Deceased former Republican Party of Orange County Chairman Tom Fuentes “scripted his funeral ritual last August with one of his former seminary classmates and refined it in the intervening months,” according to his longtime friend, O.C. Register columnist Frank Mickadeit.
As usual, when it came to Fuentes, there is more to the story. The OC Weekly’s Gustavo Arellano scrutinized the list of guest speakers and attendees at Fuentes’ funeral and he found a gaggle of pedophile apologists:
*Giving the homily was the man who replaced Fuentes as communications director, Lawrence Baird. Baird was a notorious asshole to many sex-abuse victims, defended vile pedophile Michael Harris as “an icon to the priesthood” to the media even as the Orange diocese knew he was a pedophile rapist, and even once sued a sex-abuse victim for defamation (he lost). Yet Fuentes wanted this man to give the homily? Birds of a feather…
*Two other speakers at Fuentes’ funeral: current GOP chair Scott Baugh and eternal conservative moron Hugh Hewitt. Baugh was (is?) good pals with convicted pederast Jeffrey Nielsen, while Hewitt consistently spins for pedo-protecting bishops.
*In the crowd was Matt Cunningham, local political hack most notorious for outing sex-abuse victims and for being a big fan of the most cretinous Catholic of them all, John Urell. Fuentes and his family should’ve banned this pendejo long ago from family gatherings; that he was even allowed into the funeral says all you need to know about Tom’s judgement of character.
*Dishonorable mention goes to Orange County Register columnist Frank Mickadeit, who, while not a pedophile apologist by any means, is so smitten with Fuentes and the GOP officials who return his calls that he’s blind to all truths right now. Really, Frank? Describing Baird as “one of the few speakers who could match Tom’s own eloquence?” Baird sure as hell wasn’t eloquent all those times he could’ve called law enforcement on the Orange diocese’s pedo-priests but didn’t, just like his predecessor, Fuentes.
Wow. No bueno!
But who really was Fuentes?
Click here to read the rest of this article.
“Was Fuentes a closeted gay man in addition to being a pedo defender? I guess there are some things we will never know”
I once heard from a political insider, with no ax to grind, that there are many GOP elected officials in the O.C. that fit in to that catagory. The names mentioned would shock many of the blue haired ladies who man the GOP booth at the Orange County Fair. I still can’t figure out why Fuentes and others close to him would defend the actions of the Catholic Church. I remember in the 1970’s Father Harris of Mater Dei inviting large groups of O.C. boys to his house for “movie nights”. I’m now glad my parents would not let me attend. Why would Fuentes want to live a Catholic life let alone have a Catholic Death? Why would Frank M. like him so much?