Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

UPDATE: According to Eric Lee, “We had over 600 request to follow up and learn more about the instructor and also the fulfillment of Revelation.”   Click here to see the official event follow-up press release.  And click here to see more pictures taken at this event.

I visited the former Crystal Cathedral today (it is now knows as Christ Cathedral), where throngs of mostly young Koreans and other believers came together to listen to the ministry of Instructor Man Hee Lee, a self-avowed expert on the Book of Revelation.

There had been some consternation in the week leading up to the event as a number of evangelical Christians complained that Lee is the head of a cult.  One woman at today’s service even ran up to the front of the church and started yelling.  She was quickly removed although Lee asked that she be allowed to speak – in the lobby.

The sermon was in Korean, but we were all given headsets and the sermon was translated into several languages including English and Spanish.

Lee was born in Korea in 1931, which means that he is 81 years old – and I have to say he looks pretty well kept for being in his eighties.  Lee claims a lineage that can be traced back for 500 years.  That may sound like a lot but Korea is an ancient country.   He also says that he was visited by Jesus himself, in Korea, and that he “saw and heard the events of Revelation.”

Lee’s lineage dates back to the Joseon empire, according to Wikipedia, which is when bronze making techniques were imported from China, according to PBS.  Koreans created the first world’s first metal moveable type in the 12th century.  By 1522, the German preacher Martin Luther was printing the first Bible’s produced on such presses, according to Wikipedia.  Lee referred to Luther today when he repeatedly admonished those at the service to read the Bible.

While urging followers to read the Bible fits in nicely with leading Evangelical thought, Lee does hold a controversial position in that he believes we are already “fulfilling Revelation.”  But his take on Revelation is not like anything I have heard before.  For one thing, Lee is expert at translating the book of Revelation in terms of analogy.  He sees much of the text as symbolizing ideas.

During the sermon Lee patiently made his way through each chapter of the Book of Revelation, explaining what he feels the symbols mean.  While he has been critized as a false prophet, he took false prophetst to task during his speech.

So are we in the end times?  That is hard to say.  There is no mistaking that we live in dark times considering all the unrest and death in the Middle East, and the horrible shooting here in the U.S. just this week, at a screening of the new Batman film in Aurora, Colorado.

I had a chance after the sermon to ask Lee about the Aurora shooting – and about the increase in atheism among our youth.  Lee paused then answered firmly in Korean that we need to be knowledgable in the Bible and that this is especially true of our young people.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

163 thoughts on “Updated: Korean Bible instructor Man Hee Lee packs the Crystal Cathedral”
  1. I believe that Mr.Lee is a person who God send this earth with God’s words when I heard his words. Thank you my Lord.

  2. Thanks this event. I am much thankful! Mi wife and friends come. I am much thankful. Apocolyptico never I understand, but thanks for so clear explain. I sign for study follow through. God is good!

  3. It is so great to hear that many people signed up for the follow-up study. I will definitely be checking that out 🙂

  4. Thank you for the news. It’s very amazing! I really want to know this TRUTH more. Where can I learn?

  5. I was given a flyer about the seminar and saw that it was for free at the Crystal Cathedral. I went since it was a free seminar and I heard the Crystal Cathedral was a really big church so I wanted to check it out. Little did I know what I got myself into. At first, I was so blown away by the welcoming team there. I loved the flag performance and the worship they had in the beginning. I was very surprised that we were given translators–I didn’t know the speaker was going to speak in Korean. I first thought, this old man is going to be speaking?! He looks so fragile and small. But when he spoke, I felt something different. The way he testified about the book of Revelation was nothing I have ever of. He didn’t even use any notes for the 2.5 hours he spoke! I was so bummed when he couldn’t finish all the 22 chapters of Revelation. But at the end of the seminar, he said that there will be a follow up bible studies that will go even more in depth of Revelation. Although all of it was so new and shocking, my heart felt the urgency to really learn more of what Mr. Lee had seen and hear regarding the fulfillment of Revelation. There is no doubt this man is an instrument of God!

  6. I’ve listened to sermons and interpretations of the Bible before where they used a lot of other commentaries but this is the first time i heard the Bible explained clearly from scripture alone. If everything lines up with the Word, then we should really listen and judge for ourselves if it’s truth and not just listen to people’s opinions. I want to learn more myself!

  7. Finally, Truth! I’m sure something we’re all searching for.. As i was hearing this instructor speak, I couldn’t help but to acknowledge the fact that he was speaking words of truth. Going to this seminar and hearing for myself was something I’m glad I did.

  8. I’ve never heard the Word being spoken so clearly. I’ve been going to church all my life and no one has spoken about the book of Revelation like this before. I am so thankful and cannot wait for the follow-up study!

  9. Thank you for the wonderful article!

    I am currently out of the country, but had I been in LA, I would have certainly attended this event. I can testify that I have heard Mr. Lee speak over 300 times and he never uses notes–instead, I am the one furiously writing notes.

    I am overjoyed that so many people decided to check out the studies after the seminar. Be diligent with your Bibles open. And also be patient because you will have zillions of questions that will be answered logically through the word. You will love it! And you will thank God again and again!

    I grew up as a logical believer, so I was very objective about this study, checking carefully.
    I would also like to say thanks to my friend who introduced me to Shinchonji years ago. To God be the glory that the word is opened today!

