Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025
Overheard Is this guy the Colonel from KFC

One of the funniest campaign mailers I have ever seen arrived in my mail box today, from Mark McLoughlin, a Rancho Santiago Community College District Trustee who is running for re-election in Area 3.  He went full raza!

The flier is in Spanish and it erroneously states that McLoughlin is an educator. no he isn’t!  His opponent, Dave Chapel, actually is an educator.  McLoughlin is just a suit with zero experience as an educator.

We finally have a chance at electing a few Latinos to the RSCCD Board of Trustees.  McLoughlin’s other opponent, Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez, is likely going to beat him.  Assemblyman Jose Solorio is also running for a seat on the RSCCD Board, in Area 1, and there are two Latinos running in Area 5 – Nelida Yanez and Tony Tapia.

With that in mind it is hilarious to see that McLoughlin got Loretta Sanchez’ endorsement.  Vendida!  Maybe we should thank her for this by voting for her guero opponent, Jerry Hayden?

A new study by Dr. Mike Moodian hints at why McLoughlin is running again.  It turns out the RSCCD Trustees are way overpaid!  And they have too many benefits!  These good old boys are ripping us off!

McLoughlin’s mailer says he is concerned about our community.  I must call BS on that.  Sure, he was concerned when he worked to recall SAUSD Trustee Nativo Lopez, but his real concern was keeping a neighborhood school out of his own neighborhood, Floral Park.  My favorite story about the recall was that on the night of the election a former blogger who happens to be Latino tried to get into the recall party at McLoughlin’s house and his wife blocked him!  I guess they had already hit their Latino quota for the night.

And McLoughlin now is one of the NIMBY’s trying to stop the completion of a bike trail along the Santiago Creek.  Why?  Because he is concerned the some of the brown guys on his mailer might take a bike ride by his house!

McLoughlin first got onto the RSCCD Board when his predecessor, Al Amezcua, had to quit after someone told the RSCCD Chancellor that Amezcua had registered to vote at his law office address instead of at his home in Morrison Park.  He didn’t live in the RSCCD Area he ran for.  Who told me this?  McLoughlin himself.  I am pretty sure he was the one who outed Amezcua.  There is no honor among thieves…

But for real high comedy check out his endorsements page. His backers include:

  • Phili Bacerra, OTCA Community Advisor

I know a guy named Phil Bacerra.  Perhaps “Phili” is his sister?  And Phil got booted off an OCTA Commission.  What the heck is the OTCA?

Here’s another good one:

  • Santa Ana Police Offers Association

Police Offers?  What the heck?  Maybe they should offer to spell check McLoughlin’s website? LOL!

Can Latino voters be so stupid that they will actually vote for this guy?  I guess we’ll find out on Nov. 6.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

24 thoughts on “Mark McLoughlin goes full raza in his campaign for the RSCCD Board”
  1. Art – If Mark McLoughlin paid for a banner ad like David Chapel has done, would you be so critical of his campaign? I read Moodian’s study, and you know what? Mr. Chapel is paid more in benefits than Mr. McCloughlin. Why don’t you comment on that fact or are you afraid Mr. Chapel will pull his ad?

    1. Anyone can buy an ad on this blog. If McCloughlin wants to buy one in Spanish, great.

      Chapel is at least an educator. McCloughlin lied on his mailer as he is not an educator.

      Also I pointed out other reasons I am opposed to McCloughlin. In particular his opposition to the completion of the Santiago Creek bike trail is abominable. That tells you what this guy is really all about.

      I have by the way endorsed Claudia Alvarez as well. I don’t care who beats McCloughlin as long as he loses.

