When Santa Ana resident Glenn Stroud, at the urging of Liberal OC blogger Chris Prevatt, filed a complaint with the Fair Political Practices Commission against Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez and Councilmember Vincent Sarmiento it was no doubt a case of “selective” complaining. The question is did Stroud and Prevatt selectively target the two because they are Latino?
The complaint filed last week alleges that Alvarez and Sarmiento violated state law by voting for their own appointments to the Orange County Water District Board and the Transportation Corridor Agency respectively. Elected officials voting on their appointments to such boards has been going on for years and it happens in communities across the state including right here in Orange County. Stroud and Prevatt ignored history and the others and simply zeroed in on two Latino Democrats.
As was stated there is quite a long history of elected officials voting on their own appointments to the boards going back many years and nobody has ever made an issue of it. When the Santa Ana City Council was Anglo dominated this was not an issue. Let me cite some examples to demonstrate just how long this practice has been going on:
- July 1, 1973: Santa Ana Mayor Jerry Patterson announces that Councilman John Garthe has been appointed as Delegate to the Orange County Sanitation Districts 2 and 3 and that he Mayor Patterson would serve as the alternate. He also announced that he would continue to be the delegate for Orange County Sanitation Districts 1 and 7 with Councilman Garthe as the alternate.
- April 10, 1979: A motion was made by Councilman Gordon Bricken and seconded by Councilman Dan Griset to appoint Councilman Harry Yamamoto as Director of Orange County Sanitation Districts 2 and 3 and as alternate Director to districts 1 and 7. The motion was unanimous with the appointee Yamamoto voting in favor of it.
- April 10, 1979: A motion was made by Councilman Gordon Bricken and seconded by Councilman Dan Griset to appoint Mayor James Ward as Director of Orange County Sanitation Districts 1 and 7 and as Alternate Director to Districts 2 and 3. The motion was unanimous with the appointee Ward voting in favor of it.
From reading the Liberal OC and other local media outlets one might get the impression that it is only the city of Santa Ana that does such things. However if Prevatt had any journalistic integrity whatsoever he would have investigated and reported on the actions of other cities as well. With little effort whatsoever New Santa Ana discovered that elected officials voting on their own appointments is quite common. Here are some examples from Orange County:
December 15, 2009: Item#21 on the city council agenda calls for the “Review (of) regional agency appointements and consider (re) appointing representatives to serve on the regional boards and agencies”. According to the official minutes of that meeting, “Council Member (Bob) Hernandez moved to reappoint all incumbent representatives to the various regional boards and agencies and to reappoint Council Member (Lucille) Kring to the Vector Control Board for a 4-year term, seconded by Council Member Kring.” The vote was unanimous with all the Councilmembers voting in favor of their own appointments.
December 14, 2010: Item #43 on the city council agenda calls for the “Review (of) regional agency appointements and consider (re) appointing representatives to serve on the regional boards and agencies”:
Fire Training Joint Powers Authority: (RE) Appointment of Councilmember Lori Galloway, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Galloway voting in favor of it.
HAZMAT: (RE) Appointment of Councilmember Lori Galloway, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Galloway voting in favor of it.
Metropolitan Water District (MWD): (RE) Appointment of Councilmember Kris Murray, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Murray voting in favor of it.
Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD): (RE) Appointment of Councilmember Harry Sidhu, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Sidhu voting in favor of it.
Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) Alternate: Appointment of Councilmember Gail Eastman, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Eastman voting in favor of it.
Four Corners Transportation Coalition: Appointment of Councilmember Gail Eastman, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Eastman voting in favor of it.
Santa Ana River Flood Protection Agency (SARFPA): Appointment of Councilmember Gail Eastman, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Eastman voting in favor of it.
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG; also OCCOG): Appointment of Councilmember Kris Murray, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Murray voting in favor of it.
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG; also OCCOG) Alternate: Appointment of Councilmember Gail Eastman, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Eastman voting in favor of it.
