Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

When OC Labor Political wannabe Julio (Wholio?) Perez held his fundraiser this month it turned into a reunion of the sad sacks who failed to elect Alfredo Amezcua last year, when he got thoroughly trounced by Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido.  In stunning contrast tonight, Santa Ana Councilwoman Michele Martinez was ringed by the entire Pulido political machine – including Assemblyman Jose Solorio, who enthusiastically endorsed Martinez.  So what do you think?  Will the failed Team Amezcua beat Team Pulido?  LOL!  Not in our lifetime…

Martinez and her supporters met at Chapter One: the Modern Local, a newish restaurant over on Broadway and 3rd.  Santa Ana Council Members David Benavides, Vince Sarmiento, and Sal Tinajero showed up to publicly announce their support for Martinez – and so did several Santa Ana Planning Commissioners, including Eric Alderete, Sean Mill and Mario Turner.

In a strange twist, Irvine blogger Dan Chmielewski showed up too.  He showed up late and did not donate to Martinez, but it was touching that he thought so much of Martinez that he brought his daughter along to meet her.  Chmielewski’s photographer, Lou Delgado, was there too.  (Delgado told me that he is now under contract to Chmielewski’s blog, the Liberal OC).  Delgado also told me that he was very disappointed by the insulting photo of Martinez that Chmielewski previously posted on his blog (he photoshopped her as the Jersey Shore TV character “Snooki”).  I guess Chmielewski has had a change of heart regarding Martinez – good for him!  Perhaps he finally realized that the unknown Perez has no chance of beating Martinez.

State Assemblyman Richard Hernandez (D-West Covina) also was on hand to show his support for Martinez.  That means a lot as Hernandez is part of Assembly Speaker John Perez’ leadership team.

Other local officials and community leaders who were at the event in support of Martinez included former Garden Grove Councilman Mark Rosen; Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee Mark McLoughlin; Santa Ana Housing and Redevelopment Commissioners Lynette Verino and Desi Reyes; Municipal Water District of Orange County Board Member Brett Barbre; former Santa Ana Mayor Dan Griset; and Santa Ana Environmental and Transportation Committee member Brian Bist.

Martinez and her supporters spoke about the importance of electing someone from Santa Ana (I agree!) and about Martinez’ passionate support for the community.  She focused on job creation – which is a real departure from Perez penchance for union-backed job destruction.   Martinez also spoke about her background, and how she grew up in difficult circumstances, without a mom or mentors.  This is what I find most endearing about her – she is a living example of what our young people, many of whom are in tough situations, can aspire to.

I am not sure how much she raised tonight, but some of the most powerful Pulido backers were there – and they willingly busted out their checkbooks.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

43 thoughts on “Team Pulido and Solorio publicly endorse Michele Martinez at her fundraiser”
  1. Blah Blah Blah buh blahhhhhh blahh! Puke! The only thing that I learned from this post was that Martinez belongs to Solorio-Pulido Corp. A subsidiary of ???? She is from Santa Ana and not Anaheim. O.K. check. She “believes in the community” O.k. how?
    Chapter One is that ultimate Gentrification Bar peddling Conspicuous Superficial Culture as Superior to the existing Community. Just look it up.
    Chapter One- “The first Chapter in the revitalization of Downtown” As if the other “Artist Village Restaurants did not already exist in the community. As if there was no community at all before the “Artists Village” there before it!? Sorry Bro. For Michelle to say that she supports the community, that she is photographed in, right there, on this post, she is going to have to specifically say how she supports the “Artists Village”. Chapter One marketed themselves as opening in the “Artists Village” until it became obvious that they were not part of anything that had to do with Art. The point being, Art is not a means for more superficial and corrupt systems. Art, Creativity, humanistic ideals and appreciation of community ARE the goal, not a means for exploitation, but the goal in it’s self. This nation is losing ground everyday because of socio-economic ignorance and short sightedness. You know it admin. You can suck it tonight!

    1. That aside, their appetizers were pretty good. You should have stopped by and tried them.

      Michele works for a non profit, helping kids to get healthy. Perez works for unions who have tried repeatedly to hurt employers with ridiculous bills and misguided strikes. With 12% unemployment I will vote for Michele – she knows better than to hurt the state economy. Perez would be an unmitigated disaster.

      Michele has always been a supporter of the arts, but I guess that is not good enough for you.

  2. Actually she confessed to me that she had no interest in the arts. Just like all the other Santa Ana Council members. The word on the Street is that Pulido likes Art, has an Art collection, so on and so on. Do you think that really does anything for the local Arts commmunity? A Politician’s personal art collection? The Artists want to know the same things that the Calle Quatro Folks want to know. Does anything matter to local politicians besides campaign finances? What is their vision for society? Just to keep from going bankrupt? After they finish negotiations with the Police and Fire Depts to ask them to think about the community as a whole a little more, maybe they can come to the table with the Creative Class in Santa Ana. Are we not the ones that gave them and the Restaurant Owners their marketing excuse for flipping properties and businesses in Downtown for more lucrative businesses?

