Do you remember Angie Amezcua? She was accidentally elected a little over four years ago in Santa Ana’s Ward 3. She did not campaign at all that year. But her ballot title, “teacher” and her last name helped propel her to victory. She finished out her accidental term then walked away from the City Council, endorsing David De Leon, who proceeded to lose badly to Jose Solorio last November.
I guess Angie missed politics because she and her husband, Robert Oliver, joined ten other individuals, including the bitter loser De Leon, in signing a Notice of Intention to Circulate a Petition, on March 14, 2017. The group of 12 wanted to gather signatures for a campaign to recall Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido, who easily beat a socialist candidate in November, Benjamin Vazquez.

You would think that Oliver, who is an attorney, would have bothered to read the Santa Ana ordinance regarding such petitions and campaigns. But I guess he didn’t as the campaign to recall Pulido was canceled today, ironically on the day we recognize as the Ides of March, by Santa Ana City Clerk Maria Huizar. She noted in a letter to the anti-Pulido rabble that 20 signatures were required on the Notice of Intention but they only submitted 12. Oops!
The other signatories included:
- Arturo Ayala
- Marissa Ayala
- Diego Armando H. Gomez
- Brian Leal
- Estela Amezcua
- Jessica Amezcua
- Jose Tapia
- Gustavo Sandoval
- and Ernesto Silva, Jr.
Ironically while these folks could not count to 20 they were able to distribute an entire press release when they announced their anti-Pulido campaign, which included these excerpts:
We are a grassroots movement comprised purely of volunteers united by our conviction that the corrupt Mayor must be removed from office, and that a recall is the best vehicle to accomplish that goal. To that end, today we are filing a Notice of Intention to Circulate a Recall Petition against Mayor Pulido with the City Clerk.
To get to a recall special election, we must qualify our petition by obtaining a sufficient amount of signatures of Santa Ana registered voters. There are 103,916 registered voters in the City. We need to collect a minimum of 10% of that total—10,392. Our goal is to collect 15,000 signatures, both to serve as a cushion against any signatures that are disqualified, and as a message to send to our Mayor that the community will no longer tolerate his corrupt actions that are having an adverse effect on our community.
This sad bunch could not get 20 nominating signatures but they were going to collect 15,000 voter signatures? LOL. Perhaps it is best that this sad effort died on the launching pad.
Why were these people trying to recall Mayor Pulido? Call it sour grapes. Amezcua could have run for reelection but she quit our City Council. And De Leon had a chance to win in November but he ran a lame campaign and lost. They are by the way accusing Pulido of all sorts of malfeasance but what it boils down to is that their pal Councilman David Benavides is made because Pulido and the new City Council majority overturned a grant to Kidworks, which employs Benavides. That’s right. This is all about Benavides grousing after losing some money that quite frankly should never have been sent his way.
Benavides by the way is on his last term. I hear that Santa Ana Planning Commissioner Phil Bacerra will be running for Benavides’ seat. And former Councilman Roman Reyna, a high school dropout who was caught hanging out with members of the Mexican Mafia when he lost to Pulido a few years ago will allegedly be running for the Council seat currently held by Mayor Pro Tem Michele Martinez. These rats may have failed to recall Pulido but they will be back in two years and my prediction is the voters will not support any of them.
Benavides and Amezcua were part of the City Council’s majority for about four years. In that time they allowed gangbangers to run amok in our city. The last thing we need to do is return these payasos to our City Council! No thanks.
I hope all these idiots that voted Democrats into office finally realize socialism just does not work. We need to get rid not only of the mayor, but everyone running santa ana, everything is failing from our schools to our streets, our roads are garbage, crime increasing, schools aren’t doing well and I’m sure anyone one will reply saying “your racist” no it’s just facts. Why is it that our neighbor Irvine is voted best city in the U.S. and one of the happiest cities in America but once you cross into Santa Ana it’s a totally different story there is tagging everywhere you hear of shootings mostly every day I just can’t understand why people just can’t open their eyes and recognize we have a problem but in reality it’s not a race issue it’s a culture issue, culture of gangs, drugs, and violence plus these corrupt people in office don’t mind worrying about because they live in the nice floral sectors around northern Santa Ana and by the way I’m Mexican and being raised with people telling me that the police is against me and education won’t take you anywhere is total garbage I woke up one day and noticed it’s all b.s. people wake up
Angie wouldn’t even bother to show up to a single campaign event and barely showed up to the council meetings. Odd that she now wants to involve herself in politics. Let’s just say Sal Tinajero knows a thing or 2 about recalls and am sure he strong armed clueless Angie Oliver and her inept husband.
What a bunch of MORON’S. Don’t forget, Robert Oliver is the same guy thatused to run around the internet using the name “El Merro Merro”, threatening to punch people out. But when he STUPIDLY exposed his AT&T U-Verse account and IP address he went crying to Noberto Santana and had his threats (and false accolades of his wife) removed. This is a two bit gang that can’t shoot straight.
But, hey, according to their website they raised $25.00 . That should cover Phil’s cab fare to the bar!
One would think Roman would have earned a GED and Graduated from the diploma mill “Springfield” by now.
Oh Well……..Just another week in backwardsland
This sounds like the gamg that can’t shoot straight.
Isn’t Leal Roman Renya’s former BFF and campaign manager?
Yes he is.
Is this the U.S. or is this Venezuela or Cuba? How many terms has Pulido served? It is unhealthy for a democracy to have the same leader for so many years.
The problem Patty is the awful candidates that always run against Pulido. The guy who ran last year was an outright socialist!