Transportaion Corridor Agency, Foothill Eastern Area (TCA): Appointment of Councilmember Kris Murray, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Murray voting in favor of it.
Transportaion Corridor Agency, Foothill Eastern Area (TCA) Alternate: Appointment of Councilmember Gail Eastman, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Eastman voting in favor of it.
Growth Management Areas 1 and 2: Appointment of Councilmember Harry Sidhu, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Sidhu voting in favor of it.
Growth Management Areas 3 and 4: (RE)Appointment of Councilmember Lori Galloway, vote is unanimous with Councilmember Galloway voting in favor of it.
December 10, 2010: Item #1 on the city council agenda called for, “Appointments of city council representative to outside agencies and subcommittees”:
California Joint Powers Insurance Authority: Appoint Councilmember John Taylor member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Taylor and Kramer voting in favor of it.
League of Cities – Orange County Division: Appoint Councilmember John Taylor member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Taylor and Kramer voting in favor of it.
Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG): Appoint Mayor Sam Allevato member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Allevato and Kramer voting in favor of it.
Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA): Appoint Mayor Sam Allevato member and Councilmember John Taylor alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Allevato and Taylor voting in favor of it.
Orange County Library Advisory Board: Appoint Councilmember Laura Freese member and Councilmember John Taylor alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Freese and Taylor voting in favor of it.
Orange County Transportaion Authority – Inter-Jurisdictional Growth Management Areas 9 & 11 (OCTA): Appoint Councilmember Derek Reeve member and Mayor Sam Allevato alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Reeve and Allevato voting in favor of it.
Orange County Vector Control Board: Appoint Councilmember Laura Freese to 2 year term, ending December 31, 2012. The motion passed unanimously with Freese voting in favor of it.
San Juan Basin Authority: Appoint Councilmember Laura Freese member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Freese and Kramer voting in favor of it.
South Orange County WastewaterAuthority Joint Powers Authority (SOCWA): Appoint Councilmember Laura Freese member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Freese and Kramer voting in favor of it.
Transportation Corridors Agencies (Foothill/Eastern & San Joaquin Hills): Appoint Mayor Sam Allevato member and Councilmember John Taylor alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Allevato and Taylor voting in favor of it.
Desalinization Project Participate Committee: Appoint Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer member and Councilmember Laura Freese alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Kramer and Freese voting in favor of it.
South Orange County Watershed Management Area (SOCWMA): Appoint Councilmember Laura Freese member and Mayor Pro Tem Larry Kramer alternate member. The motion passed unanimously with Freese and Kramer voting in favor of it.
The above items demonstrate clearly that Santa Ana officials are not alone in voting on their own appointments to these special outside boards, agencies and commissions. If the FPPC does rule that the law has been violated by the actions of Alavarez and Sarmiento they will then have to take action against all the others across the state that have done the same thing including those mentioned above.
The question we here at New Santa Ana have is what is the motivation behind selectively targeting Alvarez and Sarmiento? Is it racial or is it simply sour grapes and petty politics on the part of Stroud and Prevatt?
If it were simply about exposing the perceived illegal actions of elected officials you would think they would have gone after all of them and not just Vince and Claudia. They conveniently forgot to complain about Counclmembers David Benavides and Carlos Bustamante doing the exact same thing when they voted in favor of their own appointments in 2007 and 2011. Wonder why???
It’s still wrong, but good point!
Zorro, how can you target city council without hitting Latino?
Good point. and still wrong. It all smacks of power laundering, very similar to money laundering. Admin needs to go on vacation to Occupy Wall Street, and Sean needs to follow through with his essay about what to do about politicians appointing themselves to lucrative boards. I so look forward to reading Progressive Sean Mill.
Once you see the video below you want to selectively targeting Latino officials.
“.. the LOC appears to have an issue with Latinos in their own party.”
At least you didn’t blame it on gays this time.
Wow, I kind of suspected, but did not imagine the Rampant crime running in the local governments of Anaheim and SJC.
Thanks Art for exposing the extend of the criminal enterprise that has taken over the local governments.
