Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

Council Members Sarmiento and Martinez, the progressive heart of the S.A. City Council

Another blog in town ripped Councilwoman Michele Martinez, alleging that she is trying to use the Santa Ana City Clerk as her Campaign Treasurer.

I spoke to Martinez and she verified that she does indeed have a terrific treasurer, David Gould, of Los Angeles.  He works for some of the biggest names in politics.

What she was trying to say, in her campaign email this week, was that if folks had questions about how much they can legally contribute, they should call the City Clerk’s office.  Well, that is true.  The Santa Ana City Clerk oversees campaign finance laws, with regard to local races. 

Specifically Martinez was concerned about those who donate to her but may have business with the city.  In that case, these individuals have to limit their contributions to $249, as I understand it.

This doesn’t mean that Martinez is using city resources to advance her campaign.  It means she is concerned about making sure her constituents don’t get in trouble when they make donations to her.  Sure, they could call Gould, but why not call the City Clerk?  I know that the friendly people at City Hall would not mind fielding these or other questions.

The blogger who attacked Martinez is a Latino and a former City Commissioner here in Santa Ana.  He, like Martinez, is also a Democrat.  Why a fellow Latino would come after her, I just don’t know.

Martinez has, over the past two years, become the progressive heart of the Santa Ana City Council.  She, along with fellow progressives Sal Tinajero and Vince Sarmiento, has pulled Mayor Miguel Pulido to the left, to everyone’s benefit.  Why would anyone want to heap scorn on her?  I just don’t get it.

We finally have an all-Latino City Council and they are doing good work, for the most part, on our behalf.  In particular, I am proud of everything Martinez has accomplished on the City Council.  She is a shining example to our young people of what you can accomplish with hard work and dedication to our community. 

Martinez does not, as of now, face any challengers in her reelection bid.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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