Downtown Inc Annual Meeting
July 26th Thursday at 6:00 PM
Downtown Inc., 305 East 4th Street, Suite 200, Santa Ana
The Community Management District, Downtown Inc, has vacancies on the board. If you are a property owner, merchant or resident in the district, you are invited and encouraged to submit your name to be included on the ballot.
The community management district is looking for diversity to serve on the board. If you are a property owner, merchant or resident, please consider serving on the board to further the mission.
The mission of Downtown Incorporated is to facilitate the enhancement of Downtown Santa Ana as a vibrant shopping, entertainment, business and cultural destination for all.
The following seats are available:
Four Director Seats are up for election. This is a three year appointment ending July 2015. You must be a property owner or have a designated representative to serve on your behalf. You must be a property owner in the Community Management District (CMD).
Remaining seats are a one year appointment:
Two Merchant Seats are up for election. You must own or operate a business in the Community Management District (CMD).
One Resident Seat is up for election. You must live in the community management district.
All Board Directors must be members in good standing. All Directors and representatives are asked to serve on a committee and attend the monthly board meetings. The Standing Committees are: Organization and Resource Development, Safety and Physical Enhancement, Economic Enhancement, Marketing and Promotions, Events.
There are several ways to get on the ballot:
1. Send a letter of intent
2. Ask for a board application
3. Call Vicky Baxter at 714-547-6100 x 200
4. Email
5. Let one of the serving board directors know you are interested.
Please submit your interest in serving by July 23rd .
Be part of the process and get involved in YOUR downtown! The CMD is making a difference in downtown Santa Ana and your voice is needed. It takes all voices for a vibrant prosperous downtown. Let your voice be heard! Everyone is invited to the Annual Meeting.
You did not inform us how one gets elected. Who does the voting?
Good question. Not sure.
Is it my imagination or is that the Church of Scientology on the Downtown Inc. Logo?
Could be their building…