Santa Ana residents can can transform their landscape with SoCal Water$mart’s Turf Replacement Program! Get up to $100 back for planting a tree, up to $500 per application. Click here to apply.
Beginning March 4, 2024 Turf Replacement Program applicants will be eligible to receive $100 per tree installed, for a maximum incentive for up to 5 trees ($500) per turf replacement application in addition to the turf replacement incentive. In addition, the installation of each new eligible tree in the turf replacement project area will count as three plants towards the total turf replacement project plant count requirement.
The tree rebate IS NOT a standalone incentive. To receive a reservation for a tree rebate, you must apply to the turf replacement program. If your project has already been started or completed, you are not eligible for a turf replacement and/or tree rebate.
The tree must be installed within the turf replacement project area to be eligible for a rebate. The project area is defined as the area with existing turf to be removed and where the required program features will be installed. Trees installed outside of the project area will not count towards the program requirements and will not be eligible for a rebate.
Applicant must check with all local jurisdictions: city, county, water agency etc. to ensure trees installed meet all applicable laws, codes, policies, covenants, conditions and restrictions.

To receive a rebate:
The completed turf replacement project must meet all minimum Turf Replacement Program requirements.
To be eligible for a rebate, the size of the tree purchased and installed must be a minimum of 15 gallons.
Applicant must submit proof of purchase and installation of an eligible tree species. Eligible documentation of proof of purchase and installation includes but is not limited to scans or photos of nursery receipts or invoices which detail the species and size of tree, along with photos of the installed tree within the turf replacement project area.

The following tree categories are excluded from the tree rebate. Installation of these trees in the project area will NOT be eligible for a rebate.
- Invasive tree species listed on Cal-IPC (Don’t Plant a Pest! – California Invasive Plant Council (cal-ipc.org)
- Hedges
- Trees without spreading canopies (i.e. Italian cypress)
- Palm trees
- Fruit trees (commercial properties only)
Fruit trees are eligible for a rebate(s) for residential projects only.
Your rebate amount may be less than what was reserved/pre-approved if you do not install the number of trees indicated on your reservation, allow your application to be canceled or you do not meet all of the turf replacement and tree rebate program guidelines.
You can also get a rebate for replacing your lawn with drought-tolerant and/or native California plants. Please note that turf, turf-looking grasses, or invasive plants do not qualify for this rebate. You can view invasive plants here http://www.cal-ipc.org/plants/inventory/. This rebate applies only to those who have less than 250 square feet of turf.
Sustainable landscaping encompasses a variety of practices that have developed in response to environmental issues and a desire to create multi-benefit landscaping. These practices are used in every phase of landscaping, including design, construction, implementation and management of residential and commercial landscapes that transcends water-use efficiency to address the related benefits of rainwater capture and use; reduction of pollution, greenhouse gases, and green waste; energy and cost savings; and human and wildlife habitat improvements.
The plants need to be planted in the ground, unobstructed by pots. This allows the roots to spread through the ground and promote soil biodiversity. Having plants in the ground will also reduce soil erosion and improve the entry and storage of water.
Don’t miss out, apply now and make your yard environmentally friendly while saving water and money!
Just have a Zen garden to calm yourself from all the homelessness and crime.