    2. Looking over my last 60 years of life, and considering today’s Vote, I read this column that offers little fact and lots of hyper opinion and ethnic bias. Making an ethnic race out of Chapel vs McLoughlin is so unfair to Santa Ana citizens and their kids (no need to even mention the judge-chair hungry third candidate). True, Chapel is a great point man and educator, and rep with ethnic identity. But implying McLoughlin as too white and white collar a fit is biased, even promoting ethnic disenfranchisement. I also came from back East. Curious that an editor-journalist would slam a NY white guy bringing to Santa Ana’s Valley High School, for example, six industry-critical programs able to revolutionize the city’s peoples, economy, industry, and profile – and – get upwards of 55,000 students modernized through pc edu-labs. Back East, these “program” clases for our junior high and high school students are called … Technical College. So McLoughlin’s blue collar work, white collar work, college degree, university degree, business admin+operations experience and degrees, and directorial expertise come to Santa Ana’s table – touching environment, tourism, consumables, mfg/engg, production, medical, local and global biz development, and life-cycle industries that kids can learn, pre-college, and you’re upset about it? Um, when my dad also didn’t want his big brood of children taking the same sub-wage dirt-collar jobs he had, he put himself through school, high school, college, then taught college, took more business courses, earned degrees, owned his own biz, and through those years changed many lives in education and professional sectors – I know his very big personal investment and, more, his integrity. And all who knew him and worked with him saw, learned, and modeled his grand vision. All kudos to you, Mr. Chapel. But for me, McLoughlin’s experience, expertise, purpose, and record of practice fulfill Santa Ana’s current and future generations’ needs.

  2. Mark is a administrator on the RSCCD board. Under the definition of educator , he is a “educator”……….did not lie.

    American Heritage Dictionary:

    Home > Library > Literature & Language > Dictionary
    One trained in teaching; a teacher.
    A specialist in the theory and practice of education.
    An administrator of a school or an educational institution.

    Read more:

  3. Mark was elected to administer the affairs of RSCCD. so is a administrator……..did not lie.

    administrator (plural administrators)
    One who administers affairs; one who directs, manages, executes, or dispenses, whether in civil, judicial, political, or ecclesiastical affairs; a manager
    (law) A person who manages or settles the estate of an intestate, or of a testator when there is no competent executor; one to whom the right of administration has been committed by competent authority
    (computing) One who is responsible for software installation, management, information and maintenance of a computer or network

    1. Mark called himself an educator. He is not. Nor is he an administrator. He is an elected Trustee. His job is to vote on matters and then the actual college administrators go about running the campuses.

      By the way your biggest issue in Santa Ana is stopping the PBID. No one has worked harder to do that than Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Alvarez. So this is how you return the favor? By supporting her opponent? Disgraceful.

  4. Has nothing to do with support. Has to do with accuracy of statements. Is important to me sounds like not important to you. I believe is important to Claudia. Don’t think she wants support from this angle.

    The board administers ……..decides on a budget , who gets it , how it is to be implemented ect. Makes decisions on approving college improvements………. Are these not administrative items?

    Read the definitions again. Or you wish not to because they contradict you.

    It is like being in a competitive ball game and raising irrelevant accusations of your apponent being a liar when he is not. Use your skills to compete not muddy things out with this approach.

    1. Dave Chapel is a former school principal so he can say he was an administrator. Mark is a politician, period, not an administrator and certainly not an educator.

  5. Read the definition. Chapel understands this and does not need this kind of help from you.

    These are the trustees responsibilities……. Are administrative, did not lie.

