Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Fiesta Teatro

Cinematheque will be taking over all programming at Downtown Santa Ana’s Fiesta Twin Theatre/Fiesta Teatro this coming September, according to the Long Beach Post.

Cinematheque is “a new film programmer coming to the cinemas–direct from El Long Beach–to fulfill indie-, student- and LGBT-movie dreams,” according to the OC Weekly.

The Fiesta Twin Theatre is the only movie theater in Santa Ana that shows new first-run movies in Spanish or in English with Spanish subtitles.  Make no mistake about this – the Chase family is once again opting for “gaytrification.”

That was of course the real goal of Don Cribb, the supposed founder of the Artists Village.  So he must be pretty pleased by this.

Poor Sam Romero.  He operates a tiny Catholic curios store next to the Yost Theatre, in the same “East End Promenade” where the Fiesta is located.  The Chase family’s motto appears to be “go gay or go away.”

But is this all necessarily bad?  Gay clientele have a lot of income and don’t usually break many laws.  However this move will give Santa Ana’s families even less reason to visit the Downtown area – which will hurt businesses like Romero’s who are already hurting because so many immigrants have left our city and either gone back home or moved to other areas.

The silver lining in all this is that the creepy men who congregate at night in Santa Ana’s Santiago Park will now have somewhere else to hook up in the dark.

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Art Pedroza Editor
Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

By Art Pedroza

Our Editor, Art Pedroza, worked at the O.C. Register and the OC Weekly and studied journalism at CSUF and UCI. He has lived in Santa Ana for over 30 years and has served on several city and county commissions. When he is not writing or editing Pedroza specializes in risk control and occupational safety. He also teaches part time at Cerritos College and CSUF. Pedroza has an MBA from Keller University.

11 thoughts on “A Long Beach film programmer will be taking over Santa Ana’s Fiesta Teatro”
  1. Wow, this is just a fantastically homophobic diatribe, now isn’t it? Really good stuff. While it is pointed out that it fulfills Indie, Student AND LGBT movie “dreams,” you certainly played the focus to one of them; or do you just associate all of those types of films as “gaytrification?”

    There is obviously something at play in terms of income generation that allowed this to occur. If the Fiesta theater was killing it and bringing in a solid chunk of change using this niche model, this probably wouldn’t have occurred. I imagine you don’t believe that, because you think it solely has to do with “gaytrification/gentrification,” but above all else, and for better or worse, money talks.

    1. What doesn’t make sense is the Chase family pushing Latino owned businesses that cater to local families out of our Downtown and replacing them with businesses that cater to folks who for the most part don’t live here.

      Families are not going to visit this theater after it changes over in September, guaranteed.

      1. Read the last line I wrote, again. Anyone that owns land is going to explore the options that promote more revenue generation. If the local families were frequenting the establishments, this would not be as likely (would probably still happen, just because of the direction of Downtown, though). People do not typically do things like this by just putting on a blindfold and firing blindly. There is thought and planning involved, and this fits where the area is headed. What about that doesn’t “make sense?” I understand a bitterness about gentrification, but your method of criticism is misplaced.

        You are right, local Latino families will not visit this theater, now. But the theater was pretty beat up and someone saw an opportunity to clean it up and take it in a new direction. This is not a new idea.

  2. Congratulations, Art: you’ve reached a new low of ignorance and homophobia.

    For your information, I happen to be a gay person who doesn’t have a lot of money and I don’t break any laws (not just ‘many,’ as you condescendingly suggest). Also, I don’t do anything in movie theaters aside from watch movies and I don’t go to parks for any other reason than to enjoy being outside. Your generalizations are not just absurd, they’re hurtful and they only serve to discredit you and make you look foolish.

    I’m proud to call Santa Ana my home and I’m always happy when I discover an opportunity to spend my money within city limits rather than somewhere else. That’s why I look forward to checking out the theater after its format change. I’ve never visited it in its current iteration, but it will be nice to have an art house within walking distance of my home.

    1. From http://www.timeout.com/los-angeles/music-nightlife/gay-la-the-best-gay-cruising-spots-in-los-angeles

      Studs Theatre

      When the hour is late and the desire to hook up is strong, Studs Theatre is a port of last resort for some sexed-up WeHo residents and tourists—though few will actually admit to having ever been there. An adult film multiplex, Studs Theatre streams the latest gay porn on four screens while patrons get frisky with one another in their seats, often engaging in real-time live reenactments of the action on the movie screens (though such behavior is strictly prohibited because, of course, we all know the reason to go to a theatre alone to watch an adult porn is to solemnly appreciate the art of the work). For the record, the cruising allegedly happens in the bathrooms and hallways outside of the theaters or in the theater’s mini-café. The action then follows in the theaters…or so I’ve been told because I’ve never admitted to having ever been inside the theater.

      7734 Santa Monica Blvd.

  3. What is WRONG with you?? You have the Latino interest, but then you insult an entire gay community with ridiculous posts and links??? OMG Art! There are also many gay Latinos who deserve to be heard. Gay people are not all fairies and overt homosexuals who corrupt youth! The vast majority of gay people are just people. They live among us, they eat with us, they work with us. Stop it!

    1. I am quite familiar with gay demographics. And I am no homophobe. But I don’t like what the Chase family is doing to Downtown Santa Ana.

      There is nothing we can do about it. The properties belong to the Chase family. But don’t expect me to support this gaytrification of our Downtown. Not when it is coming at the expense of Latino business owners and businesses that cater to our local families.

      1. I’m loving the changes! Too cool. So many new things coming up in Downtown Santa Ana! Busy, busy.

      2. There are still PLENTY of Latino businesses to cater to local families throughout the city of Santa Ana, so that argument is silly. It is not uncommon for a Downtown area to go through ebbs and flows, and the the current flow of DTSA is to a more hip/urban feel. I hate to break it to you, but this direction is not going to change. Once the lofts went in, it brought an entirely new dynamic to the area that will stay that way. You can rail against it, but you are just putting undue stress on yourself. Of course, this makes no mention of your supposed conditional homophobia, which is hilarious.

        1. I support gay marriage, gay adoption, gay military service and most other gay rights. I don’t like what is happening in our downtown. It is a disservice to the families in our city. But I’m not losing sleep over this. I won’t be shopping at any of these businesses.

          Please note that we did include many of these businesses in our St. Patrick’s Day event coverage. We will continue to report on downtown events involving these businesses. I just won’t be patronizing them myself.

  4. The Chase family has a big obscurity soul in them. Why are they buying Fiesta Twin Theatre, what? they dont have enough! You greedy bastards!!!
    Do you ever think of the employees manager’s owner’s? !!!
    Why don’t you think of other thing besides money. Be Greatful that you have money unlike other bearly have money to survive!!!

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