To the Owners of ESports /Santa Ana – Tyler Endres and Paul Ward
Re: Make Cali Great Event at ESports “Summer of Conservatism”
Note – a friend wrote this on Facebook but asked us to keep her name out of it
Upon learning that your establishment was being rented to the Make Cali Great organization for their “Summer of Conservatism” event. I, along with other community members of Santa Ana became extremely alarmed and upset to see that your venue (the ESports Arena in DTSA) would be given hate speech a platform to speak in the middle of Downtown Santa Ana/LA CUATRO.
The event highlighted keynote speaker Kyle Chapman a.k.a. “Based Stickman” who became famous when he got arrested in Berkeley for assault with a deadly weapon after hitting a protestor in the head. He is currently out on bail.
Make no mistake that this Alt-Right organization and its supporters and presenters go around choosing locations where they can agitate the community and incite violence under the pretense of “free speech”.
Choosing Santa Ana as a location for their event where more than 80% of its population is Latino, of mostly of Mexican immigrants is definitely not a coincidence.
When their topics include Sanctuary Cities and how to fight them, “illegal immigration” and also false claims of undocumented people voting in the last election, you can be certain that the climate would be hostile to say the least. As Americans we keep witnessing hate crimes on the rise against communities of color, like the tragedy that just happened in Portland.

Because of all these reasons and the latest violent attack on the Santa Ana immigrant community by Alt-Right groups infiltrating Congressman Lou Correa immigration forum where violence erupted just this week, my concern was for the SAFETY of our community and it was imperative to get this event canceled at your venue.
Some social media posts where made about forming a plan of protest an activism. I reached out to the business community as well through Downtown Inc, as I felt that all the business in the are needed to know about the event. Ryan Smolar communicated with you about our collective concerns. I wanted to start a petition from the community to get this event rental canceled by you but I NEVER threatened violence against you or any of your employees and no one else in my thread threaten violence either. I threatened to protest you at your home which is a known activist tactic in the Labor movement. Some threatened to boycott your organization if our demands were not met but again we NEVER threatened you personally or your business with organized “flights” of violence.
Upon learning about the statement that was released to Ryan Smolar from Downtown Inc. That you had decided to cancel the event for the benefit of the community and for the safety concerns with in the community we were relieved and felt positive that you understood the community you came to be a part of in Santa Ana. You even went beyond and opened up your facility instead to our community for free on July 9th for a meet and greet.
Unfortunately, yesterday I learned that your statement was just a public relations stunt that was so incredible thoughtless and now we have a REAL threat of violence towards me and our community by the Alt-Right. Your cancellation communication to Victor Tu from the Make Cali Great from Brittney Rodriguez was blasted all over the Make a Cali Great event in social media.
When you use language like “these people have made personal threats against the owners of Esports Arena” and “I am deeply saddened by having to release your event”, “As a startup this risk that we cannot take to our reputation” to cancel the event to the organizers of the Make Cali Great you are inciting violence against our community and myself personally with your statements. In the Make Cali Great Facebook page there over 30 threats of violence towards our community.
The email has been made public by the Make Cali Great organization and they are threatening with calling the FBI as they see the email as proof of a “domestic terrorism” threat against you and your business. Your lack of ethics and truth is truly appalling.
When your organization uses a completely different tone, language and reason for canceling the event to the Make Cali Great organization than the statement given to Ryan Smolar, you are being dishonest to the community that you came to be a part off.
Hate crimes on the rise against communities of color? LOL Hispanics attack Whites at a rate of 8:1 and Black’s attack whites at a rate of 27:1. So how about you shut the hell up and get a clue. If you have such a problem with violence and hate, how about you write an article about the RESIDENTS OF SANTA ANA. Shootings everyday. Retarded animals in the street blocking off intersections and freeways, rioting over free elections and worthless gangbangers who were shot by cops. People attacking and intimidating police, screaming brown lives because they’re too uneducated to analyze basic statistics. Yet you’re crying about this? Talking about illegal immigration and how we can stop or slow it is NOT hate speech. Talking about the idiocy of sanctuary cities is NOT hate speech. Talking about illegals voting in elections is NOT hate speech.
