Apply for up to $5,500 in emergency rental relief through the City of Santa Ana. Applications are available on the Santa Ana CARES for Tenants webpage at www.santa-ana.org/cares-for-tenants or can be requested directly from Latino Health Access at (657) 229-5450 or LHARent@latinohealthaccess.org or Families Forward at (949) 552-2727 or santaana@families-forward.org.
If you do not have a computer with internet access or need assistance submitting an application, please contact the Santa Ana Work Center at (714) 565-2600 or by email at saworkcenter@santa-ana.org to schedule an appointment. Assistance is available by appointment only. Applications can also be mailed to you with return postage paid.
If you would like to learn more, three Zoom workshops will be held on March 17th, March 24th and March 31st at 7:00 p.m. to answer your questions. Please register for one of these three workshops by e-mailing aalvarez@santa-ana.org.
For families facing eviction, please go to www.santa-ana.org/SAVES to learn more about the SAVES Program and submit a pre-application. Families at risk of eviction can also call 2-1-1 or go to santaana.211oc.org to start the application process today.

¿No puede pagar la renta por COVID-19?
Spanish/español: https://bit.ly/3l9rQsI
Bạn không thể trả tiền thuê nhà do COVID-19?
Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt: https://bit.ly/2OLtWTN