By: SAUSD Trustee Cecilia Iglesias
Why is the Santa Ana Unified School District Intentionally misleading community members and parents on the true academic achievement of the District?
At Friday’s Superintendent Breakfast, Dr. Stefanie Phillips reported to a full house of over 400 community members that 69% of the students are reading (ELA) proficient. Where did she get those numbers from? According to the new results reported by the California Department of Education, Santa Ana Unified School District is 28% proficient in ELA and 22% proficient in Math.

SAUSD has decreased enrollment in the last 3 years and they blame it on Charter Schools – playing the blame game. However parents know best! Just to compare: Samueli Academy, a local charter school, has an ELA proficiency of 79% and 51% proficiency in Math. Click here for the data.
The SAUSD must recognize they have academic achievement problem if they want to retain parents in schools that are failing our students.
Right now, the California Department of Education is relying on a single, unproven test to provide the numbers that Ms. Iglesias is publishing. There are other, well-established and accredited measures of fluency.
Why rely on a single measure that may give a horribly skewed picture?
Like the horribly skewed data the SAUSD is using to promote their schools?
Really? Which data are they using that is skewed?
LOL. Didn’t you bother to read the post?
LOL. Yes, I did. Ceci is citing the SBAC results. A 3-year old test on a platform with which the children have minimal familiarity, yielding highly unreliable results.
Now, what “skewed” data source are YOU talking about? (Clarifying, because evidently the original question was over your head.). Ceci even acknowledged in the post that she didn’t know what data Dr. Phillips was citing.
Of course, as a board trustee, she could have asked…