The next OC Vegan Fest, hosted by The Plant District in DTSA, is happening on Saturday, February 26, 2022 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is Santa Ana’s Vegan & Plant Based festival, bringing together some of the best plant based talent around.
The event will include special interactive raffles with prizes during the festival.
- FREE entry (register here)
- 50 Vendors
- Family Friendly
The event will take place at the parking lot located at 253 E. 3rd St., in DTSA. Parking will be available one block away from the venue in the DTSA Parking Lots at 300 E. 5th St.

- @allveganfranks
- @ancientzenremedies
- @auraganicjuicery
- @cenavegan
- @champignoneats
- @chemistea.llc
- @devis.donuts
- @doublebatcheese
- @drinkerva
- @maneatingplantla
- @mayascookiessandiego
- @mfpplantbased
- @oonosushi
- @shanestamales
- @shibbysteaks
- @tropicannasa
- @trupotreats
- @twobirdsbakingco
- @unforgettablelemonade2012
- @veganhooligansla
- @veggiefam.la
- @vuturefood
- @wordofmouthtruck
- @anandaayurveda
- @thebleachcafe
- @cinsvision
- @lovecowhugger
- @creamsoda.supply
- @crystalladyluna
- @dr_pooch
- @ekilearts
- @farmhouse_rescue
- @foreverterracotta
- @gemineyegemshop
- @shopgoldentribe
- @headinthe_cloudsdesigns
- @livealohadesign
- @milyrocksjewelry
- @myixchel
- @peacesolandsucculents
- @pinsandwicks
- @plantas.divinas
- @quantum_spaces
- @sheayobody
- @stillwildathleisure
- @sistertosisterhaircare
- @soultiewaistbeads
- @straight.chillin.inc
- @tiopanchoshaberdashery
- @unbound.estilo
- @veganbabemiami
- @wrappedenergy
The Plant District is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping plant-based businesses meet their long/short term goals and become a successful thriving company. No matter what level they are at we meet them there and add more value to their business.
We can help with every aspect of growing your business from digital design, printing banners/canopies/tablecloth/etc, menu consultation, finding and obtaining brick and mortar, and even assist with funding.