We finally found solid evidence that Sherry Walker, the carpetbagging Republican candidate for the 69th Assembly District, may have lied to the Voter Registrar of Orange County and to the voters. Case number 30-2014-00698760-CU-PT-CJC of the Orange County Superior Court shows that she changed her name, from Shehrzad Rahgozar to Sherry Walker on March 5, 2014. She started the name change process on January 16, 2014.
The address she listed was 25422 Trabuco Road #105-255, in Lake Forest. That happens to be the same address used by Adam Nick and Associates. Nick is her husband – and he is running for the 46th Congressional District as a carpetbagger from Lake Forest. He changed his name too. His real name is Afshin Nikmanesh.
To run for the Assembly, a candidate must be a United States citizen and a registered voter in the district at the time nomination papers are issued and may not have served three terms in the State Assembly since November 6, 1990. According to Article 4, Section 2(c) of the California Constitution, the candidate must have one year of residency in the legislative district and California residency for three years, according to Wikipedia.
So there is the question – did Walker, or Rahgozar, live in Santa Ana or anywhere in the 69th Assembly District for a least a year before she filed as a candidate for this district? Can she prove it? Why in the world would she run for that district when Nick is a Councilman in Lake Forest?
Remember that while Nick and Walker are running as Republicans, their voter registration history is pathetic. Nick wasn’t even registered to vote from 2004-2008, according to the Orange County Registrar of Voters, and he wasn’t even in a U.S. county! Where the heck was this guy? From 2008 to 2011 he didn’t belong to any political party. He only became a registered Republican in 2011.
As for Walker’s voter registration history, she was registered Decline to State from 2004 to March 4, 2014, presumably under her real name of Rahgozar. Then she became a Republican and registered to run for the State Assembly. And her only campaign contributor has been her husband, Nick, according to the California Secretary of State.
Why these two characters are running for office miles away from where they live is a very good question. Sources tell me that it won’t be long before an attorney starts asking questions – and I expect a formal complaint about Walker’s residency will be filed with the Orange County Registrar of Voters.
The Republican Party of Orange County needs to step up and disavow Walker now before she becomes their version of State Senator Rod Wright, who was convicted on eight counts in his perjury and voter fraud trial in January of this year, after being accused of faking a move to a rental property he owned in Inglewood so he could run in what was then the 25th Senate District.
I don’t think that the Republican party cares, or should care, about these two jokers. Maybe they are dem plants.
It’s about time the truth comes out! where was the republican party when she was running in the primary? This stink to high heaven!
I agree. This was a travesty!
Real Mexicans voted for no one they are a crooks, im sure Tom Daly recruited Walker