Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Parke Skelton

Has Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfred Amezcua landed Antonio Villaraigosa’s campaign consultant?

A source has reported to us tonight that Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua has hired Parke Skelton to be his campaign consultant.  Reportedly Mr. Skelton came highly recommended by several legislators who are friends of Amezcua.

Skelton knows a few things about mayoral campaigns.  His past clients include Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.

We are told that Skelton conducted polling before hiring on to run Amezcua’s campaign.  Reportedly the numbers favored his new client.

According to L.A. Observed, Skelton is the consultant most likely to lose sleep over going negative. He is known for left-wing politics and for picking candidate he wants to win. He is skilled at direct mail campaigning.

Skelton was a Hillary Clinton supporter last year, but he later switched to Barack Obama, according to the Huffington Post and this link.  He gave money to both candidates.  He previously contributed to John Kerry’s Presidential Campaign.

Skelton is also running Assemblyman Dave Jones campaign for State Insurance Commissioner, according to this link.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

One thought on “Did Al Amezcua hire Antonio Villaraigosa’s political consultant?”
  1. I am so very pleased that Alfredo Amezcua is making an investment like this in his campaign. Why? Because we truly need change in this city. If we need to get the muscle of a Los Angeles consultant to help us get there, so be it. The bottom line is that MIGUEL PULIDO MUST GO. We have had enough. We deserve democracy.

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