    Program/course development
    Board of Trustees has final approval of all new program/course curriculums. The District provides supporting research necessary to develop new programs such as labor market analysis, and demographics of the community. They also provide analysis of program/course productivity and monitor, in partnership with the college, resources available for new programs. Contract Education is a primary responsibility of the District.
    Program/course development is the primary focus and responsibility of the college and faculty therein. All new programs/courses must follow the college curriculum approval process via the College Curriculum Council that reports to the Academic Senate. New vocational programs also go through a regional approval process. The college CIO and Vice President of Continuing Education oversee all curriculum processes and report to the president.
    The process for planning the development of programs between the two colleges is improving. The expansion of new programs at both colleges is severely limited due to facility constraints. However, through efforts to pass local bond initiatives and through partnerships with business and industry (for off campus programs) we are aggressively working to build instructional capacity.
    Function 1: Instructional Programs
    College (including Continuing Education)
    Comments/Future Plans
    Course scheduling
    The District has responsibility to negotiate the instructional calendar with the faculty union. Those negotiations ultimately impact the scheduling process for the majority of classes.
    The colleges are accountable for developing a schedule of classes that reflect the needs of most students. It is the responsibility of the college CIO, vice presidents, and the deans to develop a schedule of classes that meets the FTES goals of the college/district in a productive and efficient manner.
    It is imperative that an enrollment management model be adopted for both colleges to include an analysis of room utilization. This would assist the colleges and the District to better project FTES production.
    Program review
    The Assistant Vice Chancellor of Educational Services provides assistance to the college in the development of a program review model. The district research division provides research data that is necessary for any program review. This data includes a productivity measure, course/program student success data, student demographics, and department faculty full-time to part-time ratio.
    The colleges, primarily through each Curriculum Council and Academic Senate, develop the program review model. The program review model and the review model process are reviewed on a cyclical basis for its effectiveness. Each program is reviewed every three years. The results of program review lead to appropriate changes within the program to improve student learning outcomes.
    The program review process must connect to the overall college planning and resource allocation. At Santiago Canyon College (SCC) program review is part of the Educational Master Plan.
    RSCCD Functions/Mapping of Responsibilities May 2007

    1. To the common voter this gives the impression that he is an Educator and Hispanics translate Educator as someone who teaches. You are giving the definition to the English word “Educator” but when you search in a Spanish dictionary “Educador” this is the definition
      Educador, -ra adj.
      1 Que sirve para dar a una persona los conocimientos que necesita y le enseña a comportarse: ejemplo educador. educativo.
      — s. m. y f.
      2 Persona que se dedica a la enseñanza. maestro, profesor.

      1. Thanks Alex. Correct. McLoughlin is trying to fool the Latino voters he sent that mailer to.

        Readers: Alex is working on the campaign of Dave Chapel, a real educator who is running against McLoughlin. obviously Dr. Lomeli was wrong when he intimated that Chapel’s campaign was OK with McLoughlin’s subterfuge.

        Shame on McLoughlin! Here is another Spanish word for him to learn: Mentiroso!

  6. We can argue all day long on what Mark McLoughlin is – an educator, an administrator or whatever. What we can’t argue about is the $23K taxpayers are paying to provide medical insurance for Mr. Chapel and his family.

  7. Don’t change the subject, Art. How can you support someone who is sucking $23k from us taxpayers? This isn’t about Mark or Claudia. It’s about your endorsements that are driven by your own personal biases – not what is best for the community. You are supporting a candidate in Area 5 for the Rancho Board that is picking the pockets of taxpayers with his health coverage and a candidate in Area 3 that not only doesn’t have a college degree, but whose only experience with college is probably driving his car past a college. Everyone sees through this, Art.

    1. Mark McCloughlin is also getting health benefits. If this is such a sore point for him then he ought to man up and give them back to the RSCCD. Anything short of that would be hypocritical if this is the tree he is going to bark up.

      For the record I have endorsed both Chapel and Alvarez for Area 5. I don’t care which one wins as long as McLoughlin loses.

      With regard to Area 3, have you driven through it? I lived in it for 10 years, in the Artesia Pilar neighborhood. It is a blue collar working class neighborhood. You are denigrating most of the voters in that Area with your comments. Two of the three candidates for that seat have no college degrees. So what? The well educated Trustees in this county, according to Dr. Moodian’s report, are for the most part ripping off the taxpayers. What we need are Trustees who will look out for us and that is what Tony Tapia will do. And it should be noted that he is still a young man. Wouldn’t that be great if he were to enroll at Santa Ana College, as a Trustee, and work on his degree? What an insight that would give him into the machinations of SAC and the RSCCD. I am going to encourage him to do so.

      I choose candidates to support who I believe will do a good job and represent us well. You are welcome to your opinion of them. And I encourage you to post your picks on Facebook or start your own blog. Denigrating my picks is a useless endeavor and it just makes you look like a whiner.

  8. “a candidate in Area 3 that not only doesn’t have a college degree, but whose only experience with college is probably driving his car past a college.”

    You support high school graduate Tom Gordon in Area 3? He did graduate high school, right?

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