Sat. Mar 29th, 2025

SAPD Chief Carlos Rojas and new recruits

Apparently our article about the low morale at the Santa Ana Police Department struck a nerve.  SAPD Police Chief Carlos Rojas was reportedly so angry about it that he threatened to fire his police officers.   I was told that he went to the daily briefings and told all of the officers and their supervisors that they have to stop talking to the press.  He said that he had read what they were saying about him and demanded that they stop talking about him or the department or he would personally fire them – and no one could protect them because the police union was on his side.

Rojas reiterated that all media requests had to be directed to his hand-picked public information officer and that he had better not find out who was telling the press about internal issues. He also told them that low morale was their own fault. He said it was not his problem or the department’s problem…it was their own problem that they each needed to take care of themselves.

SAPD Chief Carlos Rojas

The Santa Ana police officers were said to have been stunned by Rojas’ blatant disregard for the real concerns and issues that they face every day.  It totally seemed, to them, like he could care less about them and only how he looked to the media.  Not only did he not claim any responsibility for the mess at the SAPD, he blamed his police officers.

Rojas refuses to believe that it is his actions and inability to provide leadership that is causing all the problems.  He is apparently so weak and insecure that he pulls rank on his own men and women in uniform and threatens their jobs instead of working with them to see how they can all fix the problems their department is mired in.

Rojas always blames the economy for anything that is currently going on but when Chief Paul Walters was there, they often went through years of cuts and dramatic changes and the officers and employees stood behind him because they knew he was doing what was best for everyone—he had always proved it to them. They were proud to belong to one of the most professional and well-respected departments in the world.  No one trusts Rojas or they would not be leaving for retirement as soon as possible or transferring to other departments like they are now.

Acting Chief Carlos Rojas

It’s so sad. The department has gone from one of the best to, well, who knows how far down they will go.  Residents are already complaining about crime going up and that has been the case since Rojas took over.

Remember that Rojas was hired without the benefit of a real national search to replace Walters.  The Santa Ana City Council hired Rojas, to run one of California’s largest city police departments, even though he has never been a police chief before.  They hired him on faith.

And you have to wonder if Rojas is even making some of the dumb decisions coming out of his department. Twenty five school crossing guards were removed near Santa Ana schools at the start of the school year last Tuesday, as we reported here.  That lame decision was traced back to the SAPD, which means that Rojas signed off on it.  But I have a feeling the move was directed by our overpaid City Manager, David Cavazos, as a cost-cutting measure.  Rojas should have questioned that but he went along to get along.

Carlos Rojas and Sandra Hutchens

I have in the past suggested that maybe the Orange County Sheriff should take over the SAPD.  That is increasingly looking like a good idea.  Maybe Sheriff Sandra Hutchens can bring back a real Chief to lead Santa Ana’s police officers – someone they can trust to have their backs and to make decisions that are good for the people of this city and the department instead of just for themselves.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

12 thoughts on “Police Chief Rojas blames his own cops instead of dealing with the SAPD’s problems”
  1. I would LOVE for someone, like community activist Greg Diamond, The Newsantaana news site, the Voice of OC blog to address one clear conflict:

    In the past mayoral election the SAPOA unwaveringly supported Councilman Benavides. It should be argued the funded his campaign. After his loss, he shut down his Real Estate Brokerage, his partner went to work for some Non-Profit. Benavides listed his new address on Facebook, and other websites as: 1607 Sycamore, Santa Ana, CA. That is the SAPOA building.

    So what exactly is the relationship. We know Benavides is cozy with the GANG FRIENDLY neighborhood activists. How does this get balanced?

    What is the responsibility of an elected VS. that of a city employee?

    Is P. David Benavides so deep in the pocket of the union that it has clouded his judgement? He reported to the OCR that GANG MEMBERS shot up his house.

    Let’s dig deep to find out WHERE P.DAVID MAKES HIS MONEY. WHO SUPPORTS HIM.

    I doubt the forementioned will do it, they are interested in Asian sex slaves and destroying Pulido. Maybe you can look into it.

  2. We totally need Paul Walters back! The great hero who faces challenges head on! Except when he totally begged to stay next to Pulido, demanded a building be named after him rather than be bestowed that honor, and under his leadership all we got was a $10million building to show for it, but thats besides the point.

    1. No it is the point. Walters was under contract and he was doing a fine job. The Council had to settle with him because they fired him. Then they overpaid Cavazos. This Council is inept!

  3. The shocking thing to me is the photo of Martinez in skinny jeans pants – OMG!!! – talk about unprofessional – and a few other “choice” words that come to mind …… use your imagination …..

    1. That’s a classy look for a CHOLA!

      Those aren’t just any “Skinny Jeans”, Like the ones you used to buy at the Fiesta Marketplace, Michele bought those at KHOL’S. Yep. That’s right folks, she lost her condo, kept the Beemer and the bike but still has that stylish look of a Kohls “BIG WOMAN” (did you know they had size 33?).

      Of course this comment is in jest, a cheapshot at Martinez.

      Here’s a clue Michele: GET A JOB, go back to where you once were. Khol’s is fine, most of us buy kids school clothes there and our “casual wear” Dockers and such. There is nothing wrong with that.

      Somehow, Michele and company have been elevated to some phony status, where they think they are better than us. She drives a used OLD BMW, the car sucks Michele, buy an Accord. Meanwhile, PDB, plays playboy downtown and at the young peoples clubs (see my Spoon’s tip) David lives in a GANG RIDDEN Ghetto, he rents a room to a “repo man” to cover rent. His wife and children left him. Don’t get me started on the unemployed Reyna.

      MY POINT IS: Doeas Santa Ana want responsible leadership or these three.


      I defy ANYONE to debate these issues. They will not, because they can not.


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