    1. LOL! I warned the artists when the Artist Village was created that the goal was to increase property values, not to support the arts. Why is anyone surprised by this outcome?

      I advised you to organize, only to watch in horror as most of you were bamboozled by Amezcua. How did that work out?

      Look up the heirarchy of needs. In tough times the arts struggle as folks use their money to survive.

      The smarter artists will diversify and branch out into education and entertainment. The rest will complain and get increasingly bitter.

  3. I obviously am not thinking about just myself Admin. If I were just thinking about myself I would act just like everybody else in this town. I would keep my mouth shut and act afraid to speak truth to power. Somebody slipped a flier under my business door yesterday.
    It shows Corporations taking a dump into the mouths of politicians and they into the mouths of the media and they into the plates of the citizens.
    It says join us on
    Face Book @ Occupy L.A. Financial District!
    I don’t do face book but I will check this one out. I am going to donate money when I go, not to the campaigns of any Santa Ana politicians. Latinos, Whites, Gay mafia whatever.

    1. In general I avoid L.A. You should too.

      Electing Michele will ensure that Santa Ana has a voice in Sacramento.

      Obama’s latest Chief of Staff worked for Goldman Sachs, after working for big unions. If you’re concerned about corporate power be sure to vote Green or Libertarian next November.

  4. The problem is that if she wins she would be in for a most problematic economical time since we are interring double dip depression and same like Loretta she has no clue about the economy.

    As to the unions she has to do what they will tell her to do same as she does now.

    Too bad that she did not abstain on 85A for irregularity of submission. If she would she could distinguish herself as a stateswoman instead of sobbing why explaining her vote.

    In general it is really meaningless political post. I can’t recall anything Solorio did what helped his district and or the California.

    Obviously,I am rooting for her in oppose to this fatso Perez.

    However, she lost some weight so she may follow Carlos footsteps in the Sacramento.

    Well she is single so it would be a OK.

    I had excellent time myself in 70’s and 80’s when I was her age doing sexual revolution.

  5. There are lots of pretty pictures, but none of the crowd attending. How many people showed? Where were Alvarez and Bustamante? Since Team Pulido is backing Michele, I assume they are backing her too. Maybe Carlos was busy in another room…

    1. I would guess that at least 50 to 75 supporters stopped by as the evening progressed.

      Carlos is a Republican and I think it is safe to say that he is now a pariah.

      I think Alvarez is lying low for now due to her recent controversy.

  6. One more thing… Did Michele speak? All of these pictures show others speaking. What kind of voice for Santa Ana will you be if you let other speak for you?! Fail.

    1. She gave a great speech. We were all very impressed. She has really developed as a speaker over the years.

      I am sure that the Register and the Voice of OC will offer their own take on the event. Be patient. They don’t work as fast as I do.

  7. Jose Solorio is going to endorse Tom Daly soon.

    This will get very interesting Admin. What will happen than to Michele Martinez.

  8. If Daly becomes a candidate, all Pulido political supporters, movers and shakers will go there.

    Their strategy then will focus on Martinez and Perez to split the Hispanic vote.

    If the race is Martinez – Perez…. then the focus can not be on unions as the council in the past and now cater to unions. The relationship with Police and Fire ( Police and Fire unions)is the main reason for the $30 million Santa Ana Budget deficit.

    A union argument against Perez would be hipocritical.

  9. I am not saying Pulido is not all with Martinez. The supporters, movers an shakers are another issue.

    In politics what is presented is not the real picture.

  10. Dan the Polack says he has not made a choice of who to support in the 69th yet.

    I’m sure all the candidates will be making a pilgrimage to Irvine an beg him on bended knee to support them.

    What a prize endorsement that must be.

  11. “In politics what is presented is not the real picture.”

    I wonder if Doc Lomeli is referring to that letter sent out by the Santa Ana Coalition for Better Government attacking Claudia Alvarez?

    He was the President of the Coalition and yet that letter was sent out without his approval or knowledge.

    Is that what you mean Doc?

  12. anon says:

    September 23, 2011 at 2:17 pm


    It is one good example. I have resigned from said organization.

  13. @ Admin Tom Daly has bigger name recognition than Michele Martinez. Tom Daly is friends with alot of Republicans. Daly will win.

  14. “It is one good example. I have resigned from said organization.”

    Good for you Doc! Shows you have integrity, not sure about the others in that group though.

  15. “It is one good example. I have resigned from said organization.”….. Hmmmmmm

    It only shows that you have limited IQ DR. Amalgam.

    The intelligent people act preemptively not after they screw up. It is too late then.

  16. She needs to utilize her website ~ I was inspired to check it out and sadly there is nothing to be found! I was hoping to read about her goals and aspirations and to gain more depth about her overall platform.

