Check out what might be Santa Ana’s new fire department, this Saturday
The City of Santa Ana is considering outsourcing their fire department to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), to help reduce our budget deficit - which may be over thirty…
The City of Santa Ana is considering outsourcing their fire department to the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), to help reduce our budget deficit - which may be over thirty…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: OCTOBER 3, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Free Pumpkins at the Great Park Pumpkin Harvest and Food Drive Festivities Include a Harvest Walk, Pumpkin Patch and Pumpkin Decorating, Scarecrow…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SEPTEMBER 20, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Help Scare Away Hunger by Building a Scarecrow in the Park Organizations invited to compete in exhibition at Great Park…
Santa Ana residents were startled by a 3.5 magnitude earthquake at 2:56 am today, September 15, which was based eight miles away, in the San Joaquin Hills (near UCI), according…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Great Park Launches New Artists-in-Residence Program Public Program Begins with Fiber Artist Amy Caterina September 7, 2011 – IRVINE, California – The…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: JENN STARNES SEPTEMBER 7, 2011 949-724-6574 Great Park Launches New Artists-in-Residence Program Public Program Begins with Fiber Artist Amy Caterina September 7, 2011 – IRVINE, California…
TONY RACKAUCKAS, ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: September 1, 2011 Susan Kang Schroeder, Office: 714-347-8408, Cell: 714-292-2718 Chief of Staff Farrah Emami, Spokesperson, Office: 714-347-8405,…
Will Irvine Mayor Beth Krom support naming the O.C. Great Park after Harvey Milk? While everyone has been focusing on the ruckus between Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem Claudia Alvarez…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 23, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 The Del McCoury Band Brings Bluegrass to Flights & Sounds Summer Festival this Weekend Gospel R&B group H’Sao performs on Friday; Bluegrass legend…
TONY RACKAUCKAS, ORANGE COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY PRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Date: August 19, 2011 Susan Kang Schroeder, Office: 714-347-8408, Cell: 714-292-2718 Chief of Staff Farrah Emami, Spokesperson, Office: 714-347-8405,…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 12, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Great Park to Host NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Competition Young football fans compete for place in national contest IRVINE…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 2, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Great Park 2011 Flights & Sounds Summer Festival Launches This Weekend Disco August 5; Spend an Evening with Saxophonist Branford Marsalis August…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 27, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Branford Marsalis, Lucinda Williams and Preservation Hall Jazz Band Headline 2011 Flights & Sounds Summer Festival IRVINE –Grammy Award winning…
FSCNPX2863WQ If you are a Democrat, there is a lot going on this Wednesday, July 17, here in Orange County, including: Wednesday, July 27, 6-8:30pm, Fountain Valley: Democratic Club of…
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: JULY 20, 2011 CONTACT: JENN STARNES, 949-724-6574 Great Park Gallery Opens Saturday Inaugural exhibition features El Toro-inspired works on display in a renovated aviation building IRVINE – Jorg Dubin found…