Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Roman Reyna and David Benavides

UPDATED: There is now an agenda posted for a special City Council meeting set for Thursday, December 27, 2012 at 1:15 pm to evaluate the performance of the Santa Ana City Manager and City Attorney.

My sources are reporting that Santa Ana Council Member David Benavides is still planning on calling for a special Council meeting so that he and his cabal can try to fire Santa Ana City Manager Paul Walters, even as the city struggles with the attempt by the State of California to seize $56 million dollars in redevelopment money from our city coffers.

Walters and Mayor Miguel Pulido have their hands full dealing with Governor Jerry Brown’s administration – while Benavides and his lackeys are trying to arrange a coup.  The only problem for Benavides is that he needs five votes to dismiss Walters.  He has the support of Council Members Michele Martinez, Roman Reyna and Vince Sarmiento but Mayor Pro Tem Sal Tinajero is not budging.   He is standing with Walters.

New Council Member Angelica Amezcua is also supporting Walters, from what I understand.   So of course Benavides and company are focusing on turning Tinajero.  They are now allegedly threatening to remove the “Pro Tem” title from Tinajero.  I don’t think that will work.  Tinajero already got out of the way so that Benavides could launch his failed campaign for Mayor, now it is time for Tinajero to stand firm.  And I am hoping he will.

Allowing Benavides and his goons to hire a puppet City Manager is a horrible idea.  Remember that Benavides is being advised by the likes of Alfredo Amezcua and John Palacio.  Do you really want those people running City Hall?

What is driving all this?  From what I hear the folks that underwrote the attacks on Pulido, on Benavides’ behalf, now want their payback.  The Downtown Inc. mafia for example want to bring back the PBID so they can keep robbing other downtown businesses to feather their own nests.  It is ironic that Benavides and his junta ran on a platform of change when their real goal is to restore the power of those who prospered under deposed City Manager Dave Ream.

You also have to wonder if Benavides and his team have violated the Brown Act with all of these backroom discussions and deal-making…

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

16 thoughts on “Updated: City Council to go after Walters on 12/27”
  1. It seems that David and his “new majority” are all talk and no action. How many times have they made threats only to be bought of with a board appointment or some other political perk or goodie.

    This is a threat and nothing more. Martinez is also easily bought off as is Sarmiento. I think we all grew up with people like this who are all bark and no bite. Not to be crude but at Carr we called guys like this Pussies and the got their butts kicked a lot. I guess David is still smarting from his Political butt-kicking.

  2. Santa Ana gossip is that Michele Martinez has promised the Public Works Director, Raul Godinez,, the City Manager spot as soon as Walters is removed. Gossip is also that Michele and Raul have a very close and personal relationship.

  3. “Santa Ana gossip is that Michele Martinez has promised the Public Works Director, Raul Godinez,, the City Manager spot…”

    I’ve been hearing the same gossip but what he’s been promised from Martinez is something a little sweeter if you know what I mean!

  4. If the Santa Ana should prosper, Walters must go!

    After all didn’t you reassure me, that it was just temporary for him, until city finds permanent replacement?

    As I recall he was approved somewhat fraudulently by the council.

    The problem is that Benavides and Martinez think that they are smarter than I in spite proving them wrong on every issue since they got elected.

    So any new manager appointed by them would be as smart as they are so the Santa Ana is in real problem since there is missing IQ element on the council.

  5. This is a hugely important position. Especially right now given the dire straits the city is in financially.

    There are not a lot of qualified canidates, without going on a nationwide search, which is both lengthy and costly.

    When you consider Santa Ana’s population is equal or greater than cities like St. Louis or Tampa the importance of this position is not something that can or should be taken lightly.

    My guess is it’s more about political posturing rather than governing the city.

  6. “This is a hugely important position.”……. Hmmmmmm

    That is why a COP without any economical background shouldn’t hod it.

    So far he did not do anything except for shifting the cost to the county.

    There is still enormous structural (not budget) deficit which he has no clue how to fix.

    It is also relatively simple to resolve the issue with the $56 mill. but he as no clue how.

    I could probably do much better job than he does and probably have higher qualifications than he does.

    So in my mind he must go!

  7. The only way to get to the bottom of the Santa Ana problems is to conduct general audit.

    That should be much easier to accomplish that removing Walters.

    Santa Ana is a house of cards and will fall same as did city of Bell.

    There will be lot of criminal prosecution too as result.

  8. I’m all for having most of our employees be Latino but should Walters be fired for being a Gringo? Is that fair or right? Did the Police Employee Union tell them they have to get rid of Walters? That ain’t right.

    1. “I’m all for having most of our employees be Latino”……… Hmmmmmmmm


      You can’t even support yourself in Mexico and have to beg Gringo for amnesty and have deficient IQ and have to beg Gringo for affirmative action in education, housing, food and everything else.

      Walters must go because he did hired too many Latinos as Chief of Police and as the Manager.

  9. Walters might want to watch this for a little psych up before the Council meeting where he has to face the new Political Gang at city hall.

  10. Who cares as long as the money keeps flowing this way!

    The school teacher can have him! I get the $$$$$.

    Plus, no ugly kids!

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