This is going to be interesting to see what the FPPC does.
Art P says “illegal is commonly practiced by City Council Members all over the state – and such has been the case historically”
I agree with you whole heartily.
A few Santa Ana residents went to the Senate Local Government Committee held at Lou’s office last year dealing with transparency in government.
Instead of putting forth the appropriate measures to stop local governments abuses of what are public records and what need to be transparent. Do you know what was done?
The committee was disbanded and all its records destroyed.
One of the more vocal speakers at the meeting did get something out of it tho, an appointment to the OC fair board where it is now well known that the board members walk out with tens of thousand of dollars in freebies without a dollar to be reported on their tax returns.
I expect that the charges in the City of Bell to be dropped any day now because says “illegal is commonly practiced by City Council Members all over the state – and such has been the case historically”
Art P, you have hit the nail on the head with that comment. California (and its counties and cities) needs to be dissolved and made a US territory so the Fed’s can start afresh. Just like they did with the New General Motors company.
It is not illegal to be compensated for your time.
Why wasn’t Glen Stroud filing complaints when Tom Lutz, Lisa Mills, Dan Young, Dan Griset, Brett Franklin, Pat McGuigan, Rick Norton, Ron May, Rob Richardson, Wilson Hart, P. Lee Johnson, Bob Luxembourger, Gordon Bricken, J. Ogden Markel, Jim Ward, Vern Evans, David Brandt, John Garthe and Jerry Patterson were doing the exact same thing??????
Oh! I forgot! They’re all white.
White makes right in Glen’s world.
There is old Bohemian cliché: You can keep going with pail for water until the handle brakes off.
“Why wasn’t Glen Stroud filing complaints”
I am not sure, but I do think the statute of limitations is very short, maybe 90 days. So all of those people mention would be beyond reach now.
So the best that can be done now, is to help our local officials in keeping it on the up and up.
Cook misses the point again purposely because of his pursuit of a witch hunt.
“History lesson says:
September 29, 2011 at 12:15 pm
Why wasn’t Glen Stroud filing complaints when Tom Lutz, Lisa Mills, Dan Young, Dan Griset, Brett Franklin, Pat McGuigan, Rick Norton, Ron May, Rob Richardson, Wilson Hart, P. Lee Johnson, Bob Luxembourger, Gordon Bricken, J. Ogden Markel, Jim Ward, Vern Evans, David Brandt, John Garthe and Jerry Patterson were doing the exact same thing??????
The question is why not done then when those listed where doing the same action.
Not that a complaint be filed now questioning action of then.
Dr. Amalgam,
Again you are pushing limits of your IQ.
If, lets say ten (10) drivers on the freeway go 90 m/h, and only I get stooped by HP, am I innocent just because others got away with it?
You are showing major ignorance. OK if the same ticketing process was done at any time past and present.
Here the ticketing can be done to all currently in office. No one can get away like your example of cars speeding.
You IQ is in question. Maybe it is your age.
Washington Square Denizen wrote:
“I wonder why they don’t concern themselves with the going on’s of Long Beach or Irvine?”
To answer your question.
Dan at OCL wrote in his blog:
“I am unaware of any like violation in Irvine which has a strict code of ethics that is adhered to.”
There you go. Irvine is perfect it is why attention is in Santa Ana.They have nothing to question in Irvine?????
Dr. Amalgam,
According to you there is no such thing like statute of limitation.
Depend on a crime, if you are not caught at certain time you have not committed any crime.
It is IQ not age, and monkeys have limited one!
Are you calling yourself a monkey? OK. Explains your lack of reading comprehension as you have misinterpreted what I said and you make no sense. Oh well.
“Are you calling yourself a monkey?”….. Hmmmmm
Since when monkey has white skin and originates in Europe?…. Huh?
I am pretty sure that white European Monkeys originally came from Africa. Or Atlantis.
Thank you mateo for the human evolution education of Fiala. I guess evolution is not in the IQ test Fiala claims he tested high in.