In the spirit of openness, the City of Santa Ana’s Sunshine Ordinance requires that development project applicants hold a community meeting for certain development projects. As you’ll see below, there is a proposed development project, the Cabrillo Crossing Townhomes, to be located at 1814 and 1818 East First Street.
The project’s applicant, Brandywine Homes, is proposing to develop two vacant parcels with 35 single-family attached townhomes, six of which are proposed as live/work and four as affordable. The proposed townhouse buildings will range in height from three to four stories designed with tuck-under parking. The units will range from two to three bedrooms and from 1,385 to 2,476 square feet in size. The proposed development will require review and approval of a tentative tract map for condominium purposes.

How to Participate in the Community Meeting
The community meeting will take place on Tuesday, November 30 from 6 to 7 p.m. at Avila’s El Ranchito restaurant located at 2201 E First Street, Santa Ana, CA 92705.
If you would like to participate in the community meeting and require translation/interpretation services in languages other than English, please contact Angela Meyer from Brandywine Homes at (949) 296-2400, ext. 122, by no later than November 28 at 6 p.m.
If you have questions about the proposed development project, call our Planning and Building Agency at (714) 647-5882.
If you’d like to share your comments about the proposed development project with me, feel free to call (714) 647-6900.