  10. Due to the dense content of Revelation and limited time span of 2 hours, Instructor Lee didn’t explain the fulfillment of Revelation in thorough detail as much as he wanted to. He simply introduced the overall content on Saturday. So I highly recommend–no, I sincerely urge– anyone who believes in the Bible, in the teachings of Jesus Christ, to sign up for the follow up study of the seminar and see for yourself the details of the fulfillment of Revelation.

  11. Dear Santa Ana News Team,

    Thanks for posting this article about Instructor Man Hee Lee the way it is, not twisting the story for the few selective people. This is what we need.

    Thank you.

  12. i honestly dont understand why so many people make up stories and persecute instructor Lee. those who persecute and point fingers should be ashamed and should think twice before calling themselves christian. Jesus taught us to love, not hate.

  13. at the seminar the word was hard to keep up.. but what really stuck to me was the confidence in the speaker. i dont think such confidence comes from ignorance, but i felt like he really did know something. and without notes or anything he spoke so clearly… maybe this is the work of the spirit…

    1. I’m just glad I was a part of it. I don’t want to argue with anyone. Just have an open mind and open heart. Look at the Scriptures. See who’s right.

  14. What amazed me the most is that the speaker spoke everything according to the bible and he was testifying for 2 hours straight. I’m so thankful that I got to see hear him speak. I really thank God.

  15. I loved the seminar! It seemed so well organized and then to have an instructor that was in his 80’s speak but not even slightly seem tired through his talk nor be moved or shaken by anything going on around him was amazing! he actually seemed to encourage those who were against what he had to say to say what they needed to and to really examine the Bible for themselves. Most others would shun or judge those who did something like this. He seemed to have a true heart of God. I know that he was meant to come here!

  16. The true fulfillment of Revelation according to Scripture is being testified at Shinchonji. Don’t regret later for doubting and listening to false rumors, but come and hear for yourself now!

  17. Something new, never heard of before, is being taught here. That’s why all these pastors and seminary school students are coming out here to learn. 🙂

  18. Wow, great coverage News Santa Ana! I’ve heard about this event a lot through the grapevine, but it’s good to get an objective news perspective 🙂

    My pastor attended and he was very moved, now he wants all of us church leaders to attend the follow-up Bible studies next week. He told me that a lot of local pastors are also checking this out… I hope News Santa Ana keeps tabs on this revival movement! Thanks!

  19. I am a Christian who grew up in the church. To be honest with you I went into the seminar a little skeptical because of what I heard about Man Hee Lee. I wanted to hear directly from him what his testimony was rather than being swayed by various opinions. After attending the seminar I can say with my own mouth that everything Man Hee Lee said was according to the Bible. Since he summarized Revelation, i will definitely be doing the follow up studies to learn in detail.

  20. omg I went to the follow-up study too! it was awesome!!! i’m SO glad I brought my friend with me so he can hear the word too! we both loved it!^^

  21. Yay, every Tues and Thursdays are follow-up study days! Hopefully I can bring another friend of mine tonight!! Am I going to see any of you there?? 😀

  22. I went to the 2nd followup study yesterday. It was SO GREAT! The instructor who was teaching it was so funny but at the same time so passionate about Christ, I was crying and laughing all in the same hour…. Man, I really wish other people were there to hear it.

  23. One lady interrupted the seminar by standing in front and shouting about “heresy” or something. I was sitting by the aisle and heard her screaming, “I know the Bible!” as she was escorted out. Without batting an eye, Instructor Lee beamed and proceeded to show us just how much Bible he really knew!

    It truly takes a movement of the Holy Spirit to preach through 20 chapters of Revelation in 2 hours– and to give solid verse references/back-ups for every claim made. Major props, and definitely looking forward to the follow-up class! (one of them starts next Tuesday.) I hope News Santa Ana continues to cover this topic, looks like a true revival is afoot, not just a one-off event!

  24. YAY I’m getting a few more people to come to the follow-up study!! I’m so excited! another class is going to open tonight!!!

  25. I never heard Revelation like this ever before!
    You have to check this out! He speaks according to the Bible which is really good.

  26. Yup. That’s why people keep coming! More people coming to the follow-up studies! classes are getting full now.

  27. Wow.. I’ve never seen the Crystal Cathedral so packed before. I’m actually really curious now.. What is this “follow-up” study?

  28. Again this was an awesome event and I am glad I got to be a part of local history! Thank you again for this awesome article. Can’t wait for the class again!

  29. Thank you for posting and keeping us updated on the instructor Man Hee Lee. I attended the seminar and have really been inspired by the work this man has done. I can say that this seminar and the follow up studies will definitely reignite the fire here in America among the world of Christians. Thank you again!

  30. It’s pretty packed~ It was so funny yesterday, I didn’t notice the time went by so fast!!

  31. can’t wait again til tonight for another hour of the follow-up study! everyone there are so nice. 🙂

    This is the chance to find and re-connect the line between JESUS and us, which was lost contact for ages. Instructor man hee lee will lead the way to JESUS, and to FATHER GOD.

  33. I read the bible as he taught then, so the bible’s meanigs were read!! So Amazing!!! What he said is really true not fals or cult!

  34. wow..I brlieve that the people realize the truth and then come Shinchonji. thankyou so very much

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