Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

It seems like many of our readers have forgotten how much Santa Ana has improved under Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido’s leadership.  Rather than try to make the point myself, I am excerpting a recent article from the Santa Ana Sentinel, by Omar Avalos Gallegos:

 Editor’s Desk: Why I’m Voting for Pulido

It’s apparent that some people need more detailed explanations as to why Pulido should remain mayor.

People need to either A) be informed of what this mayor has done over time or B) be reminded of what this mayor has done over time.

First off, Benavides is a ‘Johnny Come Lately’ compared to Miguel Pulido. Heck, Benavides is a Johnny Come Lately when compared to me.

I endorse Pulido because of the progress that this city has made during his time as mayor and because of a shared ambitious vision for the future of Santa Ana. Anything else is non-progressive but instead retrogressive and conservative.

We’ll start with the record:

Downtown: The Artists Village

The Artists Village alone is what is bringing people back to Santa Ana. It is said that a downtown defines a city and our downtown is in the process of an economic recovery. The cornerstone of this rebuilding of the downtown is the Santora building of the arts. And as I’ve already exhausted, Benavides nearly had a hand in selling it to his church.

I remember when the Santora had an independent artist for every new lawyer and independent news publication.

I remember Neutral Grounds and Morey’s Deli, where Lola Gaspar now stands.

I remember the hair salon where Memphis now stands.

I remember when the Grand Central Art Center was an empty shell with broken windows and graffiti visible from the outside.

Click here to read the rest of this post.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

15 thoughts on “Reviewing Mayor Miguel Pulido’s accomplishments”
  1. At the city council meeting, Benavides crawled behind Pulido on all fours while Sarmiento was winking at him. And then boom!,
    Tinajero and Martinez pushed him right over, and said;
    “You want your Sunshine for here or to go Pulido?”
    Pulido did a tumble, hair in place, and took his lumps. Then turned around and said, “I meant for you to do that, Fools!” “You fell right into my trap!” Now I am going to take your pretty Sunshine Ordinance and bash your downtown friends over the head with it! WAAAh Haah Haah!”
    Pulido! Pulido! Pulido! Boss!

  2. What ever happened to that dude Don Cribb who used to try to take credit for the Downtown Arts movement? He used to suck up to all the politicos begging for free stuff. I think he has a space in the Santara building where he makes small doll house size theaters or tea pots or something.

  3. Cribb was the initial supporter and advocate of an artist village in the current spot along with the comlink activists.

    Pulido and David Ream were never fans of it and stalled it’ s developement. This is a 17 year effort. Taking credit for what has developed in a 17 year effort is an embarrassment for him rather than an accomplishment.

    I believe it is why Cribb now supports the new council majority…..evident by the Alderete sign on his yard.

    1. I have actually talked about this with people who really WERE involved in the creation of the Artists Village. Cribb was running around taking credit but the real deal makers were the ones who funded this – Pulido and Ream – and their staff, as well as the folks who actually brought CSUF here. Cribb was full of crap then and he is now too.

      To make matters worse, Cribb has been advocating for anti-Latino policies for many years. I once heard him suggest that the large picnic tables at Santiago Park be removed and replaced with very small tables. Hmmm. Who uses those large tables Dr. Lomeli?

      That Alderete is working with Cribb is disturbing.

  4. What does Cribb do for a living? Does he sell those small theaters he makes? My grandmother would love one if they are for sale. We saw him do like a little show where he played music and raised the mini curtains on the doll theaters and everything. I’d pay $50 for one of those theaters if you know where to buy them. Does he sell them out of his house?

  5. OK Pedroza so Ream and Pulido are responsible for the Artists Village and no one else.

    Great they can take ownership for the development……….pretty embarrassing that they have been working on it for 18 years and what we have is the result of 18 years. by all measures the development is no where it’s potential.

    Did it take this long for Disneyland , the Honda Center , Angel’s Stadium, all the big Hotels on Harbor etc. to get 1/3 of it’ s development potential like it has taken for the Artists Village, Bristol street widening and street neighborhood repair.


    1. David has been on the Council for six years. Why didn’t he propose opening more libraries during that time? And how do the both of you figure to pay that cost?

      If you read the Santa Ana Sentinel article you saw that Pulido has a great many accomplishments but it would appear that you didn’t do so. Try harder!

  6. The point here that you and the Santa Ana Sentinel are announcing Pulido’s list of accomplishments .


    Great they can take ownership for the development……….pretty embarrassing that they have been working on it for 18 years and what we have is the result of 18 years. by all measures the development is no where it’s potential.

    How to pay for the LIBRARIES? Why ask me I am not the Mayor . After 18 years as Mayor one would expect for him to have figured that out.

    1. You know Lomeli you have an annoying habit of COMPLAINING without offering solutions. That you are not a candidate is a cop-out. If you have nothing to offer admit it and move on.

      I have no idea what in the world you are trying to say about Pulido. At least the Sentinel article was coherent.

  7. Why should I offer solutions the candidates should be doing that. If you believe people that complain are annoying because they do not offer solutions then you are the biggest offender.

    When residents offer solutions as the sunshine ordinance you belittle them and ridicule their civic involvement.

    Sad that in 18 years there is but one fully functional library not enough parks and playgrounds for children to play. They play in the streets ,apartment complex dirt areas and in parking lots.


    Pulido wants the vote based on his claim as a leader. Many residents , council members and others do not see the leadership.

    I am not claiming to lead the city SO THE COP- OUT IS YOU.

    1. LOL! I think you have developed grouchy old man syndrome.

      I have been offering up solutions for YEARS first on the OJ blog and since 2009 here. But you know what the problem is? You only read some of our articles and ignore the rest. That sir is YOUR problem, not mine.

      And barking about parks is hilarious as the city has made immense progress in that area just in the past year, partnering with both non-profits and the SAUSD. Again you are simply asleep at the wheel.

      Admit it Lomeli, you have no clue. All you can do is harp about Pulido. Que triste.

  8. And barking about parks is hilarious as the city has made immense progress in that area just in the past year, partnering with both non-profits and the SAUSD. Again you are simply asleep at the wheel.

    Exactly my point. Where has Pulido been the last 18 years. This happening just recently is due to extreme community pressure and some council member support.


    You have self serving selective memory. NO BUENO!

    Readers try finding solutions by Editor to city problems discussed on this blog. Right ….none

  9. After a quarter century in power you’re bound to do something right….eventually……Good work Miggy!

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