we should all heed the words of the Mayor and put the election in the rear view mirror and focus on the future. Great things are coming and I am optimistic that this council will move the city forward.

    While we may not all agree on how to get there, I truly believe that everyone on the dais care deeply about the community and will do the best job that they can. Sal, Roman and Michele all grew up in tough neighborhoods and understand the plight of the less fortunate in our community. Their unique perspective can do nothing but help.

    As far as Planning Commission appointments go, there are 3 spots open and as of yet we don’t know who will fill them. I am excited to see who is appointed and look forward to working with whomever it is.

    If Phil is appointed he will bring a wealth of planning knowledge with him, as well as a grasp on the history of our city and a intimate understanding our downtown development. He was an asset to me when I was first appointed 6 years ago and I am sure he will continue to help me and the others.

    I’ll be the first to welcome Phil if he is appointed.

    1. What are you talking about Matt? I voiced my opinion to Art earlier and then penned my response here for the readers.

  5. Mayor Pulido has done a wonderful job and will continue to be the person best able to bring our city together. How he can forgive Benavides,Sarmiento, and Martinez, I don’t know but he can. Let’s all get behind Mayor Pulido and suport his efforts during the next 8 years. And then in 2020 when he is termed out, let’s find another leader like him to take his place. Hopefully he can groom someone for the job.

    I’m also happy that Mr. Lomelei has stopped his negative ways and no longer bad mouths our fine Mayor.

  6. I also believe that we should name a High School for Former Councilwoman Claudia Alvarez. She was the first Latina on the City Council. That should be rewarded with a school naming. We should also name a street or the Skate Park for Pat McGuigan who used to be on the Council too.

  7. Yes,absolutely!
    Have Mr. Harrah put a Bronze Historical plaque on the front of the Santora Building.
    Councilwoman Lisa Bist can have her name at the top of the list as supporters of the “Santora Building for the Arts” and the Santa Ana Artists Village.

  8. oops! I had nothing to do with that.
    Bist VS. Martinez?

    But may the best Arts and Culture enthusiast win.
    Wow, this should be fun!

  9. If her husband would allow a temporary divorce she could marry Al Amezcua and run as Lizbet Maria Amezcua and run away with it!

  10. Interesting comment regarding Bist. I guess we’d have a second Claudia candidate on the council in addition to Amezcua. Hearing Amezcua offer no vision for the city at the swearing-in, we cannot afford another Claudia clone on the council. Claudia has caused enough havoc and we should run from her puppets.

  11. Don’t forget that Arturo Pulio Amezcua s still contemplating a run for that Downtown ward.

    Arts supporter
    Responsible alcohol consumption supporter
    Gay rights friendly (no special favors for Gaytrificationators)
    Cop Watcher
    Parking meter suspicious
    Property Owner Cabal Basher
    all around Progressive Idealist reformer.

  12. Why not encourage both of them to run.
    They have very similar platforms.
    Only, Theo is a little bit more liberal with both the alcohol consumption and the gay friendliness than Arturo.

    Arturo is more of a no-nonsense political puritan with a shameless addiction to the “Catholic” Chicas.

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