Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

A Cover Charge at Proof?  No bueno!

UPDATE: Santa Ana City Manager Paul Walters sent me an email today confirming that the City is looking into the issues raised in this post!

Chapter One: the Modern Local, a restaurant in Downtown Santa Ana, is promising a fun night tonight, which includes dancing – as per their Facebook event page.  However, I am told that their Conditional Use Permit (C.U.P.)  does NOT allow dancing.  As far as I know, they did not petition the Santa Ana Planning Agency for an exception.

You may recall that one of the owners of Chapter One went off on Mexican owned businesses in Downtown Santa Ana, a few months ago, when he questioned the number of Quinceanera stores in the Downtown area.  Well, I guarantee you that none of those shops will be flouting the law tonight!

But Chapter One is not the only local business promising to violate their C.U.P. tonight.  The Proof Bar is holding a New Year’s Eve Extravaganza – with a cover charge.  Guess what?  Their C.U.P. does not allow them to do that.  And if they are planning on allowing dancing tonight, that too is a violation of their C.U.P.  Perhaps their “problem solver” told them to do this?  I hope the Planning Agency and our City Council will remember this when Proof comes begging for changes to their current C.U.P.

This is not the first time this problem has cropped up recently in Downtown Santa Ana.  When East End promoter Archer Altstaetter opened his new costume store he did it without a business license.  He got busted for that.  He also held a Zombie Walk that, according to the SAPD, did not have a permit.

And we found evidence on the Velvet Lounge’s website that they might be engaging in adult entertainment – including simulated sex acts, stuffing money down male dancer’s underwear, etc.

Employees of Santa Ana’s Planning Agency had a cow when Mariscos Zamora advertised a karaoke night – when that longtime Santa Ana business tried to change their C.U.P.  Obviously they have a distinct double standard given the mayhem going on in Downtown Santa Ana.  But the good news is that they are now investigating the Velvet Lounge and they have been made aware about the shenanigans planned at Chapter One and Proof tonight.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

24 thoughts on “Are two downtown Santa Ana businesses going to violate city code tonight?”
  1. I suspect the potential for money to be made far outweighs the price of a citation. Any chance any of these folks bithered to ask for an exemption? Are they even available?

    1. They did not ask for exceptions to their C.U.P. In the case of Proof this could be very costly as they are asking for a permanent change to their C.U.P. This sort of behavior undermines their case and will make it difficult for them to get a variance.

    1. There is no ban on dancing. But if your C.U.P. doesn’t allow it your only avenue is to pursue a variance or some other sort of exception. That didn’t happen in this case.

      If this were a Mexican owned business violating city code the Usual Suspects would be screaming about it.

      The city needs to hold ALL businesses equally accountable to the terms of their C.U.P.’s!

  2. 2513 w edinger la pachanga bar and grill need to have city officials visit that place 100% corrupted he has girls stripping to customers has ilegal gambling he even has to cash registers so he dont have to pay taxes
    he even has cats and dogs living there and they allow smoking in the bar..this place even serves beer after 2 am…reason for posting this is that my mother got burned from the owner for a full weeks check….

    1. Well I agree that we can’t have cats and dogs smoking in bars. Don’t worry – this blog is read by many city officials. I am sure they will follow up on this.

  3. You mean they are in violation the same way you are running a business from your home without benefit of a business license and Home Occupation Permit?

  4. I checked, and your Home Occupation Permit is only good for the Orange Juice Blog – nothing else. So if you are running a new blog for profit, or doing other business other than internet blogging, you would need a new Home Occupation Permit, and a new business license (which City staff could not find for me).

    1. I have documents that prove I shut down the OJ account, back when I sold it to Vern. And I have licenses for my other businesses.

      You are an unmitigated stalker and thank God the staffer you talked to couldn’t figure out how to find my records.

      By the way, you always post as ocgrrl – what is this Marty name you are using now? Just who are you?

  5. thanks for the responce art..I hope this place gets hit by code enforcement they run a 100% illegal bar and allows smoking by customers and it stays open after hours for meth users
    2513 w. endinger
    la panchanga bar and grill

  6. Hey Admin,

    Proof had its C.U.P. amended long ago to allow for a cover charge. Consequently, we still strive to keep our nights free, which is probably why you haven’t seen us advertise a cover. An understandable mistake.

    Can you please confirm and reflect this fact? Preferably as an update, but in the interest of fairness and accuracy, I would consider a reply sufficient.


    1. No problem but you should know that I ran the story by the Planning Agency. Their answer was apparently wrong.

      But you didn’t answer my question. Did your variance allow dancing? Please answer that so that I can amend the story.

  7. “Did your variance allow dancing?”….. Hmmmmmmm

    This is one more reason why Santa Ana sucks!

    With these kind of variances I am not surprised that Sean Mill likes to be on the Planing commission.

    I bet that he is incapable of dancing.

  8. “Sean has run 37 miles this week. How about you Stanley?”…… Hmmmmmm

    I was making sure that I am not getting fat.

    Lets see how many miles he will be runnig when he is 66.

    But running is not dancing.

    Dancing is much more healthier for the body and spirit than is running.

    Unfortunately in Santa Ana you need permission from Mill to do so.


  9. “That Code was mostly drafted by past white Republican Councils”…… Hmmmm

    Than change it!

    We have now Magnificent Seven all democrats and all your people running the show for last 10 years.

    Remove all these stupid regulations so we have happy city.

  10. I should add that under the Magnificent Seven regime, two homos can hold each other by the ass in the public places but two hetero man and woman get rested for dancing.

    Can you see how incompetent the governing Mexicans are?

    1. Wrong. Lewd conduct in public has limitations. Dancing is not illegal. But a business has to be reviewed to m!ke sure they can safety host such an activity. Proof is s small venue. I believe they are trying to acquire the vacancy next door which will give them more options.

  11. “But a business has to be reviewed to m!ke sure they can safety host such an activity.”…… Hmmmmmm

    I thought that “Code was mostly drafted by past white Republican Councils”….. Huh?

    Problem with BSing, Admin, is that BSers does not remember his BS from the paragraph to a paragraph.

    FYI, the safety has noting to do with dancing but with the establishment’s capacity. It will make no difference if 100 people would stand in small room or dance.

    Problem is that you have never visited the world and seen spontaneous enjoyment of the life and the Magnificent Seven are mostly affirmative action educated so the created allegedly #4 safest city which is totally broke with no interest to intelligent people.

    There always will be Pulidos, Walters, Mills and other socialists who will find the stick to beat the people but the people should always vote for a freedom which is difficult to do in 95% Latino City dependent on welfare crumbs.

    Any prohibition is established for a purpose of legalized extortion and not the safety.

    It is how the revenues are generated.

    Because the Mexican governments are known to be the most corrupt governments there is no limits in their mind to create more prohibition to get more revenues to extort to feed their appetite for their corruption.

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