Fri. Jul 26th, 2024

“Orange County Supervisor Janet Nguyen caused an uproar this month when she abruptly proposed major changes to CalOptima, the county’s $1.3-billion program that provides medical coverage to about 430,000 poor adults and children,” according to the Voice of OC.

I wondered at the time just what the heck Nguyen was up to.  Now we know.  “Early this month Nguyen proposed major changes to the composition of the CalOptima board that would have given control to businesses and providers and reduced the influence of groups that represent the poor who use the medical services.”

Now that sounds like Nguyen.  She is all about using government power to reward her supporters.  I remember when she voted against letter grade ratings for restaurants.  Sure enough, I found that she had accepted thousands of dollars from restaurants with major health violations.

Now Nguyen has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar once again.  How sad it is that the First District Supervisor spends so much time trying to figure out how to screw her poor constituents.  I hope it is true that State Senator Lou Correa is thinking about running against her next year.  Someone needs to restore sanity, and compassion, to the First District!

One more juicy quote from the Voice of OC – “Nguyen, according to critics, wanted to further dilute the voice of consumers by requiring that the consumer seat be held by someone who uses CalOptima, not by a nonprofit that represents them.”

Click here to read the rest of their great post exposing Nguyen for the foul greedy beast that she really is.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

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The New Santa Ana blog has been covering news, events and politics in Santa Ana since 2009.

One thought on “Supervisor Nguyen gets caught trying to disenfranchise the poor”
  1. I know that you want to talk about Janet. but I have the munchies And I need some Carnitas really bad.

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