It is hard to believe this but apparently a bunch of very right-wing conservatives are hosting a “Make Cali Great” event called the “Summer of Conservatism” at the eSports Arena, in Downtown Santa Ana on July 9, 2017, right across from Mariscos Hector, to talk about subjects including Sanctuary State Policies, Over Taxation, Voter Fraud, 2nd Amendment Rights, Illegal Immigration, and Conservative Activism.
Do these people realize that the Santa Ana City Council recently declared Santa Ana to be a Sanctuary City? And that the Santa Ana City Council cost our city several million dollars a year by canceling a contract with ICE to hold their detainees at our City Jail?
Why would the eSports Arena stage this event? This will surely incite a race riot!

The speakers at this event will include:
- Kyle Chapman (Based Stickman)
- Scott McAfee (SmackTalk Studios)
- Mac Young (Director of Technology – Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign)
- Troy Worden (President of UC Berkeley College Republicans)
- Susan Walsh
Organizations Participating:
- UC Berkeley College Republicans
- Veterans First
- Tea Party
- San Diego Gun Owners PAC
Well good luck to these Trumpers. Someone should warn them not to try to hang out at Original Mike’s while they are visiting Santa Ana…
Born and raised in Santa Ana I am a 3rd generation of LEGAL immigrants and have never seen our city in such bad shape since Obama as POTUS and sellouts at City Council and since Governor Brown took office. All of these criminals appeasing undocumented immigrants for their illegal votes. I was once proud to live in Santa Ana and pray for this city and that our government officials realize they were elected to serve our citizens and not their special interests $$$$.
Maybe it’s time to move.
Amen Mari
Yup move on please!!!
The city council should RESIGN. And the rest of the putos who support them, leave the city. Pinche cabrones!
What exactly have they accomplished?
1. Lower crime? No!
2. Support local small businesses? No!
3. Bring new big tax revenue projects? No!
4. Hire a competent city manager? HELL NO!
City council decisions:
1. Allow a FREE needle program, thousands given out every Saturday…IN FRONT OF THE LIBRARY. Welcoming every heroin user to our city and our neighborhoods.
2. Allow the downtown area to be taken over by transients, homeless, parolees, register sex offenders (that would be child molesters) and every other pendejos that enjoys being a zombie.
3. DTSA a ghost town. The city’s private parking NAZIS destroying business.
4. The city budget again is a complete disaster.
5. Allowing crime to get out of control by FAILING To support law enforcement!
The city council could care less about the residents. They rather please these fake “Hispanics” claiming to represent Santa Ana.
MECHA, La Raza, Chicano Unidos, Cop Watch and Kids Work DO NOT represent our residents.
Time for everyone to focus on the real problem; THE SANTA ANA CITY COUNCIL!
So true Carlitos