  17. “I was hoping to read about her goals and aspirations and to gain more depth about her overall platform.”….. Hmmmm

    Obviously she does not have any goals other than to get elected.

    If I would run, I too wouldn’t have any goals. I is not my duty to tell you what to do. It is your duty to tell me what to say in Sacramento on your behalf.

    We have representative government not dictatorship so I am your proxy.

    If you are stupid, I as your representative have right to be stupid too and that is clearly evident based on a crapola the socialists put in your head.

  18. “Have you forgotten Lutz, Christy, McGuigan, Franklin, etc.?”….. Hmmmm

    No! But then the Santa Ana was prosperous.

    Have you forgotten about Pulido’s puppets?

    According to your own published research they ruled the council for last 20 years.

    The current deficit is function of the economy.

    However, it was Pulido’s responsibility to maneuver around it even if he should fire the Manager.

    Now he hired Walters who can’t even balance his own check book.

    I have asked him if I can help with the budget, year after year, since 2006.

    Last time it was in-front of you as he spoke before the com-link.

    He said yes and newer call me.

    He has rejected all moneymaking proposals which I have submitted to him.

    So blame Republicans and next year the deficit will be 60M.

  19. “Ream masterminded this mess. Republican.”…. Hmmmmm

    And Pulido approve every item on the agenda submitted by Ream.

    Same as in Bell City the SA council and Pulido are Mexicans who have no clue what they are voting on and how it will effect the future of the City as long as they get cookie.

    Look-up my last presentation before the council on Monday. I have told Pulido to uphold Cal. Civ. Code 47(b) he did not and will not.

    So blame Republicans and next time you say anything before the council you may get arrested.

    That is because Mexicans live now and never think about what was or what will be.

  20. I wish you would ask her some tough, substantive questions, like I did with Julio. (And I should mention, Julio was disappointingly vague with most of his answers.)

    There’s a lot both of us haven’t liked about Solorio’s record (although not exactly the same things.) How is she going to differ from this powerful legislator who’s endorsed her? Is she gonna do whatever the prison guards union and insurance companies demand, as he has?

    And EVERYBODY says they want jobs. Everybody does want jobs. Does she have an actual plan to make that happen? (I’ll admit Julio hasn’t told me one yet, so if she does, good for her!)

    I’d like more than just THIS gang’s cooler than THAT gang.

    1. I don’t need to do that. I know what she stands for. And I know that Perez will pursue a destructive anti-employer agenda.

      Michele has worked for both large and small companies. Solorio was an OCTA lobbyist and Perez is a union shill. Michele is the only one with real business experience. And she now works for a non-profit, rounding out her experience.

      Michele also has much in common with the people in my city. This life experience will also serve her well in Sacramento.

  21. Stanley Fiala says:

    September 24, 2011 at 2:02 pm

    “Have you forgotten Lutz, Christy, McGuigan, Franklin, etc.?”….. Hmmmm

    No! But then the Santa Ana was prosperous

    From the Voice of Orange County:

    Between 1980 and 2000 the city did not incur a deficit, according to budget documents from fiscal year 2000-01. In fact, during that period the city finished most fiscal years with multi-million-dollar surpluses, the largest, $9.3 million, in 1996-97.

    That, however, was also a period during which Santa Ana politicians were eager to cut deals with public safety unions that gave politicians public-safety-first credentials. As a result, public safety went from 50 percent of Santa Ana’s general fund budget in the early 1980s to 60 percent by the 1990s.

    In the last several years, the cost of public safety has consumed well over 70 percent of the general fund budget.

    “They [public safety groups] support and endorse candidates. They say, when negotiations come around, remember us, we supported you,” said John Acosta, a council member between 1981 and 1992.



  22. Hogwash Dr. Amalgam,

    It is proper to enjoy good times if you end-up with a surplus.

    The reason why we have 30% deficit is that Mexican Council fails to understand the Newtons laws of basic physics which provides: What goes up must go down and Every action equals reaction.

    Pulido may have one vote but he is the Mayor and it is his duty to create majority coalition. (like any prime minister would)

    He does that very well!

    However, with wrong results because he is incompetent.

    The results speak for themselves.

    Look what he did last Monday. He invited same morons mongoloids who always screwed the budget to help him to fix it and appointed COP as manager…… intelligent?

    This is about 5th budget which is above 20M in red.

    Is he ever gone learn?

  23. Fiala,

    “It is proper to enjoy good times if you end-up with a surplus.

    The reason why we have 30% deficit is that Mexican Council fails to understand the Newtons laws of basic physics which provides: What goes up must go down and Every action equals reaction.”

    Stanley you are showing some signs of ignorance or a stupid argument to justify your previous comments.

    Spending during good times and a surplus should be done understanding the laws of physics you mention.You can’t spend over the economics your city can produce at it’s best projection. This spending error was done 1980-2000.

    This Mexican council has presented the deficit problem that has been avoided till now. They have taken ownership of the problem and have presented solutions to the reasons the city is in a $30 million deficit.


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