Thu. Mar 6th, 2025

The campaign finance reports are in, and the top fundraiser, of the four Democrats running for the 69th Assembly District, is Santa Ana Council Member Michele Martinez.  You can read her report here.

Ultra-liberal union shill Julio Perez came in at 117K and 70K cash at-hand.  If you subtract the $23K which he reported in the last reporting period, which was from Jan to June 2011, the he only raised $90K.  Click here to read his campaign finance report.

O.C. Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly only raised $54K.  It looks like his past supporters are realizing he isn’t running much of a campaign – and he still has no campaign website!  Click here to read his campaign finance report.  Note that Assemblyman Jose Solorio has sold out the people of Santa Ana by donating $2K to Daly!  (But in fairness he also donated $2K to Martinez – we may not agree on Daly but at least we agree that Perez is an awful fit for the district).

Click here to read the rest of this article.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

21 thoughts on “Solorio gives Daly $2K, but Martinez leads in fundraising in the 69th A.D.”
  1. Solorio gave $2000 to Martinez as well, please include these facts in your reporting.
    Also, how does that constitute a “sell out” to the people of Santa Ana? He has clearly already stated since last year that he supported both candidates equally, why would it then be a surprise that an equal financial contribution was made?

    1. Giving equal backing to Daly, in the most Latino district in the OC if not in CA, is indeed a “sell out.” And Daly is NOT from Santa Ana. Martinez is.

      This move is going to backfire on Solorio – even if Daly wins, Solorio just wrote off the Santa Ana vote in 2014.

      If Solorio wants to run for Correa’s seat he better take on Supervisor Janet Nguyen now. If not in two years she will easily take Correa’s State Senate seat.

  2. “Giving equal backing to Daly, in the most Latino district in the OC if not in CA, is indeed a “sell out.” And Daly is NOT from Santa Ana. Martinez is”…… Hmmmmm

    So according to you Admin Solorio must support only Latino in Latino district?

    This is what I do not like about you — being such racist, hopping from a party to party to see which one would support your racism ending up with the OC Libertarian party hijacked by the communists.

    Are you American?

    Do you care about America?

    What have you done for America lately?

    As long as there is the most Latino district in the OC if not in CA, there is most problematic district.

    1. It is not that Daly is not Latino, but as Mayor of Anaheim he was distinctly ANTI-LATINO. That is the problem.

      Unlike you Stanley I was born here. I don’t think I need to answer to you regardless, but thanks for asking.

      And no it is not the most problematic district. The Oakland PD just arrested 400 Occupiers. It sounds like they have much worse issues up there.

  3. We’re not worried, we have the Liberal OC using the “blue spoon” to feed our readers.

    It’s amazing how many LOC readers like it!

  4. No donations from Miguel, Sal, Claudia or you admin? Michele has checks from Benevides and Sarmiento. That’s it? How much did YOU give?

  5. So Julio has actually raised more money than everyone else. The way you slice it up you have Martinez ahead, yet reports from the state have Julio ahead. But you want to say Martinez has raised more money? Is this correct? I’m just asking point blank who has raised the most money? Look at line 5 in the report and it will say Julio. Thanks for your analysis, but you do get paid to be bias.

  6. “Unlike you Stanley I was born here. I don’t think I need to answer to you regardless, but thanks for asking”….. Hmmmmmm

    Sure, you may have been born here but your culture is still in Mexico hating Americans because they are more successful than Latinos and you.


  7. “Your animosity towards immigrants is ridiculous given that you and your wife are…immigrants.”……. Hmmmmmm

    You emigrate to become a new person, not the same one you immigrate from like Latinos do.

    I and my wife are proud Americans ready to fix this f*cking USA to be once again the land of an opportunity and not land of the welfare and food stamps.

    1. That is very nice Stanley. You must love Mitt Romney – the man who cares not a bit for the very poor.

      I do agree though that this is the land of opportunity and you just have to work hard and improve yourself.

    1. Sorry chap. I was at the orthodontist with my son. Your other comment was apparently in my spam filter as you tried to use the f-word.

  8. “You must love Mitt Romney – the man who cares not a bit for the very poor”….. Hmmmmm

    LOL – You too have jump on the bandwagon with moron mongoloids taking his statement out of a context.

    How shallow!

    “Your other comment was apparently in my spam filter as you tried to use the f-word.”….. Hmmmmm

    How immature!

    “I do agree though that this is the land of opportunity and you just have to work hard and improve yourself”….

    There is so little you know about non existent opportunity that I do not even know where to began because you are clueless.

    Try to read this one:

    CFTC slaps a broker because of Dodd-Frank Act The USA Nanny State Rolls On

    To restrict the rights of US citizens and residents to deal with brokers from other countries is lost opportunity.

    No other citizen around the world (including Mexican one)is restricted as is US citizen under Obama bolsheviks.

    There are thousands of such restriction implemented by Obama which is lost opportunity for this country to grow.

    Obviously you are one of “the very poor” to know about that.

  9. “My you’re cranky tonight!”……. Hmmmmm

    You may be correct because I have Arbitration Hearing tomorrow so I am pissed off grandiosely to deal with moron mongoloids lawyers and am printing relative crapola like motions, oppositions, replies, responses and briefs.

    So you know how that is.

    Going to get some vodka to relax — HaHaHaHa Gröfaz you are caned in AA Huh?

  10. Its surprising to see that Renee Ramirez hasn’t donated to Tom Daly’s campaign since he just gave her a promotion to admin III manager and a raise. She should be all over his knob since she is an uneducated moron. She has got to be black mailing him. Why would daly give a person who barely graduated from high school such a position in an agency that only has 102 employees. What is the justification for having 2 department head level paid employees in such a small agency? Renee can barely write a memo and is just a glorified clerk who was a clerk for years because she lacks the skills to get a job else where. Didn’t the board just take some pay away from Rob Richardson? How did this happen without a recruitment or more scrutiny? Is this hush hush money? Daly is known for having 2 hour meetings with the cute Latinas in his office behind closed doors. What is he doing? Fixing the California budget crisis?

  11. Solorio has no back bone. He needs to make up his mind and pick a candidate! Typical democrat flip flopper. You can’t have it both ways! Either support the Latina or the pastee spineless white guy. One or the other. Just like election night you have to vote for one. Remember Tom drops out of races when the going gets tough. Plus Tom is only collecting money to later drop out of the race and run for clerk-recorder again. He pulled the same crap when he ran for his failed bid for district supervisor. Like they say fool me once shame on me fool me twice, que pendejo somos.

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