You’re shitting me with your statistics right? Do you know that there is more white on white crimes then there is of any other race? Or how about the number of arrest made because of DA or drug charges? How about the statistic of welfare? Do you know who uses that more then others? Don’t be a blinded, uneducated mongoloid. How about you open your eyes and see the real problems that are presented to you. I mean, you seem to be a person that also think climate change is hoax. Don’t be petty and throw out numbers in ratio form to sound like you know what you speak of. And as a veteran, I’m still proud to say I served so everyone can have a voice, even if it’s idiotic.
Firat of all IDGAF if you’re a veteran you retarded ape. Learn to do basic math and then try again, okay? First of all, Whites do NOT commit the most violent crime or anywhere close to it despite comprising 60% of the population, and if you’d passed 5th grade math you’d understand what proportionality is. Hispanics attack Whites at a rate of 8:1 and Blacks attack Whites at a rate of 27:1. Hispanics and Blacks not only commit way more homicide per capita but they are far more likely to attack police. Blacks kill more people than every other demo combined. The ONLY group that commits less violent crime than Whites is Asians. As for Welfare, Whites are 60% of the population and collect 40% of welfare. Blacks are 13% of the population and collect 26% of welfare. That means Whites are 33% under represented and blacks are 100% over represented. Your numbers are 100% wrong and it’s hilarious when uneducated children like you pretend to know what you’re talking about. You’re too f*cking stupid to analyze simple statistics and yet you want to talk down to me? My god I hope you don’t have children because they must be pitifully uneducated if so.
IDGAF if you’re a veteran you retarded ape. How about you learn to do simple math before you talk shit, okay? First of all, Whites do NOT commit the most violent crime or anywhere close to it despite comprising 60% of the population, and if you’d passed 5th grade math you’d understand that because you’d know what proportionality is. Hispanics attack Whites at a rate of 8:1 and Blacks attack Whites at a rate of 27:1. Both Hispanics and Blacks are far more likely to commit inter racial violence, attack cops, commit homicide, and collect government assistance. The ONLY group that commits less violent crime than Whites is Asians. As for Welfare, Whites are 60% of the population and collect 40% of welfare. Blacks are 13% of the population and collect 26% of welfare. That means Whites are 33% under represented and blacks are 100% over represented in the system. Again, if you’d graduated elementary school you’d understand this you worthless pos. Your numbers are 110%% wrong and it’s hilarious when uneducated children like you pretend to know what you’re talking about. Please never reproduce. You are a waste of oxygen.
Here are the statistics David. Want me to pull the welfare numbers out too? LOL. Go back to school you pathetic waste of life.
List some White ghettos where there’s lots of drive bys right now. Then I’ll list some Hispanic and Black ghettos. You really want to go down this road? Lol everyone KNOWS whites commit less violent crime by a long shot. Name ONE CITY OR NEIGHBORHOOD IN THE COUNTRY that is mostly White where drive bys are a regular occurrence. Just one. I will respond with a list of Hispanic or black hoods where it happens daily. Go f*ck yourself you illiterate cockroach. I’ll be damned I’d I let some self righteous prick who can’t read or do math talk down to me.
BTW you did NOT fight for my right to speak. You fought for petroleum most likely.
instead of whining in facebook about the evils of the “Alt right”, you should do something about the gangs and their supporters in the city government who are not only destroying their own shit bag town, but exporting their mayhem to the rest of oc.
The homeless are a big problem as well. I just called the police this morning to report a guy who was loitering by my credit union ATM and harassing the women. We cannot stand idly by and let these craven people get away with such actions.
Agree 100%
I read the Esports email – it is not any where near a BFD as what some people are making it out to be. Esports cancelled the event as was likely the right thing to do – ’nuff said ….
You can’t read or do math and yet you call me a mongoloid. Go figure. Here are the numbers 🙂 go kys
This is directed at David ^ and anyone else who thinks my numbers are wrong. Educate yourselves or don’t open your trap.