If you or someone you know is struggling financially during the pandemic, free food distributions are available in Santa Ana.
Fridays – Latino Health Access: Free food distribution every Friday, 12-4 p.m. at 450 W. 4th St., Santa Ana.
March 20 – Power of One Foundation: Drive-through food distribution at Calvary Chapel, 3800 S. Fairview St., Santa Ana, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (noon). The line begins off Fairview Street beginning at 7 a.m. Please stay in your car with the windows rolled up when receiving food. Make sure your vehicle trunk is empty so food can be placed in it. For more information, visit www.powerofonefoundation.org.
March 20, 27, April 3 – The Seva Collective: Drive-through food pantry at Villa Fundamental School, 1441 E. Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana, 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Please stay in your car with the windows rolled up when receiving food. Make sure your vehicle trunk is empty so food can be placed in it. For more information on Seva Collective food events, contact info@thesevacollective.org or 714-584-7573.
April 10 – The Seva Collective: Drive-through food pantry at the Sikh Center of Orange County, 2530 W. Warner Ave., Santa Ana, 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Please stay in your car with the windows rolled up when receiving food. Make sure your vehicle trunk is empty so food can be placed in it. For more information on Seva Collective food events, contact info@thesevacollective.org or 714-584-7573.
Senior Meals: Frozen, to-go meals are available at Santa Ana senior centers. Registration required in advance. https://www.santa-ana.org/parks/senior-services
Other Food Resources: Find more food pantries in Santa Ana and Orange County: http://ocfoodhelp.org/orange-county-free-food-map/
Learn more about food and financial assistance, free COVID-19 testing for Santa Ana residents, and other pandemic resources: www.santa-ana.org/COVID19.
Dispensas de Comida Gratis en Santa Ana
Spanish/español: https://bit.ly/3e7qXQ6
Phân phối thực phẩm miễn phí ở Santa Ana
Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt: https://bit.ly/3v13ndY