Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

UPDATE: The Occupy protesters are going to show up at this event!  The dinner is sold out.  It should be quite a ruckus.

“California Governor Jerry Brown has vetoed SB 847, a bill by Senator Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana) that would have required medical cannabis cooperatives and collectives be located at least 600 feet from residential zones,” according to 420 Times.

The bill was SB 847, by state Sen. Lou Correa (D-Santa Ana), who said he wanted to allow cities to chose their own regulations and to protect children living near such facilities from second-hand smoke, according to the L.A. Times.

In vetoing Correa’s bill that would have unnecessarily restricted medical marijuana clinics, Brown wrote “Decisions of this kind are best made in cities and counties, not the state Capitol,” according to columnist Steven Greenhut, in the North County Times.

Brown echoed that sentiment, in August, when he “stepped in the middle of a dispute over the proliferation of medical marijuana dispensaries, signing a law Wednesday that gives Los Angeles and other cities clear authority to restrict their location and operation,” according to the L.A. Times.

The Times also reported that “the measure, supported by the Los Angeles city attorney, authorizes local government to adopt ordinances regulating the location and operation of the dispensaries and to file civil or criminal claims against violators.”

Greenhut’s theory is that Brown has a Libertarian bent, in emphasizing local control over increasing state power.  If so that is bad news for the Democratic Party of Orange County, which has asked Brown to headline this year’s Truman Dinner.  This event usually raises money for the DPOC – but this year it is merely replenishing what former DPOC Treasurer Kinde Durkee allegedly ripped off.

The Truman Dinner takes place on Tuesday, October 11, at 6 pm, with a VIP Reception.  Dinner starts at 7 pm Dinner.  The event will be held at the Irvine Airport Hilton, located at 18800 MacArthur Blvd., in Irvine.

The Truman Dinner Awardees this year include:

  • Harry S. Truman Award: Mayor Sukhee Kang, City of Irvine (Kang incidentally got cleaned out by Durkee, allegedly)
  • Samuel Gompers Award: Glen Nolte
  • Richard J O’Neill Award Lifetime Achievement Award: Paul Goldenberg

Here are the Truman Dinner details for tickets/sponsorships:

  • Platinum $10K — premier seating level 1 table, 10 tickets to dinner and VIP reception with Gov. Brown, full page ad (inside cover or back cover)
  • Gold $5K — premier seating level 2 table, 10 tickets to dinner and 5 tickets to VIP reception with Gov. Brown, full page ad
  • Silver $3,500 – premier seating level 3, 10 tickets to dinner and 3 tickets to VIP reception with Gov. Brown, half-page page ad
  • Bronze $1,500 — assigned table, 10 tickets to dinner, 1/4 page ad
  • Supporter $1000 — VIP seating at dinner and ticket to VIP reception with Gov. Brown
  • Friend $500 — 2 premier seating tickets to dinner

Individual tickets: $145 per person $100 per person for Sustaining Members and Young Dems.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

10 thoughts on “Occupy the DPOC Truman Dinner, which will feature Gov. Jerry Brown”
  1. This is a WHOREFEST!

    This is for the lawyers to kick down $$$$$.

    If it was about party building, Dan and Chris would be sponsoring this.

    Instead of a stale hotel ballroom, they should be renting the YOST, yeah the contreveral EAST END/ FIESTA theatre. Or have the place that has “Fried Chicken”??? do it.

    This is yet another example of the old man’s party and the hangers on pretending.


  2. Why does the Act Blue page for the event say by Melahat Rafiei?

    Isn’t the event sponsored by the Orange County Democrats not Melahat?
    Why does she continue to shamelessly self promote herself at every turn?
    How much of a cut are the bankrupt OC Dems giving Melahat to bring to the event guest who buy tables every year?
    She sucked the party dry last time and yet she continues to suck the teet of a bankrupt party.
    When will they learn?

  3. How is it bad news for the Democratic party that our Governor and featured speaker has a libertarian bent? (which btw shouldn’t be capitalized unless you’re talking about the LP.)

  4. And I WISH he were more of a libertarian, but our Duane Roberts has documented his harsh law-and-order, prison-friendly record so far and dubbed him the “Great Incarcerator.” What he does believe in though is local control.

  5. What does AB847 have to do with a fund raiser for democrats?

    And what are the “Occupy protesters“ going to do? Ask for more of the same “Free ride”?

  6. Cook, the Occupy folks are not a monolithic political/thinking force. Many are not asking for anything at all that resembles a “free ride” or “hand Out”. We are asking for the federal government to do it’s job! We are asking for them to regulate Wall St. Get corporate lobbyist domination out of congress and the supreme court. and to audit the fed and make them transparent to reveal them as the private cartel that they are. P.S. The Truman protesters are not sponsored by “Occupy”. Some of them might be mutually involved though.

  7. The Democratic Party of Orange County lost somewhere between $0 and $Not Much in the freezing of campaign accounts, because (luckily for us) the Durkee scandal hit at our low ebb for the year, just before the Truman Dinner fundraising began.

    DPOC contracted with Melahat to run the event and the fundraising. In my opinion, based on the outstanding turnout last night, we got our money’s worth. The event came off beautifully. Seek scandal elsewhere.

  8. “In my opinion, based on the outstanding turnout last night, we got our money’s worth”….. Hmmmmm

    Encno simply does know how to count money.

    Thanks to Obama job plan and these Truman dinners, between yesterday a today the dollar lost its value versus EUR from 1.3250 to 1.3813 dollars per EUR.

    That is substantial.

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